<BGSOUND SRC="heisarisen.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
June Models
Tiger Sisters

Within tiger sisters
both young and old,
a tiger lies sleeping.

These tiger sisters are
shape-changers, were-tigers.
These huntresses
know the secret ways--
They prowl the living dark
They sense the deep currents. 

Shy men or half-men
panic, cry "danger!" --
and stampede like startled cattle
back to the rangelands
of small-town cop-patrolled streets.

A few men
dare to awaken
the tiger sleeping in a lady's eyes.
Hey, Joe!

Yea, I'm talkin' to YOU!

Marry this gal.  How 'bout it?

Well, women are impossible
    to understand anyway-- then
       you go marry one who's Japanese?

And you're just an average Yank guy?

Well, mister, you have set sail
   on a big adventure--
      you are going to discover
          more new worlds than Columbus!

Joe, I ENVY you!
Prom Queen

Prom queen, queen of hearts,
Somebody's daughter, somebody's sweetheart--

Here you are, the little lady
    who used to play with Barbie
         and throw sticks for the dog--

Now--  Lord, your mom spends a bundle
    for a black formal dress, and a perm for you--

And NOW what are you?
    Still somebody's daughter-- or granddaughter--
         But beautiful, that's what!

Still the same kid that fell
      Out of the backyard tree a couple times--

But lord, Honey--
      You've done grown up on us!

The only model with a name this month is Reiko Kato, the Japanese woman.   She has appeared on my web page several times.  I much admire her mature, womanly beauty.  She always projects so much personal warmth, as well.

I wish I knew the names of the other models.   If someone informs me, I will add their names.  They just appear on "mass production" thumbnail sites as series numbers.

None of these photos are from sites that warn of copyrighted material.   They are all from thumbnail sites that claim to have
uncopyrighted material from the WWW.   If someone's been dishonest here (not me), and any proprietary photo appears above, please email me and I will immediately take the photo(s) down.

The text blocks above, for all their shortcomings, are original compositions by the webmaster (me).   Thanks so much, all of you.  My main entry page (the models menu page) is now around 13,500 hits.   My poem "Hey, Joe!" may reflect the fact that I married a foreign woman of a different race--  23 happy years ago.

Bless you all.  Males, take good care of the women in your life.  They are REAL special ! !

[Music is "He Has Arisen"  --  source unknown.   Thanks to M.T.]

-- Glyptodont
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