Constitution of the Goan Musical Society
(Last changed and approved at the 3rd. Annual General Meeting
Saturday, 7th June 2003 - Vestry Hall - Mitcham)


Article 1


The name of the association shall be the Goan Musical Society

Article 2


The objectives of the Goan Musical Society shall be:

1.To advance, improve, develop and maintain public education in and appreciation of  Authentic Goan Music and Culture by the presentation of public choral, orchestral, dance & drama concerts. 

2. To provide every means to foster good relationships between members of the Goan Musical Society, the Goan Community and the general public.

3. To organize activities and events for the purpose of supporting the Goan Musical Society aims and for raising funds to be used solely for the activities of the GMS as described in the constitution; These shall be exclusively charitable.


Article 3

Establishment of Sub-Committees

  1. The main committee of the Society shall establish sub-committees as necessary to further its aforesaid aims.
  2. The main committee of the Society may also establish such further sub-committees, as it may deem necessary from time to time.
  3. The main committee of the Society shall provide standing orders for the conduct of all associated committees.


Article 4


1. Membership is open to persons aged 16 years and over upon completion of the GMS Membership Application Form and acceptance of the constitution of the society. Persons under 16 may join but will have no voting rights.  

2. All members of the main committee shall be members of the Society.

3. Life membership may be extended to those who have rendered outstanding service to the Society and Founder members.

4. No one shall become a full member  without being proposed and seconded by existing full members. Membership applications should be submitted at least 14 days before a committee meeting.

5. Applications for membership will be approved by the executive board at its next regular committee meeting.

6. The Executive Committee reserves the right to reject or terminate any membership, provided that the decision of the Committee is unanimous both as to the termination and as to there being good reason for it, and provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Committee (accompanied by a friend if desired), before a final decision is made.


Article 5


  1. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held during the first or second week of December or an alternate date if this is not possible.
  2. Extraordinary General Meetings shall be held for such purposes and convened in such manner as shall be required by this Constitution at any time by

a) The Chairman of the Committee
b) Or any three officers of the committee (see article 6, number 3)
c) Or at the written request of a minimum of 10 members of the society, addressed to the General Secretary.

  3. Two weeks notice in writing must be given to all members to convene a General Meeting together with an      agenda, which shall clearly state the reasons for such a meeting.

  4. Minutes of any of the above meetings shall be kept by the General Secretary and be available on request to      all members of the Society.


Article 6

Officers and Committee of the Society

  1. The governing body of the Society shall be the elected committee.
  2. Nominated committee members are required to be full members of the society for a minimum of six months.
  3. The Officers of the Society shall be: a Chairman, a Treasurer, a General Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Publicity Officer and a Programme’s Director.
  4. The Committee of the Society shall consist of:
  1. The Officers as specified in paragraph 3 above
  2. A minimum of two and a maximum of four further members may be appointed by the committee.

   5. An auditor shall also be appointed by the committee.


Article 7


  1. The members of the Society shall have the power to make amendments to this Constitution but such amendments shall be made only by the votes of not less than two thirds of those who, being entitled to do so, vote in person at a general Meeting of the Society, a quorum being present.
  2. Notice of the terms of any proposed alteration shall be given in writing to the General Secretary at least 21 days before such a General Meeting and the General Secretary shall have posted a copy to each member of the Society at least 14 days before the meeting.


Article 8

By - Laws

  1. The By-Laws have been provided for the carrying out of this Constitution.
  2. The Goan Musical Society shall have the power to make alterations to the By-Laws to suit its requirements.
  3. The governing body Goan Musical Society shall consist of the following members:

General Secretary.
Assistant Secretary.
Publicity Officer
Programme’s Director.

Two to four Executive Committee members


Article 9


In the event of the Society being wound up, the Executive Committee will ensure that any assets remaining upon dissolution, after repayment of proper debts & liabilities, shall be transferred to a charitable institution or institutions having similar objectives to the Goan Musical Society.


Article 10

Income & Property:

The income and property of the Society whencesoever derived shall be applied solely towards promoting the objects of the society as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred either directly or indirectly to any member or members of the society except in payment of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the society.


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