Layer One-You:
Your middle name: Ruth
Birth time: 12:01 AM
Birthplace: Mitchell, SD
Last place you traveled: Crosby, ND
Eye Color: Brown
Nail Color: Unpainted - I have no nails to paint!
Height: 5�7"
Zodiac Sign: Leo

Layer two-describe:
Your heritage: German and, um, German, we suppose
The shoes you wore today: I haven't worn any shoes today
Your weakness: Turtlenecks, ice cream sandwiches, raspy voices
Your perfect pizza: No sauce, tons and tons of cheese.

Layer Three-what is:
Your most overused phrase on aim: Probably ::grins:: or ::laughs::... or even ::giggles::.... I'm a happy AIMer
Your thoughts first waking up: "I'm HUNGRY."
Your plans tomorrow: Make a bunch of phone calls and see if Kyle can come visit me
Your best physical feature: My hands
Your bedtime: Late. Very, very late.

Layer Four-you prefer:
Sunrise or sunset: Sunset
Gore or horror: Horror
Stripes or poka dots: Polka dots
Planes or trains: Trains
Boxers or briefs: Boxers, definitely
Pools or hot tubs: Hot tubs

Layer Five- do you:
Think you've been in love: Yes
Type w/ your fingers on home row: Sure do!
Like to take baths: I love baths, but my bathtub is full of dust, boxes, and various insects
Get motion sickness: A few times, but I think it had more to do with being sick to my stomach before hand than the actual motion.
Like talking on the phone: No, I hate it.
Like thunderstorms: I LOVE them.
Play an instrument: Used to! Trombone and piano. These days, only my voice.
Workout: Hell no!
Like reading: Absolutely.

Layer Six-favorite:
Body part: Hands
On the opposite sex: Eyes, lips, neck, back
Kind of fruit: Watermelon
Music to fall asleep to: Classical or Enya-type
Time of the day: When the moon rises
Car: I love old cars, but I happen to really like the Mini-Cooper. Don't ask me why. I don't know.
Thing to do: Write, read, be online
Horror movie: Mercy/Silence of the Lambs-- they're more psychological thrillers, than horror flicks, though.

Layer Eight-the future:
Age you hope to be married: I don't really want to get married, although I'd consider it.
Numbers and Names of Children: Absolutely no idea. I don't think I want kids, though.
Describe your Dream Wedding: Small, outdoors, just a few people. A very simple dress. Maybe near the ocean.
How do you want to die: In my sleep.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Ideally, an anthropologist.
What country would you most like to visit: France, I suppose, for the museums, but I want to visit all of Europe, really.

Layer Nine-opposite sex:
Best eye color: Warm brown
Best hair color: Dark-- brown, black-- just not blonde.
Short or long hair: Long.
Best personality trait: Kindness
Best height: Taller than me!
Best weight: I want to be able to cuddle. Don't like huge muscles and I don't particularly like bones.
Best articles of clothing: Turtlenecks!!!
Best first date location: Some place unique-- maybe a picnic or a hike.
Best first kiss location: Outdoors!

Layer Ten-finish:
I eat: more ice cream sandwiches than I ought to.
I think: Kerry and Edwards ought to be elected.
I am: ready to go to bed.
I adore: Kyle.
I suck at: math, science, and line drawing.
I am obsessed with: Harry Potter
I can: touch my tongue to my nose.
I can't wait: for school to start!
I am annoyed with: George W. Bush
I miss: Kyle.

1. What is your Full Name? Mary Frances Ruth Gaede
2. What color pants are you wearing right now? Very light blue with sheep on them
3. What are you listening to right now? My mum yattering
4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 27
5. What was the last thing you ate? An ice cream sandwich
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Orange
7. How is the weather right now? Slightly cloudy, a bit windy. Looked like a storm earlier.
8. Last person you talked to on the phone? Richard. ::gag::
9. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes
10. How are you today? Sleepy
12. Favorite Drink? Coke/Sprite/Dr. Pepper/Cream Soda.... I like soda.
13. Favorite Alcoholic drink? Red-Headed Sluts
14. Favorite Sport to watch? Tennis, if I have to.
17. Do you wear contacts? Nope! Glasses.
18. Siblings? 2 half-sisters, 1 half-brother, 1 step-brother, and 1 step-sister
19. Favorite Month? December
20. Favorite Food? Chicken fried rice
21. Last Movie you watched? The Manchurian Candidate
22. Favorite Day of the Year? Christmas!
23. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Nah, do it all the time.
24. Summer or winter? Winter.
25. Hugs or Kisses? Both.
26. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
31. What books are you reading? 'The Things They Carried', 'The Queen's Own Fool', 'The Photoshop 5 Bible'
33. What is your favorite Board Game? Chess, Scrabble, Battleship, Yahtzee
34. What did you do last night? Watched a bit of TV, talked with my friends, wrote in my journal, went to bed late
35. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Yes!
36. Favorite Flower? Red sunflowers
38. Do you walk in the rain or use an umbrella? Walk in the rain, unless my hair looks purty!
39. Birthday? (year is optional): August 13, 1987
40. What do you do when you're snowed/iced in for couple of days? That doesn't happen here in Arizona
41. Who is your favorite hero/heroine? I, er, don't really have one....
42. When was the last time you told a family member "I Love You"? All of 5 minutes ago...
43. How well do you love your job? Don't have one... yet...
44. What is one thing you would like to do before you die? Oh, Goddess, too many to name.... I would like to feel complete before I die.
45. What is your biggest fear in life? Going insane
46. What is something that you want people to know about you? That I'm not really who I seem to be.
47. What is the meaning of life? To take advantage of it.
48. Why do people constantly struggle to "figure out" the opposite sex? Because psychology is interesting.
49. If you could change anything that happened in your past, what would it be and if you had the chance would you go change it? I wouldn't change a damn thing. Everything that happened in my past made me who I am today.
50. How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? More than I can be bothered with to count.
51. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? College.
52. When did you truly discover yourself? I doubt I ever will.... that's a lifelong process....
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