
Height: 65 Meters

Weight: 25,000 Metric Tons

Powers/Weapons: Buzzsaw in abdomen, flight
at Mach 3, Scythe-like hands

Power Rating: ***

Bio: A cyborg monster hailing from the Nebula M Spacehunter, Gigan was sent to Earth to wipe out the planet�s population. Teamed with King Ghidorah, the duo faced off against the forces of Godzilla and Anguirus. Godzilla and his partner proved too much for Gigan and King Ghidorah, and Gigan was forced to retreat back to the Nebula M Spacehunter to lick his wounds.

Gigan next appeared on earth aiding the titanic, beetle-like monster, Megalon. However, when Godzilla and his robotic partner, Jet Jaguar, intervened, Gigan was sent fleeing once again. Gigan may very well still lurk in the vastness of space, waiting for the ample opportunity to seize Earth, once more.

Fighting Description: Gigan is a very different type of monster. His unique combination of a sadistic combat style and slightly cowardly personality distinguish him from other beasts. A cyborg, Gigan was engineered for the elimination of planets� populations. Armed with his abdominal buzzsaw and hook-like hands, Gigan is very effective at what he does. Gigan seems to take glee in destruction, slicing through buildings with joy and delight. Gigan�s sadistic personality is also evident in his combat style, gleefully attacking a monster who is prone or whose back is turned.

However, Gigan�s main weakness would be his cowardice. Although he will gladly attack a downed foe, Gigan is the first to flee when the tides are turned against him.

Height: 120 meters

Weight: 60,000 tons

Powers: Gigan can emit a cluster beam of light from its eyes. The cyborg's arms are laced with metallic, scythe blades. Connected on opposite ends of the scythes are grappling hooks, used to ensnare targets. Attached to Gigan's abdomen is a buzzsaw. Gigan can achieve flights up to Mach 3. [Questionable ability: can fire two homing discs from its chest.]

History: In Japan, the remains of a mummified corpse are found. Surprisingly, it is identified as a cyborg, which possesses DNA identical to the M-base of the mutants. The protagonists are suddenly warped to a mystical realm, where the Shobijin, two tiny priestess of Mothra, informed them of a titanic battle that occurred 10,000 years ago. Gigan, a cyborg from outer space, arrived on Earth and fought its guardian, Mothra. Eventually, Mothra managed to stop the cyborg and since then, Gigan has waited in suspended animation, but for what?

The arrival of the Xilians and their deception triggers Gigan's awakening. Gigan obeyed the command of its masters, and attacked without remorse. It laid waste to human settlements, wiping out anything in its path. Gigan was an unstoppable juggernaut that knew no equal. It was eventually dispatched to Antarctica, to engage the Gotengo in an aerial feud. Gigan managed to down the floating battleship, but not before it succeeded in fulfilling its mission: freeing Godzilla. Gigan quickly sought Godzilla's demise. By utilizing its grappling hooks, Gigan's intent was to pull the atomic saurian close enough to shred it to pieces with its buzzsaw. But to the cyborg's dismay, Godzilla's atomic ray vaporized Gigan's head, and left it as nothing more but an obsolete carcass.

Eventually, the Xilians managed to reclaim their cybernetic warrior and they upgraded Gigan's armaments.

Fighting Power: ****

Above average, definitely; Gigan displayed a strategy that would likely cripple most kaiju that do not possess superior firepower and endurance. While the destructive power of Gigan's cluster beam is questionable, it does manage to rival Heisei Godzilla's ray in terms of building damage. Its damage to Gotengo also proved effective enough to give an idea of how destructive it is. While Gigan never used them, Gigan's scythe-blades are deadly if used. It's simply a matter of strategy and Gigan's choice. To quantify just how useful they'd be, consider Gigan's strength. When Gigan released its grappling hooks on Godzilla and started to pull him in, Godzilla was struggling to stay where he was. In this little tug-of-war, Gigan would've been the victor, had Godzilla not deployed its atomic ray. In conclusion, Gigan's strength is superior to Godzilla's. Gigan's flight and quick speed bursts proves to be a useful and effective strategy. Also, Gigan's grappling hooks are a useful weapon, as it is apparent when used against Godzilla. Based on pure speculation on the information given, Gigan likely used more than what we saw against Mothra. It is still questionable if Gigan possessed the homing discs in this form. No matter, Gigan is a formidable opponent and should not be underestimated. The only flaws are its inability to recall powerful attacks, such as Godzilla's atomic beam, which proved to bring about its destruction.
Gigan II

Height: 120 meters

Weight: 60,000 tons

Powers: Gigan can emit a cluster beam of light from its eyes. Attached to Gigan's abdomen is a buzzsaw. Gigan can achieve flights up to Mach 3. Gigan's metallic, scythe blades have been replaced with chainsaws. Gigan can fire two homing discs from its chest. In combat, Gigan's tail can be used to grab targets.

History: Gigan returned, upgraded and more terrifying than before. After Mothra returned to aid Godzilla in his battle against Monster X, the Xilians sent Gigan to engage its ancient foe. To Earth's dismay, its guardian could not overcome the newly upgraded cyborg. Gigan proceeded to help Monster X wound Godzilla even further. But Mothra caught Gigan off-guard, staging the final battle between these two colossal adversaries. Gigan attempted to mutilate Mothra with its homing discs, but Mothra managed to dodge the projectiles and sought to cover Gigan in a cloud of pollen. But Gigan, recalling their past feuds, deployed its cluster beam, which ignited the pollen in a cascade of fire, consuming Mothra within. Gigan's arrogance overruled common sense, as it started to celebrate victory�until its homing discs, manipulated by Mothra's pollen, returned to decapitate the cyborg. Sealing Gigan's fate, Mothra emerged out of the fiery cloud, and sacrificed herself by ramming into Gigan. Both perished in a blinding explosion, ending Gigan's reign of terror.

Fighting Power: *****

Equipped with a pair of chainsaws, Gigan wields a formidable array of powers that earns him a '5' Power Rating. The chainsaws, accompanied with Gigan's magnificent strength, proved to be painful to both Monster X and Godzilla. They proved useful against Mothra, especially when they managed to keep Gigan on his feet after being hit by Mothra's hurricane winds. Gigan used them to damage one of Mothra's wings, which temporarily knocked Mothra out cold. Gigan's intelligence is remarkable. At times, he is capable of making quick decisions that capitalizes on the enemy's weakness. At other times, Gigan makes incredibly stupid mistakes. When up close against an aerial opponent, Gigan can get underneath them quick enough to ensnare them with the tip of his tail and throw them off balance, allowing Gigan a chance to attack unopposed. Gigan basically retains the same strategies prior to his upgrade; only this time he utilizes the homing discs, which easily pierced his neck. If used against other monsters, they would inflict critical blows. Before, Gigan was already a formidable opponent, but with these upgrades, the cyborg became an even deadlier combatant. Had it not been for his arrogance, Gigan would've prevailed over Mothra and lived long enough to help tip the odds against Godzilla.
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