
Height: 50 meters

Length: 60-80 meters

Weight: 20,000 tons

Powers: Adaptive swimmer, strong jaws.

History: When H.E.A.T. was investigating the disappearance of two renown scientists, they're investigation eventually brought them to the deep depths of the ocean, where they found a space craft that had lied dormant there for years. H.E.A.T. discovered the hard way that the aliens were still present and mind controlling the scientists and were obviously hostile. When Godzalla was called into action, the aliens revealed to be the Tachyon unleashed their own protectors: the Cryptocleidus. Being an aquatic, dinosaur life form, the Cryptocleidus attacked Godzalla. But even two of the fearsome predators failed at defeating Godzalla, but held their own none the less against the King of Kaiju. When the Tachyon was defeated, it seemed as if the Cryptocleidus were free and went their separate ways.

Only it wasn't long until one returned, once again under the mind control of the Tachyon. After a brief skirmish with H.E.A.T. and The Giant Bat, Cryptocleidus swam to Site Omega, an inhabited island that was now being occupied by the Tachyon. There Cryptocleidus was sent immediately to Hong Kong, China. Unopposed, Cryptocleidus tore the city apart until the mind control was broken. Instinctively, Cryptocleidus betrayed the Tachyon, but in return for defending the planet it loved, Cryptocleidus met death. It is not known if another lurks the dark seas�

Fighting Power: ***

A massive dinosaur, Cryptocleidus is. With its razor-sharp jaws, Cryptocleidus packs quite a bite. He's also fast on the attack, able to take a quick snap at an unsuspecting creature. Cryptocleidus had shown a similar strategy to a crocodile, remaining unseen beneath the water until rising up and making an attack. Despite being capable at walking on land, Cryptocleidus is at home in the sea. If Cryptocleidus manages to take an opponent beneath the waves, then victory will likely go to the aquatic saurian. Only those who are adaptive swimmers could hold their own. But despite all these supportive arguments on Cryptocleidus' behalf, the dinosaur still receives an average rating. If Cryptocleidus did take this battle on land, despite its massive size, he'd be in deep trouble. Opponents adapted to living on land and fighting on it would take advantage of the hideously larger creature. Still, Cryptocleidus would still be able to hold his own because of his size alone; however, it isn't a perfect killing machine but still manages to earn an average rating.
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