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A Heather Pariso Tribute
Heather was nice enough . . .

. . .  to allow the use of a few of her copyrighted pictures so you -- my visitors -- can meet her.  Some of you may not need an introduction, since Heather is very well known on the web.  She has won some of the biggest Internet beauty competitions, has been a cover girl on a long list of magazines, and has modeling credits that seem to scroll endlessly up the screen.   Let's enjoy some of Heather's modeling photos.
Heather with a bike . . .

Heather has done all types of modeling, including swimsuit, fashion, lingerie, and others.  However, she has had some of her best success with 'cycle and hot car magazines.  She has appeared on the covers of a number of these.  She also owns a couple of bikes herself and loves to ride them.

This photo shows off . . .

. . . Heather's remarkable beauty.  She's really quite gorgeous, as I am sure you will agree. 

To visit Heather's site and read her own comments on her career, as well as to find many more photos of this lovely model, just
click here -- or you can continue down and click Heather's banner below.
Thanks very much to Heather for allowing us to use a few of her copyrighted photos for this "tribute."  Visit her site and learn more about this "cool" model.  Please do not copy or post any of these photos without express permission of the model.
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