from 12.30pm-5pm

at ATC Hall, 
Merton Road, 
South Wimbledon                                                         


Supported by the Goan Overseas Association UK


a "Jam Session"


Enjoy and wow at the wonderful talents of our Goan musicians, such as Desmond (drums), Francis (keyboard), Ian (sax), Joao Paulo (guitar/flute), Lavine (violin), Mark (violin), Neil (violin), Simon (guitar), Johnny (accordion) and others.  An opportunity for student musicians to jam up too (bring along your instrument).


Entrance: £2 (15 yrs+).    Food and drink available.

Hall is near to South Wimbledon tube station (5 minutes).


For more details, please contact:

Anita (Tel: 020 8337 8022   Email: [email protected])


GMS Website: