Dear visitor, thank you very much for your interest in joining the Goan Musical Society.

Please print this page, fill the form and return to the GMS snail mail address (see end of this page).


e-mail us with your address and we will post you an application form. Thank you !

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GMS Membership Form

Surname:___________________ First Name(s):____________________________________ Title:_______


Post Code: ______________ Phone N° (home):__________________ Phone N° (work):________________

Mobile Phone N°: ____________________________E-mail address: _______________________________

Fax No.:_____________________________


Please answer as many of the following questions as possible and tick where appropriate:

1.         How would you like to participate in the GMS?

                As a Musician  ____  Singer  ____  Dancer  ____  Actor  ____

    Committee Member  ____  Volunteer/Helper  ____  Contact for your area  ____

2.         If you play/sing/dance/act, please rate your current proficiency:

                     Beginner  ____  Intermediate  ____  Experienced  ____

 3.                  How long have you been performing in your art form? _____________________________________

 4.                  Do you:   read sheet music  ____  write music  ____  write lyrics  ____  short plays  ____?

 5.                  Do you currently play/sing/dance/act in any group/choir/ensemble?  ____ 

If yes, please give some details ________________________________________________________


6.         Are you willing to train young people to dance or act or sing in groups?  _______________________

7.         What is/are your main musical interest(s)?

Pop ___ Classical ___ Choral ___ Jazz. ___ Golden Oldies ___Goan folklore ___ Religious ___

Other _____________________________________________________________________________

8.         Do you have any special skills (Sewing, Painting, Decorations, Sound, IT, DIY, Photography, etc)?




Signed: ______________________________                                    Date: ____________________________



Name and address of Proposer:                                                                         Name and address of  Seconder:

____________________________________                                       ___________________________________

____________________________________                                       ___________________________________

____________________________________                                       ___________________________________


Signature:_____________________________                                      Signature:___________________________


Membership Secretary, Goan Musical Society,

Email: [email protected]

Thanks very much for joining us!

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