from 12.30pm-5pm

at ATC Hall, 
Merton Road, 
South Wimbledon                                                                                  



a "Jam Session"


Supported by the Goan Overseas Association UK




The Goan Musical Society held their first Jam Session at the ATC Hall, South Wimbledon on Sunday 1 May 2005.  The event was most enjoyable thanks to the sparking talents of Joao Paulo Cota (guitar), Simon Pires (rhythm guitar), Ian Fernandes (trumpet), Lavine DaCosta of Mumbai &Bollywood fame (double bass), Ian Rebello (sax plus lively MC), Robert (keyboard), Nick (drums) and Laurence (vibraphone).  Francis Po provided the amplification as well as great keyboard accompaniment.  A late entry was Mark Fernandes from Essex, whose song composition and keyboard skills also hit the right note with the audience.


An opportunity was offered to young musicians in our community to sound us with their talents and Martin Gracias, 11 (clarinet and singing), Myrose Afonso, 11 (trumpet), Franklin Lobo, 7˝ (keyboard) and Jason Furtado, 16 (keyboard) did just that.  They were superb and in turn relished the experience to “jam” with some of the core group.


Nor can we forget the wonderful bass voice of senior Paul De Souza, geeing up everyone with “Hello Dolly”.


Special appreciation goes to the G.O.A, Nina Pinto, Concy Fernandes & family, Ray Lobo and Elma Cota.   The GMS ( intends to hold a similar event again and invites interested musicians of all abilities to send their details to Alfred Rebello (email: [email protected] /tel: 020 8337 8022).









GMS Website:

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