
(Godzalla, Cartoon GINO, Cartoon Zilla)

Height: 60 meters

Weight: 25,000 tons

Powers: Godzalla deploys a blazing thermonuclear projectile from his mouth. The reptile possesses claws, sharp teeth, and a muscular tail to knock opponents off their feet. Godzalla's claws allow him to burrow beneath the strongest terrains on the planet. A born swimmer, Godzalla excels at swimming underwater at rapid speeds. While on the ground, Godzalla's muscular legs enables him to run up to speeds of 200 mph.

History: In the aftermath of the original Godzalla's rampage, a lone egg managed to survive amidst the rubbles of Madison Square Garden. There, it hatched and was free to roam the planet. But during its birth, a human scientist known as Nick Tatopoulos slipped into a liquid pool that had been secreted by the first Godzalla. Instead of attacking Nick, the young hatchling smelled his scent and considered it his parent. But to the dismay of the United States military, the young hatchling managed to escape. It eventually returned to Nick and his newly constructed team - H.E.A.T. - but was attacked by the military. Godzalla received horrible wounds and seemingly died beneath the waves of the Hudson.

Sure enough, Godzalla made his return to the warm waters of Jamaica. There, Godzalla saved his adoptive parent from a horde of Giant Squids. Eventually, Godzalla fought off the monstrous Crustaceous Rex, and buried it beneath thousands of tons of rock. Through out the years, Godzalla became a member of the H.E.A.T. team; his primary duty was to save humanity from other monstrous entities. With the assistance of H.E.A.T. and a reluctant United States army, Godzalla had managed to defeat other mutations, repel an alien invasion, and save the world on numerous occasions, thus solidifying his role as the Earth's protector.

Fighting Power: *****

Unlike his precursor, Godzalla isn't a pushover and should be approached with extreme caution. As a testament of its evolved durability, Godzalla once fought the Queen Bee in the heart of an erupting volcano, and left un-scathed. Beams deployed by Tachyon battle-cruisers, galactic warships far superior than manmade weaponry, failed to eradicate him. During a raid on a United States military base, the Americans failed to repel the monstrous creature, proving Godzalla's evolution and superiority to his father. Unlike his father, Godzalla can deploy thermonuclear flames hot enough to turn sand into glass, dehydrate other monstrous titans, and annihilate Tachyon warships. But Godzalla can still be fatigued and knocked out; however, Godzalla's durability and regenerate capabilities enables him to survive the aftermath. When stacked against stronger foes, Godzalla's superior agility and speed allows him to win the day, or stall the enemy long enough for H.E.A.T. to come to his assistance.

This Godzalla incarnation is a huge contrast to the abomination that attacked New York City in 1998.

Note: On 'Godzilla Universe', we refer him as Godzalla to avoid confusion.
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