(Showa Godzilla)

Height: 50 meters

Weight: 25,000 tons

Powers/Special Powers: Atomic Breath, Regenerate Abilities, Strength (Able to lift monsters twice his size in mid air), Kung Fu (In a few movies, he had shown to be able to do karate like tactics), Intelligence, speed, and able to breathe underwater.

History/Origin: In the beginning, Godzilla (Gojira) was classified as a "god" like creature, who was said to be swimming off the coast of an island, known as "Oto Island". Of course, later on it is discovered that he is an awaken dinosaur, who was awakened by the H-Bomb. Through the years, Gigantis as I like to call him in this form, has not only been against humanity, but has also protected them. The last time he was seen was when he was with his fellow monster brethren on an island called "Monster Island". Note: The last movie of the Showa Godzilla Series was "Terror of Mecha Godzilla". Where, at the end, Gigantis swam out to sea...

Fighting Power: ****

With hosts of attributes, moves and skills, Gigantis is a great fighter. Packing a radioactive ray that spews out of his mouth, Gigantis' ray is hot enough to melt a tank and knock kaiju out of the sky, let alone off their feet. When up close and personal, Gigantis' near human-level intellect allows him to fight a lot better than his opponents. With his agility to boot, Gigantis is one of the best physical brawlers out there. If given the chance, Gigantis would whirl around and allow his tail to take a good smack into the opponent's face and send them falling to the ground. Gigantis has also been known to defy the laws of gravity; the heroic dinosaur has been seen to be able to glide across the ground, just by sliding over his tail and nail an opponent with his two feet at the same time. Gigantis' atomic breath allowed him to even fly through the air. But the heroic saurian is not without its flaws. It is true that Gigantis' skin is thick to take most of the assaults thrown at him; it can still be damaged and takes time to heal the wounds inflicted. Against stronger opponents, like Ghidrah, MechaGodzilla and Hedorah, Gigantis required the assistance of at least another kaiju or humanity. His intellect is usually higher than the foes he'll be facing, but that still can't save him from powerhouses that are just superior. But rest assured; Gigantis is one of the brightest and strongest monsters out of the entire Showa Era. When all else fails, Gigantis wouldn't hesitate to sink his teeth and claws into an enemy's body. Hats off to the first Godzilla incarnation!
(Heisei Gojira)

Height: 100 meters

Weight: 60,000 metric tons

Powers/Special Powers: Spiral Blast (A very powerful burst of energy), Atomic Blast, Nuclear Pulse, Amazing Strength, Thick Hide, Rapid Regeneration, and able to survive in the harshest climates (Living in a Volcano for 5 years).

History/Origin: Though Time Travelors messed up his history, we might as well use what we know...

Born on Lagos Island, Godzilla started out as a Godzillasaurus. For years, he roamed the island and kept it to himself. Until 1944, when a group of the Japanese Soldiers landed on the island. There they hid away from the Americans. It wasn't till' they (Americans) came to the island, where they and the Japanese Garrison clashed in battle. All seemed lost for the Japanese Soldiers, until the jungle came alive with the sounds of the Godzillasaurus. The Godzillasaurus drove away the land units, and totally annihilated them. But, the Godzillsaurus was on the beach, where he was a clear target of the American Battleships. The Godzillasaurus was wounded, and was driven off back into the jungle, where he fell and was never able to get back up. The Japanese Soldiers bowed their head to the creature who saved their lives, and marched home with honor. Leaving their savior to what they thought to be the animal's death....they were wrong.

Later, H-Bomb test were dropped miles from the islands, where the Godzillasaurus was exposed to high levels of radiation. His DNA mutated, and soon his body became bigger. More powerful he became, he was no longer a dinosaur...but the first of a new species of animal...Godzilla.

But, in 1992 Time Travelors went back in time to prevent Godzilla from ever being created. They were able to transport the Godzillasaurus body, into the ocean. Later, it was discovered that where they dropped the dinosaur, was where for years nuclear waste was shrouded. The Time Travelors thought they prevented Godzilla from being created, but instead they created a more powerful one...Godzilla was Reborn.

Over the years, Godzilla haunted the nation of Japan. But, his reign of terror and supreme rulety came to an end in 1995...when his heart (Kinda like a nuclear reactor), malfunctioned, and his entire body melted...only to be absorbed and mutated into the next Godzilla, Godzilla Jr.

But, I have a theory that there were probably 2 Godzillasaurs on the island. Probably more. But, the one who attacked in 1954, was probably another Godzilla who was mutated. So, when they were moving the Godzillsaurus somewhere else, they were only doing what was bound to happen... (Hard to Explain).

Fighting Power: *****

Godzilla is a nuclear saurian with brute strength and incredible power. Able to spout a devastating atomic blast from his jaws, Godzilla had been known to level entire blocks with one single blast. When being ensnared by tentacles or being overwhelmed from all around by an attribute capable of such a thing, Godzilla's nuclear energy would disperse in a nuclear pulse, a shockwave of nuclear energy being released from every corner of his body. Godzilla's nuclear pulse is strong enough to rip through Biollante's tentacles, knock King Ghidorah off his feet and send Mothra flying. When his usual approach to combat fails, Godzilla would attempt to use his incredible mass and strength to make things end his way. Godzilla's jaws are capable of piercing even Battra's thick hide to draw blood. The King of the Monsters has enough strength to pick even Mecha Godzilla, who weighs 150,000 tons, up into the air with just the power of his wrists! Godzilla had shown the use of his tail to demolish buildings and other kaiju when it is needed. But everything stated above pales in comparison to the destructive power of Godzilla's spiral blast. The spiral blast is a heat ray several times stronger than Godzilla's normal blast. In its record of being used, it had succeeded in annihilating the poor soul unlucky to be caught in its path. Only Destroyah had shown the strength to be hit by it constantly, but even the spawn of the Oxygen Destroyer received horrible wounds. But this Godzilla is still flawed and can be beaten. All it requires is an ability to make his heat rays useless. Mecha Godzilla's artificial diamond skin allowed it to take Godzilla's prime weapon out of the game. Usually, Godzilla would just fire his beam wildly. Kaiju with agility and speed could easily have a field day with the Heisei Godzilla. But be warned, Godzilla has had experience at nailing kaiju who can move faster than Mach 1. The only for sure way to take out Godzilla is being stronger and have more powerful attacks. If you have a good defense and an excellent arsenal of attacks, then Godzilla wouldn't be a huge problem. But the King of the Monsters managed to go up against kaiju whose power outclassed his own, in yet still prevailed in the end. Proceed at your own risk.
(Millennium Godzilla/Mire Godzilla

Height: 55 meters

Weight: 20,500 metric tons

Powers/Special Powers: Really powerful Atom Ray, Powerful Nuclear Pulse, able to move faster than his Heisei counterpart, Smart, and Rapid Healing Abilities.

History/Origin: In the movie: "Godzilla 2000", it is hinted that either this Godzilla came out of nowhere (Just when you thought you killed G54, this all new more powerful Godzilla came forth) or he survived the Oxygen Destroyer. I do not know much about his history, but he's one tough brute!

But what happened was that Godzilla had suddenly been estimated to once again attack Japan, but an organization set up to follow him. Godzilla rises from the ocean seas and bellows a mighty roar, as he seems to be here souly for the destruction of man's energy.

Godzilla is later engaged by a new type of weapon, nicknamed: "Full Metal Missiles". Though his wounds looked very nasty, the Japanese scientists discover that Godzilla possess the ability to heal rapidly. Godzilla's wounds are later completely healed.

The next we see Godzilla is when he stomps his way into Tokyo and confronts an alien space craft. This alien space craft was confronted earlier by Godzilla, before the "FMM". Now Godzilla has returned for a rematch and for the while, gets thrown around and in the end, would've conquered. Instead the alien spacecraft was able to use Godzilla's DNA and produce an alien lifeform, Orga.

Orga sought to become a clone of Godzilla and fought the King valiently, but in the end Godzilla conquered. Godzilla, after destroying the alien lifeform, continued to turn Tokyo into a blaze.

Fighting Power: ****

A new Godzilla for the millennium had risen out of the sea. This Godzilla sports a destructive ray that packs force, but generates more heat. The heat is intense enough to melt cable wires grouped up, without even being deployed yet. This Godzilla is no stranger to a physical confrontation, as he proved in his fight with Orga. Using a combination of his claws, teeth and tail, Godzilla would do anything in his prehistoric power to bring a foe down one way or another. One of Godzilla's greatest attributes is his rapid healing abilities. Such cell restoration hasn't been seen since Heisei Godzilla. But that is where this road ends. There is a reason of why G2K only received a rating above average. While his atomic beam is lethal in its own right, it charges slowly! Kaiju who exhibit the ability to move around fast can run circles around this Godzilla. This Godzilla isn't really that bright either. Plus, the heat ray isn't that powerful as Toho made it out to be. It failed to even puncture a building in a sustained blast. But not a bad start for the Godzilla of the new Millennium�
(Gira-Goji - X-Gojira)

Height: 55 meters

Weight: 20,500 metric tons

Powers/Special Powers: Really powerful Atom Ray, can leap high into the air, pretty fast, intelligence, and will improvise.


In 1954, Godzilla attacked and left Tokyo in ruins. In "Godzilla X Megaguirus", Godzilla never was killed by the Oxygen Destroyer and left Tokyo and was never seen again. That was until 1966, when Godzilla returned and against a power planet and destroyed it.

Japan sought new ways of creating energy and thought they succeeded in 1996, but Godzilla soon returned that very year and destroyed the technology. A new self defense force called "G-Graspers" fought Godzilla, but failed horribly.

In the year 2001, Godzilla began to rise again...where the G-Graspers engaged the reptilian in battle. With no luck, they sought permission from the Japanese Government and prepared to launch a new deadly weapon. It was called the "Dimension Tide"--a man-made black hole.

While testing their new weapon, it opened up another doorway to another dimension. A mysterious egg is found by a young boy, who drops it down in the sewers of Tokyo.

Eventually the G-Graspers engage with Godzilla and just as they prepare to launch the Dimension Tide, a swarm of insects ravage Godzilla and try to absorb all his energy. The furious reptile fights back and eventually burns them to dust but is caught in the Dimension Tide...but survives by burrowing out of harm's way.

Godzilla soon makes his way to Tokyo, where the city is evacuated. When the G-Graspers fighting plane, "The Gryphon", prepares to fight Godzilla to the death--Megaguirus makes her presence known. Both Godzilla and Megaguirus duke it out, but in the end the insect is defeated.

The Dimension Tide is fired and Godzilla disappears in a blinding aura of light...

...One month later Godzilla returned and once again humanity felt his torment.

Fighting Power: *****

An improvement over his precursor, GxM harbors an incredible thermonuclear beam that had shown the strength to hold back an artificial black hole. This Godzilla can also leap incredibly high and slam the full force of his body into any unsuspecting or confused kaiju. GxM's incredible showcase of speed is impressive and his intellect isn't on the level of Gigantis, but it still managed to help win him the day against Megaguirus and even the humans. GxM's healing ability is top notch and saved his life. This is evident after Megaguirus tried to suck up his bodily fluids; the lost intake of plasma was quickly restored. One of the only flaws I can think of would be Godzilla's powerful beam. While it defied physics and pushed back an artificial black hole, its pushing power isn't really that impressive. When facing Megaguirus, GxM's ray barely pushed the insect back. Megaguirus only weighs about 12,000 tons. Past incarnations had succeeded in delivering stronger pushing power. But without a doubt, GxM is one of the superior Godzillas in the atomic family.
(Bara-Goji/GMK Godzilla)

Appearance: 2001

Height: 60 meters

Weight: 30,000 metric tons

Powers/Special Powers: Atomic Blast, Mystical Powers (?), can breathe underwater, and very thick hide.

History: In 1954, a demon stalked the lands of Japan and set Tokyo a blaze. Amidst the burning city, a young boy suffered the fate of thousands of others--coming to grip the fact that his parents and loved ones had been killed. Luckily, it was said that the beast was killed by the brave forces of the JSDF.

Years had past and Japan had forgotten the sacrifices that had been made.

As a result, Godzilla had risen again. But while the military struggles to come up with a way to end the creature's threat, ancient guardians begin to awaken from their slumber. The first to awaken is Baragon, who marches to meet with an enraged Godzilla. Godzilla had left a city in flames and death still lurked in the creature's mind.

The heavens trembled as these two giant monsters fought viciously, neither giving the other mercy. Finally, Godzilla powered up his atomic blast and incinerated the brave guardian who had defied the "Destructive God".

A path of destruction soon laid in Godzilla's wake. Godzilla had marched to Tokyo, destroying everthing in its path. Another guardian had awaken and flew on the wings of harmony--Mothra. Godzilla and Mothra faced off, being watched by the eyes of the brave men who dedicated their lives to the safety of the Japanese homeland. But it appeared that Godzilla had the leverage, until Ghidora joined the battle.

Now it was Guardians and Man versus Godzilla. Buildings were toppled, brave men were slaughtered and eventually Mothra too was incinerated by Godzilla's devious powers. But Mothra's spirit had joined with Ghidora's own and using the power of the guardians, Ghidora was able to release a staggering meteor fireball that succeeded in doing something that not even the JSDF's new weapon could do: injure Godzilla.

Though even Ghidora soon fell from Godzilla's power. But the spirits of Ghidora, Mothra and Baragon returned and fused with Godzilla, apparently damaging the beast from the inside. To make matters worst, Lt. General Tachibana had been able to get inside Godzilla and fire the drill missiles, which had succeeded in drilling out of the wound that had already been inflicted on Godzilla's body.

In a final desperate attempt to avenge the spirits who were lost during WWII, Godzilla attempted to fire his heat beam--but it backfired and the beast blew up. It appeared the spirits who had inhabited Godzilla's body and used it as a tool were finally at rest...

...Until a beating heart, at the bottom of Tokyo Bay, began to stir. Godzilla would never Rest In Peace.

Power: ****

While Godzilla's heat beam truly is powerful, it takes time to load. When up against opponents who are even his height or smaller, Godzilla could still be overthrown when it comes to physical combat. But don't let that fool you: Godzilla is still quite lethal and skilled. While Godzilla isn't perfect in physical combat, Godzilla does use his brain and would take advantage when the chance arises. This Godzilla's huge weakness is that while his hide is extremely thick, it lacks the rapid healing succession that other Godzilla incarnations possess. Thus, when penetrated, Godzilla would be unable to heal his wound nor charge up his breath--because if he did charge up his beam, it would lead to his own demise.

(Godzilla, G x MG, Gojira)

Appearance: 1999-2003

Height: 55 meters

Weight: 25,000 tons

Powers: An intense beam of radioactivity can be discharged from the mouth, slashing claws, ripping jaws, agility, intelligence, thick hide, cellular restoration and an adaptive swimmer.

History: On a cold, rainy night in the year 1999, Godzilla made his presence known fifty-years after the first one's initial attack. Being engaged by the JSDF armed-forces, Godzilla easily vanquished his foes and disappeared in the murky depths of the ocean. 3 years later, Godzilla paid another visit, but this time the JSDF were ready. Sending their most prized warrior, Kiryu - the mechanical Mecha Godzilla of the new Millennium - Godzilla and his automatic counterpart clashed. Their first battle occurred in the Kawasaki District, but was short lived. Godzilla's animal instincts had sensed his father, the first Godzilla that attacked in 1954, who had become the new avenger of Japan. Not wanting to do battle, Godzilla retreated, but in the wake of his retreat, Kiryu went berserk and couldn't be brought under control until its energy depleted.

Returning to Tokyo not long after, Godzilla sought to reduce it to rubble. So the atomic saurian would've succeeded, had it not been for the intervention of Kiryu. Anger clouded Godzilla's prehistoric mind and this time he fought his own mechanical parent to a stand-still. The city was indeed in ruins, but as a whole was saved thanks to the heroic efforts of Kiryu's Crew. Damaged by Kiryu's absolute zero cannon, Godzilla swam away, leaving a near critical injured Kiryu behind.

One year later, slumbering in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, Godzilla awakens. The wound on his chest had now healed, but a permanent scar remained as a reminder of his brutal fight a year ago. Seeking to return to land, Godzilla is once again engaged by a massive assault carried out by the JSDF. When the military failed, Godzilla stomped his way into Tokyo. But Godzilla was caught off guard when he was attacked by�Mothra. Their fight lasted for hours, with Mothra's reflective scales succeeding in making Godzilla's ray ultimately useless. But as her scales became depleted, Godzilla's lethal atomic blast returned to its threatening presence. Awaiting her demise, Mothra hoped her Larva would live on; however, the newly constructed Kiryu returns better than ever. Engaging Godzilla once again, the two creatures battle it out. Eventually, Godzilla gains the upper hand. Plotting to annihilate the Mothra Larva, Godzilla prepares to incinerate the pest once and for all. But with the sacrifice of their mother, Godzilla's ray reduces Mothra to ash before her offspring's very eyes. Kiryu returns into the fray and with the help of the two Larvas, Godzilla is subdued in webbing.

It appears Godzilla is finished, until Kiryu goes berserk once more and like a caring father, Kiryu takes Godzilla away. Both were last seen, diving into the dark depths of the sea�

Fighting Power: ****

In truth, this incarnation of Godzilla wasn't that impressive in his first outing. It is true that this Godzilla does deserve his dues when it comes to beam power and strength. Able to generate an atomic blast capable of knocking Kiryu, a 40,000 ton machine built for combat, off his feet. That alone is a true testament of the power this Godzilla is able to wield. When it comes to strength, Godzilla held his own against the larger Kiryu and the faster Mothra. His thick hide gives the impression that it is capable of taking a lot of hits. An example: taking a bombardment of weaponry from the JSDF and Kiryu. A prime example is surviving the absolute zero cannon and taking the full fury of Mothra's golden scales using his own beam and explosive power against him. In truth, it has been shown that Godzilla possesses an average rating of healing skills. Not exactly superior to his Heisei/G2K counterparts, but average none the less. One of the reasons of why this Godzilla didn't receive a 'Five' is plain and simple: he basically lets anything hit him before engaging. While his hide is thick and his power is great, if Kiryu launched the absolute zero cannon first, then the fight would've been over. (The reason the AZC failed in the first place when it fired at Godzilla was because it was underwater, which depleted the effectiveness of the weapon dramatically.) This Godzilla gave the impression that he was stupid. Not a bright thinker. But when he returned again one year later, the intelligence had evolved. Godzilla was prone to exhibit his agility reflexes when needed and proved to be one of the best Godzillas when it comes down to combat. A few things, such as superior healing abilities to name one, would've earned him a five.

Close, though�still has the potential to defeat even a monster with a higher rating.

Height: 100 meters

Weight: 55,000 tons

Powers: Capable of delivering a powerful atomic beam from its mouth. Godzilla's cellular reconstruction allows him to heal any superficial wound in a matter of seconds. In desperate times, Godzilla can summon a large portion of his energy to unleash a very powerful energy blast capable of reaching space. After being endowed with a large increase of energy by the Keizer-Mutant Ozaki, Godzilla gained a few new abilities: generating a nuclear pulse to free his body and firing a nuclear blast capable of annihilating powerful opponents. Godzilla also has strong leg muscles, enabling him to jump far distances. He possesses normal physical attributes, such as serrated teeth and sharp claws. Godzilla's tail is also deployed to harm enemies. Unlike other incarnations, this Godzilla's energy is either extremely high or the kaiju manages to generate more energy, allowing Godzilla to combat opponent after opponent, and travel across the globe in only a few days.

History: Through out the years, gigantic monstrosities forged out of the folly of Mankind's sinful ways, emerged and reeked havoc upon the globe. Amongst these lumbering titans was the most powerful of them all: Godzilla, the King of the Monsters. After years of combat, a plan was devised: the mighty hovering machine, Gotengo, would lure the reptilian behemoth to Antarctica. It was there that the rivaling species fought one another, each fighting for not only dominion over the globe, but for their very survival. Alas, when it seemed as if the nuclear leviathan would reign supreme, a combination of nature and science managed to entrap Godzilla in a frozen prison. For years, Godzilla would sleep, while Man improved its technologies, to engage other monsters across the globe.

Decades later, a barrage of monsters attacked Mankind. The sudden attack caught the world off guard. Mankind's newly constructed machines, built to eradicate the enormous beasts, arrived to combat the monsters. But before victory could be achieved by either species, the monsters disappeared. An alien race known as the Xilians had arrived, heralding peace and prosperity to the people of Earth. As a token of their impending friendship, the Xilians saved the cities from the monsters, by removing them with their superior technology; however, a handful of humans managed to unlock the true motives of the aliens and their intent on destroying the human race. Before the human race could respond, the Xilians released not only the monsters, but an army of intergalactic mayhem. Cities crumbled, nations toppled, and the world itself was on its knees.

A band of survivors managed to get onboard a newly constructed Gotengo. Knowing the world was doomed, the humans concocted a plan: Instead of quitting and accepting defeat, they would go to Antarctica, and free the only force on Earth capable of setting it free�Godzilla. In an attempt to stop them, the Xilians dispatched the deviant cyborg, Gigan. Gigan encountered the Gotengo on the icy slopes of Antarctica, and it was there that the mighty war machine succeeded. Godzilla was released from his icy prison and free to carry out retribution. Even with all its alien might, Gigan could not stop Godzilla. The price to pay was having its cybernetic head blown off. After defeating the cyborg, Godzilla lashed out at the Gotengo, believing their last battle was still happening. Gotengo devised a plan to lure Godzilla to the heart of Tokyo, where the Xilian Mothership awaited.

Along the way, the Gotengo traveled through cities that were occupied by the controlled monsters. In Sydney, Australia, the Xilians released the reptilian threat known as Zilla. Believing Godzilla's victory over Gigan was pure luck, the Xilians were positive that Zilla could dispose of the newly awakened King. The Xilians had never been so wrong. Upon arriving in Sydney, the two giants roared defiantly at one another. Without hesitation, Zilla sprinted to meet Godzilla. Godzilla deployed its atomic beam, but a combination of agility and its amazing leaping ability saved Zilla's life; however, Zilla had leaped directly towards the King of the Monsters. Godzilla simply knocked Zilla away with his colossal tail, shattering the iguana's ribs and sending the monster flying back into the Sydney Opera House. Godzilla proceeded to vaporize the reptilian menace in a sea of nuclear fire.

Godzilla later arrived in New Guinea. There, the massive spider known as Kumonga engaged the atomic tyrant. Kumonga's webbing temporarily immobilized Godzilla. The spider's strategy proved to be successful, until its webbing became caught in its mouth. To the spider's dismay, Godzilla grabbed the filament of webbing, and tossed Kumonga beyond the reach of the horizon. Godzilla's quest to Tokyo continued�

The atomic saurian finally arrived on the shores of Japan. Growing bitter, the Xilians believed the key to Godzilla's destruction was finally at hand, when they pitted him against the giant praying mantis, Kamacuras. Godzilla set foot on familiar soil, but immediately sensed the hostile insect. Trees were reduced to cinders by Godzilla's atomic ray, as he searched for the camouflaged insect. With its cover blown, Kamacuras utilized its amazing speed, and yearned for the chance to mutilate the towering reptile with its pincers. Instead, Godzilla caught Kamacuras, swung him around, and tossed him into an electrical tower, where the praying mantis was impaled by its sharp tip.

Godzilla's march to Tokyo was only slightly behind schedule. After slaying Gigan, Zilla, Kumonga, and Kamacuras, the Xilians believed the best strategy to incorporate was to deploy three monsters. At the base of Mt. Fuji, Godzilla met Anguirus, Rodan, and King Caesar. A showdown transpired, as the four monsters rushed to meet one another in a titanic showdown. For a few minutes, it seemed as if Godzilla had finally met its match. But Godzilla's power was not easily compromised. Using the bodies of their own comrades against them, Godzilla managed to fling Anguirus' aloft form into Rodan, knocking the giant pteranodon out cold. Next, Anguirus suffered defeat after striking a mountain. King Caesar tried desperately to take Godzilla down, but he too suffered defeat. With all three monsters stacked on top of one another, Godzilla resumed its journey to Tokyo.

The Gotengo had long arrived in Tokyo, where it engaged the Xilian Mothership. While it penetrated the exterior of the Mothership, Godzilla arrived in Tokyo Bay, where his atomic blast escorted Hedorah and Ebirah out of the sea. Unwilling to allow the two monsters to live, Godzilla blasted both the monsters and a skyscraper into another building miles away. It was there that they met oblivion.

As Godzilla arrived in the heart of Tokyo, the Xilians attempted to eradicate the monster once and for all, by dropping a meteorite on him. Godzilla attempted to blast the space rock out of orbit, but even with his powered up beam, Godzilla could not eliminate the threat from above. The impact created a magnificent crater that took up a large portion of Tokyo. In the center of the crater, Godzilla stood, defiant as ever. And yet, the meteorite was only the beginning. Hatched from its core, the strongest monster in the Xilian ranks, made its presence known. It was called Monster X.

Godzilla and Monster X faced off. Surprisingly, Monster X was able to challenge Godzilla's power. Neither monster could get the upper hand. When the guardian of the planet, Mothra, arrived to help, the Xilians dispatched an upgraded Gigan. Gigan managed to knock out its one-time rival, Mothra, and proceeded to help Monster X double-team Godzilla. Luckily, Mothra returned, and with her sacrifice, the cyborg was taken care of. Finally, when it seemed as if Godzilla would conquer over all, the Gotengo managed to destroy the Mothership from within. The massive spaceship disappeared in a huge explosion. Godzilla and Monster X briefly stared at one another before exchanging their powerful beams. The two beams created a massive explosion that knocked both monsters off their feet. As Godzilla struggled to rise, the King of the Monsters was awe-struck to witness Monster X's terrifying transformation into the three-headed sultan of chaos, Keizer Ghidorah!

No matter how hard Godzilla tried, Keizer Ghidorah easily overpowered Godzilla and started to suck the life out of the mighty reptile. All seemed lost, until the humans managed to endow Godzilla with newfound strength. Godzilla broke free of Keizer Ghidorah's jaws and destroyed its heads one-by-one. Finally, Godzilla used his omnipotent strength to toss Keizer Ghidorah high into the sky, where Godzilla summoned the full extent of his power. A crimson beam heralded Keizer Ghidorah's destruction. Victorious, Godzilla roared to the heavens.

With the alien threat taken care of, Godzilla resumed its bitter feud with the humans. But suddenly, Godzilla's son, Minilla, urged his father to forgive the humans for their past sins. After contemplating his son's request, Godzilla conceded, and treaded to the watery depths of the sea. Before disappearing beneath the watery surface, Godzilla basked in the sunlight, and released one last final roar. It is unknown if the world would ever see Godzilla again, but one thing was for sure: No matter the threat, Godzilla's feral nature and symbolic representation would triumph over all.

Fighting Power: ******

This incarnation of Godzilla is arguably the most powerful one yet. Equipped with a powerful projectile capable of wiping out or harming anything in its path, Godzilla has finally achieved a level of power that is truly a testament of his legend. When stacked against monsters of impressive feats, such as Anguirus, King Caesar, and Rodan, Godzilla defied logic by moving swiftly and striking without remorse. This Godzilla's speed is quite a sight to behold, as evident when he successfully dodged all three monsters at once. Against the giant spider, Kumonga, Godzilla's formidable strength was apparent when he threw Kumonga thousands of miles away. In a comparison, had Kumonga been replaced with the King Ghidorah of the Showa era, the space dragon would've suffered the same fate. Truly, these battles alone are a testament of Godzilla's almighty strength and speed. In order to understand Godzilla's stamina, one must understand that after being freed from his frozen prison, Godzilla literally traveled thousands of miles within the length of a day, and fought several different kaiju. Also, during the length of Godzilla's freedom, Godzilla's intellect is numerously touched upon. During combat especially, Godzilla is keen to making quick decisions and prevailing in the long run. During Godzilla's arrival in Tokyo, Godzilla summons an unbelievable amount of energy to fire a beam out of Earth's orbit, and strike an incoming object - a meteor - from space. While the beam failed to destroy it, it is still quite an astounding accomplishment. As the meteorite dropped on Godzilla and unleashed an explosion that's akin to a nuclear warhead going off, we're left staggered to see Godzilla standing in the center of the crater: unscathed. Another example on Godzilla's beam power was when he numerously wiped out other monsters, knocked Monster X hundreds of feet back, and managing to push the Xilian Mothership - an object of great magnitude - backwards. Accompany those accomplishments and more with Godzilla's heightened senses, incredible accuracy, astonishing agility feats; the mightiest Godzilla yet rises to the occasion.

But beware; after being endowed with energy by Gotengo and Ozaki, Godzilla's power increased tenfold. At this point, I'm obligated to nickname this new creature 'Godzilla Unlimited', as it suits the rejuvenated Godzilla and his awesome power.
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