'Jazz Workshop' organised by Goan Musical Society

The Goan Musical Society (GMS), London, held a 'Jazz Workshop' on Sunday, August 22nd at the Vestry Hall, Mitcham (South London) with the renowned 73 years old Goan Jazz musician Jazzy Joe Pereira. This was a three hours workshop, in which the audience, both musicians and music lovers alike, experienced a unique exhibition of Jazzy Joes fine technique and showmanship on all three instruments that he is a truly master of i.e. alto, soprano sax and the clarinet.

The workshop started with Jazzy Joe playing a small piece of blues that Jazzy Joe insisted he always plays before any workshop.
He had percussion, bass guitar and electric organ backup from local artists. This was followed by him calling all musicians present to join in up for a small jazz jam-up. Three saxophone players and one flute immediately joined in.

After a few more pieces, Jazzy Joe then spoke about jazz technique and promptly displayed it on his instruments to a spell bound 30 strong audiences. Then he spoke about his proposed jazz treatment of Konkani music. At his request, the audience picked up a piece "Eka Rupia'cho Soro" and after having played the melody first, he then rendered a great take off that left the audience clapping for more. Other music pieces followed and Jazzy Joe insisted that all musicians present should join him with solos in turns on stage and singers from the audience with wireless microphones - it was truly an event of a kind never seen before amongst the Goan public here!

The show concluded with Anita Rebello and Rene Barreto, GMS General Secretary and Chairman respectively, felicitating our great Goan artist.

The GMS plans to organize future workshops of such kind in both UK & Goa and Jazzy Joe affirmed his interest in giving such workshops in Goa in collaboration with the GMS and other Goan organizations.

Joe left back to Bombay on the 24th August.

"Promoting Goan Culture, Worldwide"   -  G.M.S

The complete set of photos:

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