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Welcome by the MCs

Speech by Councillor Guy Senior

Emiliano’s Trio – Goan Music

Larryboy & Troupe – Konkani Songs

Ian Rebello/João Paulo Cota - Jazz Duet

GMS Ensemble Group – Corridinho Dance

Stefan Tavares – Piano

Evangeline & Mervin Peters – Violin/Tabla Duet

Cheryl Saldanha – Piano

GMS Youth Orchestra



Photography Exhibition “Glimpses of Goa”
by Dr Iggy Tavares


Konkani 1-Act Comedy Play “Vestid” (The Dress)

José (Max) Miranda – Guitar

GMS Ensemble Group – Mando “Doriache lharari”

Viola da Cunha & Rose – Spanish Songs

GMS Ensemble – Konkani and Portuguese Instrumentals

Raffle Draw and Prizes Distribution

Viola da Cunha – “Adeus korcho vellu paulo”

Vote of thanks by GMS General Secretary




Willania Fernandes
Tony Luis





A Goan Cultural Evening

The Goan Musical Society (GMS), London, participated in the Wandsworth Arts 
Festival 2000 currently being held in South London until the 26th of November 2000. 
The GMS staged its own cultural show entitled "A Goan Cultural Evening" 
on the 11th November 2000 at the ADT Hall, Putney, South West London,
 from 6.30 pm to 10.15 pm. 

This cultural event has been held now for three years in succession. As in previous years, it
 proved extremely popular and all tickets were sold out, despite the awful weather this year.

In the programme for "A Goan Cultural Evening", a number of 49 professional, 
amateur and young performers performed various pieces of music both
 classical and non-classical as well as Goan folk music.

 The guests included the Mayor and Mayoress of Wandsworth - Mr and Mrs John Garrett,
Councillor Guy Senior and Mr. Charlie Catling - Principal Arts Officer,
 both from  Wandsworth Arts Council, 
Patricia Rosario - Internationally known Goan Soprano,
 Eddie Fernandes - Goanet-UK editor, and his wife Mrs. Lira Fernandes,
Mr. Andy D'Souza - Air India Finance Director, and his wife,
Mr. Elliot Bocaro - Air India Sales Manager, and his wife.

The programme began with a speech by Wandsworth Councillor Guy Senior.
 It was followed by a scintillating performance by Emiliano da Cruz and his Trio from Goa. 
(Emiliano da Cruz - violin/mandolim, Avelino Cardozo - mandolim, recorder and 
Mario Menezes - 12 strings acoustic guitar).
They played a mixture of favourite Goan, Portuguese melodies and classical music.

 The next item comprised a medley of Konkani songs from a recent Konkani tiatr (drama)
 entitled "Guspot" ably performed by Larryboy, Gregg Carvalho and company.

Ian Rebello on the alto sax and João Paulo Cota on the classical guitar 
 provided a jazz duet which was then followed by a medley of Portuguese Corridinho
songs and dances by the 26 strong GMS Ensemble Group members from South London.

In the young performer's time, Stefan Tavares (aged 12 years) started off by playing two 
classical pieces on the piano. Evangeline (violin) and Mervin Peters (violin/tabla) then
 played some outstanding South Indian Carnatic music. Cheryl Saldanha (21) followed
 with "Havn Saiba blues", a popular Goan folk melody, which was specially set to blues 
rhythm for piano by a Goan-American pianist Judy Luis-Watson.
Francis Po accompanied Cheryl on the Gummot (Goan percussion earthernware drum).

The 10-member GMS Youth Orchestra concluded the first half of the programme by playing
 "Goan Rhapsody No 2" specially composed for the occasion by Emiliano da Cruz.

During the interval, the audience had the opportunity to appreciate "Glimpses of Goa",
 an excellent photographic exhibition depicting scenes, churches and flora in Goa,  set up by
 the London-based Goan scientist and amateur photographer, Dr Iggy Tavares.
 Traditional Goan food was also served.

The second half of the programme started with a comedy skit in Konkani called "Vestid" 
(The dress) by Larryboy and his troupe. English words were used in the script to help the
 audience to follow the storyline. 
The next item by a master of the classical guitar, José (Max) Miranda was well
 appreciated by both bossanova and classical music lovers. 
A traditional Goan mando "Doriache Lharari" was sung by the GMS Ensemble Choral
 Group while Agnelo Carneiro and Veena Dias, dressed in traditional costume, beautifully
 danced the mando and dulpods.
 A renowned Goan soprano, Viola da Cunha Mezzo Soprano, accompanied 
on the Classical guitar by Rose Andresier then presented five Spanish songs by de Falla.
 This was followed by some Goan and Portuguese instrumentals performed by the
 GMS Ensemble Musicians.

The raffle draw had a good response and the prizes were handed over to the winners by
 Air India Finance Director, Mr. Andy D'Souza.

Viola da Cunha concluded the programme with a rendition of 
"Adeus korcho vellu paulo", a traditional Goan farewell song.

The audience, which included music-lovers from the Channel Islands, Southampton,
 Watford,  Essex as well as the MP for Putney, Mr. Tony Colman, were very visibly 
appreciative of the professionally-executed programme.

Compères Tony Luis and Willania Fernandes were excellent.

The GMS Committee is extremely grateful to the many coordinators and volunteers
 who put in a great deal of hard work towards the organisation of the show, 
as well to Wandsworth Arts Council and the caretaker/staff of the
 ADT College for their support.


Participants, Volunteers and Coordinators:

The complete set of photos:


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