Monster X

Height: 120 meters

Weight: 60,000 tons

Powers: Monster X is capable of levitatation, however long is questionable. Monster X emits powerful gravity bolts from each eye. He possesses incredible strength. Monster X's carapace is thick enough to withstand powerful assaults. Monster X's tail, fists and legs are also used as weapons in combat.

History: The Xilian invasion had transformed Tokyo into a graveyard. When Godzilla marched into the heart of the city, the atomic reptile spotted an object approaching Earth's stratosphere. Godzilla manifested a great deal of energy and attempted to blow the meteorite out of the sky. Godzilla failed, but survived the massive impact. But when it seemed as if the Xilians' attempt at destroying Godzilla had failed, the true nature of their plan took form. The skeletal body of Monster X descended from the bleak skies. After arriving from inside the meteorite itself, Monster X quickly attacked the King of the Monsters. To Godzilla's surprise, Monster X proved to be his equal. As the brutal battle continued, the upgraded Gigan arrived to assist Monster X. The two damaged the King of the Monsters, but Mothra's timely arrival caught both aliens off guard. With Gigan distracted, Godzilla and Monster X resumed their battle. As time passed, Godzilla gained the upper hand. When the humans managed to destroy the Xilians' Mothership, Monster X was alone. Godzilla and Monster X exchanged their beams, creating a gigantic explosion.

The injured Monster X has had enough. To insure victory, Monster X begun its transformation�

Fighting Power: *****

A malevolent demon, Monster X is. The strength alone earns Monster X such a dangerous rating. When pitted against Godzilla, Monster X's unholy strength managed to rival the King of the Monsters. While it is true that Godzilla eventually started winning, bear in mind, Monster X was still fighting and making Godzilla work for it. Monster X's seething strength wasn't the only deadly attribute the demon wielded. Monster X's gravity bolts visibly damaged Godzilla's flesh. Not only did it burn Godzilla's skin, but it brought the King of the Monsters down to his knees. In physical combat, Monster X used a combination of his speed and levitation abilities to gain the upper hand. As evident when Godzilla's ray managed to annihilate a few monsters and push the Xilian Mothership back, Monster X's thick carapace withstood several attacks. Monster X not only possesses an incredible defensive capability, but also a forceful offensive one as well.
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