Goan Musical Society

Second General Meeting

for GMS Members

The Goan Musical Society held a social get-together
for its members followed by the second
Annual General Meeting on Sunday,
7 October 2001 at the Vestry Hall, Mitcham.

The event was a success with 19 members attending
and culminated with the election of a new Committee.

In the absence of a Chairman,
Paulo Colaço Dias took the Chair.
He welcomed all present, thanked the outgoing Committee
for their voluntary commitment and dedication
and successful term of office.
He requested all to bring in more members and
spoke of the email lists that have been created to improve
communication and provide information.
The website was also constantly updated.

1. Members then proceeded to introduce themselves.

2. Anita Rebello, General Secretary, stated that
the work of the GMS in the past 2 years had been
possible and successful due largely to a dedicated band
of volunteers on the Committee that had received much support
from its members, and other organizations.
She hoped that the new Committee would further promote
the Objectives and continue this success.

3. Kerwin Fernandes, Treasurer, submitted his
report and accounts for 1999-2000 and 2000-2001.
He stated that we would continue the current practice
of not charging membership fees. The audited accounts were adopted.

4. João Paulo Cota, Music/Programme Director,
reported that the past 3 years had been busy but enjoyable,
with the GMS Ensemble’s participating in various
Shows and programmes. The GMS had dealt with various
enquiries both from within and outside the UK.
The society also supported a project in Goa called “Peacehaven”
by donating a music organ to the children.
It is intended to carry on helping the children whose
parents are unable to afford fees to further their musical education.
He intended to promote the music composed by his mentor,
the late Fr Lourdinho Barreto in the coming year.

5. The election of a new Chairperson then took place.
Alfred Rebello, who was nominated by Elma Cota
and seconded by João Paulo, accepted the
post and so proceeded to chair the meeting.

6. The election of the rest of the Committee
posts then took place.

7. Before the meeting concluded, it was
agreed that a new post of “Dance Coordinator”
be created.

The new elected GMS Committee 2001/2002
is formed by:


Post Holder

Nominated by

Seconded by


Alfred Rebello

Elma Cota

João Paulo Cota


Ray Lobo

Anita Rebello

Sandra Marques

General Secretary

Elma Cota

Alfred Rebello

Selina de Sá

Membership Secretary

Selina de Sá

Sandra Marques

Paulo Colaço Dias


Kerwin Fernandes

João Paulo Cota

Norman Cortez

Music/Programme Director

João Paulo Cota

Sandra Marques

Anita Rebello

Publicity Officer (shared)

Bernadette Menezes

Selina de Sá

Adolfo Saldanha

Publicity Officer (shared)

Charmian Rebello

Anita Rebello

Lydia Pereira

Executive Member (Youth Co-ordinator)

Raymond Fernandes

Paulo Colaço Dias

Kerwin Fernandes

Executive Member

Norman Cortez

Elma Cota

Kerwin Fernandes

Executive Member

Marilia de Souza

Anita Rebello

Elma Cota

GMS Rep for Ethnic Minority Centre

Lydia Pereira

Sandra Marques

Anita Rebello

Technical Support & Web site

Paulo Colaço Dias

João Paulo Cota

Raymond Fernandes

GMS Rep for Leicester

Mario Fernandes


GMS Rep for Goa

Angelo d'Souza    

GMS Committee E-mail: [email protected]

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