Goan Musical Society, Leicestershire

The Goan Musical Society, Leicestershire Branch, was recently formed and announced

by the GMS Chairman, Rene Barreto, during the 'Goan Cultural Afternoon' Programme,

on the 15th November 1998.

The people involved are Father John Tavares, Mario Fernandes, Sartorit Godinho,

Imam Shiakh, Joaquim Rofrigues and Mrs. Maria-Filomena DeSouza.

During the programme 'A Goan Cultural Afternoon', on the 15th November 1998,

the Goan Musical Society of Leicestershire was represented by

'NEW SENSATION' (Romeo DeSouza, Santos Fernandes and Maria-Elena DeSouza)


RAMS (Reginald, Alastair, Maria-Elena and Stuart DeSouza) a family quartet.

RAMS are the children of Romeu and Filomena DeSouza.

Both groups performed with some excellent musical pieces.

Well done GMS LEICESTER ! Welcome !



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