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Home to not only Godzilla but also many Kaiju alike.
Also home to the MWF: Monster Wrestling Federation!
Welcome to Tomzilla's WEBSITE!

Want to know what's being updated? Check below under 'What's New?' and see the information that can assist you!
4/01/2006: No my friends, this is not a joke! I've added six new stats, which belong to: Skeetera, Crackler, Nessie, Ts-eh-Go, Shrewster, and Quetzalcoatl - all are of "Godzilla: The Series" fame! Check 'em out and learn more! I've also updated the stat page for Godzalla! Enjoy.

1/08/06: Loyal MWF Fans, your patience will finally receive its just rewards! Even if today isn't Saturday, I decided you guys earn it. The FINAL Saturday Horror is up. Yes, you read me right. After four years, the last one is waiting. Interested in reading how it ends? How the MWF universe will come to closure? Enough questions, go receive answers. See it and believe it on:

1/04/2006: Been a while, huh? Well, the reasons are simple: 1) College and 2) The final Saturday Horror, which is still being made and should be released this Saturday or the next. There is probably a third reason, but oh well. But I have an update! GFW Kaiju have been added, well, at least most of them. Click on either kaiju to see:
Godzilla, Rodan, Anguirus, Monster X, Gigan, King Caesar, Kamacuras, Mothra, Manda, Zilla, and Keizer Ghidorah. Kumonga will be added shortly (maybe).

6/14/2005: With deep regret, I must inform all of you of terrible news. As of last night, I announced on the MWF Forum that the MWF will come to an end. For the full story,
click here.

4/24/2005: A BIG update for you guys!
SATURDAY HORROR #91 is finally up! I know it has been a long wait, but it is finally up and what a read! I hope you enjoy it. The plot continues to unfold and you'll learn more secrets that have been hidden to early readers ever since the first MWF show. Also, check out the TOHO KAIJU page of the MONSTER STATS section to see what TitanoGoji has been working on. Hope you enjoy the new MWF show and the updated banners.
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