Goan Musical Society

Third General Meeting

for GMS Members

The Goan Musical Society held a social get-together
for its members followed by the third
Annual General Meeting on Saturday,
7 June 2003 at the Vestry Hall, Mitcham.

Present:  13 members      Apologies:  4 members

The Chairman, Alfred Rebello, welcomed those present and thanked the Committee for all their work during their 2-year term of office.   During the 2 years, the GMS had participated in several multicultural events in Merton, as well as provided the choir at the Mass to celebrate St Francis Xavier’s feast at the invitation of the Goan Overseas Association.    Further thanks were accorded to all those who were involved or participated in the GMS event on 10 May “A Goan Cultural Evening”, which had again proved a successful and enjoyable evening.  Special mention went to João Paulo Cota for his musical direction and programme content, Norman Cortez  for his coordination efforts with the various dance groups and Tony Luis, for his excellent compère role.   Making Music and funds from London Arts supported the event.

Qualification for membership of Making Music, meant that it became necessary to make a few changes to the GMS constitution.  Members were advised of the proposed changes via the first GMS Newsletter (set up by Elma Cota) as well as on the website, which is kept constantly updated by Paulo Colaço Dias.  Paulo’s support is greatly appreciated.   There were no objections to these amendments and the changes were adopted.

The meeting then followed with the Treasurer’s report by Kerwin Fernandes and presentation of the audited accounts – one at end March 2002 and the other at end March 2003, for which thanks go to Mike Craig.  The audited accounts were adopted.

The election of the new committee then took place as follows:

The new elected GMS Committee 2003/2004
is formed by:


Alfred Rebello (re-elected)


Kerwin Fernandes (re-elected)

General Secretary

Anita Rebello

Publicity Officer

Norman Cortez

Assistant Secretary


Marilia de Souza

Dance Coordinator

Sandra Marques

Technical Support


Paulo Colaço Dias



Musical Director

João Paulo Cota (nominated in his absence)

Further appointments may be made by the Committee when required.


The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the outgoing committee.  Refreshments and savouries were then offered to all.


GMS Committee E-mail: [email protected]

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