* (1)- Weakling
** (2)- Below Average
*** (3)- Average Kaiju
**** (4)- Above average.
***** (5)- Highly dangerous
****** (6)
Interested in learning about the monsters who have been created by Toho? Well, click the above banner and go fill up your 'Toho Kaiju Knowledge'! A place to start for beginners and veterans alike, who'd like to learn more about Godzilla and Co.!
So you think you know everything about Godzilla? Well that is all irrelevant, because by clicking on the top banner, you are sucked into a realm that's home to a new breed of kaiju! Learn about Gamera, the Guardian of the Universe and the other monsters who've risen out of 'Workshops of Daiei'.
Interested in the giant anomalies that duke it out with Ultraman and the Courageous Warrior entirely? Well, click the above banner and you'll become the visitor to the ever-growing 'Ultraman Kaiju Section' that is working hard to bring knowledge on the statistics of the monsters Ultraman dukes it out with and the Warrior of Light himself.
There's a Toho, Daiei and Ultraman Kaiju section, bet you think that just covers all the monsters that have ever graced our imaginations. Wrong! The above banner introduces to you to other creatures that are horrifying in their own right! Read statistics in the 'Other Section' where you can find statistics about Evangelion, Gorgo, Zarkorr and more.
At this site, kaiju are ranked by they're attributes and power. We examine the strengths and weaknesses of all the monsters you'll find, then breakdown exactly what rank they deserve. Don't worry about going back and forth between pages if you forget what rank means what, since we would be explaining why a certain kaiju received that rank during the process of where you'd be reading the statistics.
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