Major Assembly
and upholstery
I planned and planned for weeks and then  finally decided it was time to actually DO.
two-three weeks in the garage destroying my back and working to exhaustion.
Granted, I am really out of shape and exaustion for me equals a couple hours of bending over.
the end result is proof that you can never have too much planning.
  My childhood memories must have played a part in it, I basically just put the controls, screen and marquee where they felt right and ended up with a machine which is a towering 6 foot 6 inches!
  Doesn't seem like a lot, but when you stand in front of it, even though the controls are comfortable and the screen is at a good angle, you can't help feeling that this monster is a lot bigger than it should be.  I am 5'10" so I have to look up at the marquee.  Definitely makes you feel like a kid again!
It's taped up for a little preliminary painting. all that's left to do is the final mount on the monitor, fabricate and install the marquee, finish the control box, put in a computer, get some roms and stuff, cobble together some sort of sound system for that oversize speakerpanel, stab myself in the face, put in a subwoofer, put in a bass amp so I can practice my awesome heavy metal bass solos, install rockets, lasers, ball tinglers and whores, get a smoked monitor bezel and hook up my $4.00 flight stick and $20 trackmouse and laugh at people who buy $200 joysticks.
  I mean wtf d00d?  feed a starving kid or something, I made this mostly out of SHIT I FOUND IN DUMPSTERS. (or in the garage)
  that includes the roll of yellow suede fabric, the plywood, 2x4s, 2x6s all sorts of shit.
  you'de be surprised how many good wood screws you can get out of a single piece of plywood discarded at a construction site.
  this cabinet is made from a single 8 foot by 4 foot 3/4 inch plywood sheet which was covered in carpet adhesive, tacks, staples, woodscrews and bent nails. most of which I used
bunch of scraps I found made a control box, panels and shelves.
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