
Length: 150 meters

Weight: 30,000 tons

Powers: Claws, teeth, adaptive swimmer, body can constrict prey/enemies.

History: Once was considered a living God of the ancient empire of Mu. Manda fought with the Atragon and was defeated, after being electrocuted by the ship's weaponry. It was thought to be dead; Manda later reappeared on Monster Island in 1999 with the other Earth Monsters. One of the victims of the Kilaak's mind control, Manda turned on the planet. But thanks to the intervention of the humans, the monsters broke free of their mind control and turned on their former masters. Manda was amongst the monsters that invaded the Kilaak's Headquarters, but did not compete in the battle against King Ghidrah. It is assumed that Manda didn't fight against the space monster, solely because of its electrical bolts and electricity being an obvious weakness of the ancient serpent god.  

Fighting Power: **

I really don't want to give Manda such a low rating, since there is enormous potential in the slithering serpent. Just when in combat, Manda is slow on land that even a tortoise could outrun it (only a figure of speech). Though like the rest of his serpent brethren, Manda would be fast in the water but it really isn't that impressive. I'll give it one thing; if Manda constricts an opponent then it is a safe bet that Manda will have a full belly later that evening. But usually, the majority of monsters out there possess the strength and power to deter Manda from accomplishing such a feat.

Length: 300 meters

Weight: 60,000 tons

Powers: Manda's serpentine shape allows it to constrict any object with its coils. A natural born swimmer, Manda swims gracefully underwater, and can attack in a lightning quick fashion. Manda's snapping jaws help intensify the threat of its unbelievable speed.

History: Haunting the coast of England, Manda's magnificent yet terrifying portrayal of freedom was cut short, when Japan offered the support of its flying battleship, Gotengo. The Gotengo attacked Manda in its own domain. Manda managed to wrap its coils around Gotengo's outer haul, and squeezed tightly. Noticing that they were approaching an underwater volcano, the Gotengo fired two missiles, which disrupted the volcanic activity, making it active. The Gotengo, along with the constricting Manda, went into the heart of the underwater volcano, exposing the sea serpent to blistering levels of heat. The heat baked Manda's scaly flesh, eventually forcing Manda to abandon Gotengo and flee. Now a golden glowing serpent, Manda fiercely returned to engage Gotengo, only to be hit by its zero cannon. The ray froze Manda's atoms, reducing it to a frozen statue. Afterwards, Gotengo ravaged its remains and returned to base.

Fighting Power: ***

I was compelled to give Manda a higher score, since I thought it deserved it, but there wasn't enough screen time to come to a conclusion. Sure enough, Manda receives an average rating. But do not let that fool you; Manda's fearsome agility is a sight to behold. Combine that with its constricting capabilities, it can prove to be fatal to any kaiju if not dealt with properly. Its weaknesses lie in its reaction to the undersea volcano. Blistering temperatures tend to boil its body. Even if it can survive such encounters, it can tip the odds in Manda's opponents' favor.
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