U.S. Army Support, Thailand Email Sign-Up Instructions
Members & Families of U.S. Army or Govt. Agencies
in Thailand from 1961 -
9th Logistics Command
"Whether you served in USARSUPTHAI/9th/Civilian Government Agencies,
sign up for a very free listing in our "44th" Locator Directory on-the-web !
Families of deceased members are also invited to enjoy a listing, in memory of."

    You may submit your background information for a listing by email - completely.   You may do so without printing the short-version of the details found on this web page below and just follow an outline, as a guide only.   Here is an example of an email with the first few lines filled in and then you take it from there for your own personal content.

Email to:   [email protected]     Subject:   44th/9th Sign-Up Form Email Submission

Dear Membership Committee:

    I would like to have a listing in your on-the-web Locator/Directory for the 44th Engineer Group and/or 9th Logistics Command that either served in Thailand or was a part of its heritage, ie, Korean War or World War II.

    Below, is an outline that I have taking from your standard Sign-Up Form the order of the information you have requested of a veteran or family member sponsor.

Unit:   Co A, 519th Transportation Battalion, 9th Logistics Command

Location:   Camp Friendship   Feb'68 - July'68

and Camp Ruam Chit Chai/Khon Kaen   Aug'68 - Feb'69

Note:   The date(s) and locations to complete your tour of duty, ie, from/to

Last Name:   Picchione     First Name/MI:   Francis   J.

Pay Grade:   E-5     Rank:   SP/5     MOS:   71H20     Title:   Company Clerk

Job Description:   as Company Clerk, I was in charge of all the company paperwork between Battalion, Command and USARSUPTHAI Hqs.   I prepared the morning reports, duty roster and took instruction from either the First Sergeant or the C.O.

"You have permission to publish all information about my home address, telephone nos. and email address, or simply everything that I have provided you here this day."

Mailing Address:   5642 Richmond Ave,   Garden Grove, CA   92845

Home Phone:   (714) 891-8230

Fax/Work:   same

Pager:   (714) 351-1739

I have a personal web site at:   http://www.geocities.com/koratmahknut/index.html

My web site is both personal and military-oriented.

    I am attaching a photo of myself working with the guys along the Camp ditches in Ruam Chit Chai.   I was 22 yrs old and the approximate date is Sept'68.

As for what to say, for a Photo Legend, I will leave that up to you for what I have said above.   Thank you.

Here is my "201 File" or history and background I would like to have published in my own words.   Again, you may edit for publishing purposes.   Thank you very much.

At this point, you would than make a brief narrative, ie, 500 words or less, telling the "world" about yourself,
for others to see and read.

Then just send your email (with the photo attachment!   ..don't forget..)
Guideline of Sign-Up Form below
Sample Trooper Page Parent Military Unit:   [   ]   44th Engineers   [   ]   9th Logistics   [   ]   Other

[   ]   Headquarters Company, eg, HHC   or Company Ref:   ____________________ , ie, 697th P/L
Group/Command/Battalion Ref:   __________________________   [   ]   538th   [   ]   809th
9th Logistics Battalions:   [   ]   519th   Other Designate, eg, company:   ______________________

Other Unit Designation:


Camp Location (Check ALL that apply) ..with year(s):
      [   ]   Camp Friendship   Yrs: ________     [   ]   Camp #44/USARTHAI   Yrs: ________
      [   ]   Camp Vayama   Yrs: ________     [   ]   Camp Samae San   Yrs: ________
      [   ]   Other Camp: ___________________________________________________   Yrs: ________

Other Designation:

    ____________________________________________________________________________________   Yrs: ________

      Air Force Installation/Base (Indicate): ___________________________________________________   Yrs: ________

      Thai Army/Air Force Spt Location: ___________________________________________________   Yrs: ________

Soldier's Last Name:


First/MI:   ___________________   _____

Nickname: ___________________

Pay Grade: ____________

Rank: _______________

MOS: __________________
Job Description @ MOS:

Table of Contents Listing (Sample):
Soldier Rank Unit Duties Email/Hometown
McArthur, William Sp/4 561st   Cmp Friendship Dec'62-63 Inter Speed Radio Click me to send the soldier an email! Cape May Beach, NJ

Your Entry or Entries:   for each unit and location of assignment, please provide the "Duties" Column with a brief description.   The "Duty Roster" Locator is cross-tabulated by locations and units and where there are less than six (6) members for a given designation, they may be combined under the heading "Other."

Primary Location/Unit:

Secondary Location/Unit:

If you have more than two, please list on back of form.   Thank you.

Permission(s) to Publish:

The following items are subject to your permission to publish on-the-web and unless you [X] same, they will not be included.   You may change such permission(s) at any later time by simply completing this Sign-Up Form and signing same.   Where you authorize publishing, please "initial" and [X].   Mailing address, phone nos., email address, etc.

[   ] Initials:______ Permission     Mailing Address (P.O. Boxes are okay)
Street Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________   State: __________   Zip Code: ____________   (5-Digit Only - Please)
Initials:______ Permission     Phone Nos.
[   ]   Home Phone: ________________________________
[   ]   Other #1 Phone No. (Describe/List): ______________________   No. _________________________________
[   ]   Other #2 Phone No., ie, Pager (Describe/List): __________________   No. _________________________________
Initials:______ Permission     Do you have a personal or business web site you want listed?
Description:   [   ]   Personal   [   ]   Military   [   ]   Business
http:// ________________________________________________________   (include page reference where applicable)
Photo Insert:
You may have a photograph of your choice placed in your listing.
The photo, of course, should be in good taste and size is subject to edit.

Photo Legend - please describe the content of the picture, ie, year of photo, your age, and/or general background info.





Please note that all photographs not provided in electronic form will not be returned unless a self-stamped and self-addressed envelope is provided.   [   ]   Initials: _____________   Yes, I understand these terms.

Your "201 File" -













[   ]   Initials: _____________   Yes, I understand the following terms.

The "201 File" Section of my Soldier's Page is subject to Editting as is any other information that I provide
the 44th Engineer Web Site.
Terms and Conditions of Publishing:

    In consideration of my free listing in the 44th Locator Directory, I hold harmless the owner's of this web site against any liability based upon the information that I provide for publishing on-the-web.   I may request my entry be removed by either electronic mail or standard forms of mail.   Verbal request for removal, ie, telephonic, can not be acknowledged.   I understand that I have the right to make changes and changes will be applied only in consideration of the volume and amount of work on this project by the developer, Frank Picchione (Company Clerk.)

Date: ___________________   Signature: ___________________________________________________

This Sign-Up Form is for -   [   ]   myself   or   [   ]   a deceased family member *.

* For a family member authorizing the listing, ie, deceased or otherwise,   please print your name here,

__________________________________   and provide your relationship, eg, wife/widow: _______________________

"Welcome Home!
Thank you for joining this select group of veterans!"

- The Company Clerk

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