One of the GMS practices, one week before the show...

(30th October 1999)


Standing (L to R): Tony D'Mello, Adolfo Saldanha, Paul D'Souza, Keith Ferreira,
Elma Cota, Angela Carneiro, Anita Rebello, Sandra Marques, Maria Lydia Pereira,
Marilia De Souza, Francis Po, João Paulo Cota and Paulo Colaço Dias.
Squatting: Ben Dias, Mathias Sequeira and Gabriel Figueiredo.

Back row(L to R): William Marques, Mark Remedios, James Eagle and Michael D'Sa
Front row(L to R): Lisa Remedios, Rhona Marques, Marissa and Emily Saldanha.

Lively instrumental music by young Goan performers and the GMS Ensemble.

Dylan Marques, Mark Fernandes, Rebecca D'Costa, Tony D'Mello, Lloyd Carrasco

Minette Paes


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