Showa Mothra

Generation One

Length: 180 meters (Larva)

80 meters (Adult)

Wingspan: 250 meters (Adult)

Weight: 15,000 tons (Larva)

15,000 tons (Adult)

Generation Two

Length: 65 meters (Adult)

Wingspan: 135 meters (Adult)

Weight: 15,000 tons

Powers/Special Powers:

Larva- Webbing (Shot from its mouth), can swim, and team work!

Adult: Able to fly, Poison Power, Intelligint, and able to hook things with its legs.

History/Origin: A defender for the people. Mothra is worshipped at an island called: "Infant Island". There, whenever her people are in trouble or ask for her service, she'll defend them with her life. Possibly created by radiation, just a giant moth (Always has been), or came from space.

(Imago Rating)
Fighting Power: ***

With her massive wings, Mothra is able to fly at speeds of mach 3 and deliver powerful shockwaves, capable of blowing a combination of building and kaiju away with one flap. Unlike the majority of her kaiju brethren, Mothra deploys her kindred intellect to assist her in battle and outsmart those with inferior thinking skills. When all else had failed, as a last resort, Mothra can deploy a poisonous powder that succeeded in stunning Gigantis. It is known that Mothra, in her fight with Gigantis, had recently laid an egg and was weaker than what she'd normally be. It is possible that if she had been at full health, her power rating probably would've gone up higher. But Mothra's hide isn't strong enough to survive intense heat. Gigantis' atomic flames didn't exactly incinerate her, but they did damage her and if a projectile that was a mixture of heat and force struck her, it is possible that even the first shot would be fatal. Mothra does tend to go up close and personal, which in a battle against an opponent with a dangerous salvo of attacks, could be a fatal error. With these circumstances aside, Mothra receives an average rating.

Length: 100 meters (Larva)

180 meters (Adult)

Weight: 10,000 tons (Larva)

15,000 tons (Adult)

Powers/Special Powers:

Larva: Same as Showa...

Adult: Able to fire energy beams, electrical zaps from wings, can cause shockwaves, Powder (Can reflect burst of energies..), and flying abilities...

History/Origin: Mothra, created my the Cosmos to look over the people. To protect them from any signs of danger. For eons, Mothra has watched over all...

(Imago Rating)
Fighting Power: ****

Able to hurl strong gusts of wind from his wings, this version of Mothra can send a creature of even Godzilla's size falling to the ground with only a few flaps. Capable of deploying energy blasts from her antennas, these energy beams stalled even the mighty Godzilla and packed a lethal force. When up close, Mothra can deploy scales from her wings that act as golden-particles capable of dismembering incoming beams and sending them back at the source in tiny streaks. Not only that, but electrical bolts flare out of his wings and strikes the opponent who is unlucky enough to be caught in his golden dust. But Mothra needs to move in close in order to deploy the golden powder. If its target possesses a projectile with a considerable amount of force, then the moth may be looking at the ground and greeting it reluctantly. Mothra's physical strength isn't that impressive and in a fight, he could easily be overcome. If the opposing kaiju has an attack like Godzilla's pulse, then Mothra's only alternative is deploying his energy beams and being far away.
Mothra Leo


Length: 24 meters

Wingspan: 53 meters

Weight: 5,900 tons

Powers: Obviously, it can fly. Able to discharge three energy blasts from the shiny pearls on forehead, bolts of energy fire from wings, can release an energy blast from abdomen. Leo can also turn into thousands of smaller, energetic Mothras that would swarm and attack the enemy. When Leo ascends towards the sky and spins around in circles, he can discharge rings of energy from his spinning form that descends towards the target. Leo is capable of releasing green powder from his wings that can stun his foes. Leo can make plants, trees and other forms of vegetation grow at an astonishing rate. Mothra Leo is capable of manifesting the energy in his body and fly at alarming speeds towards the opponent, providing a powerful physical impact. For Mothra Leo's final attack, the custodian would fly around in a circle by releasing his powder, then in the center of the circle and powerful energy blast would burst from the sky and strike the enemy.

History: Eons had passed since the Earth was in great peril. Mothra, goddess of the world and defender of its life forms, approached the time of when she will no longer be there to protect them. Gathering all her holy power, Mothra gave birth to an egg that would be her successor when the time comes for her to leave the world of the living. Fate would intervene with her plans, however, when mankind accidentally awakens an ageless threat: DesGhidorah. The evil creature from the stars is now the engine of destruction, being used by a dark fairy who seeks the end of Man. Weak after giving birth; Mothra puts aside her pain and takes to the air to save the planet from the horrible monster. But in battle, DesGhidorah proved to be a formidable foe and even Mothra was unable to overcome him. Hearing his mother's painful screams, the young larva broke free of its egg and sought to aide his mother.

Young Leo arrived on the scene, only to find his mother on the verge of death. Using his own power, Leo tried to deter DesGhidorah from annihilating his mother. Leo was successful, but soon he became the object of DesGhidorah's rage. If not for Mothra's selfless actions, Leo would've been slaughtered. Using what little energy she had left, Mothra took her son miles away and into the ocean. There, Leo watched his mother slowly sink beneath the waves, into her watery grave.

Leo was now the last of his kind.

Seeking to avenge his mother, Leo swam to an island filled with trees that were more ancient than any living thing on the planet. Shrouding his body in a cocoon at the base of an ancient tree, Leo became saturated by the ancient energies of the planet. In the process, DesGhidorah set entire forests on fire and fed off their life force. Luckily, Mothra Leo had transformed into his adult form. Hoping to avenge his mother and his kind, Mothra Leo knew that he was the only force on the planet that could save the world. Flying faster than a jumbo jet, Leo met DesGhidorah in battle. Leo discharged attack after attack, but it wasn't enough to dispose of DesGhidorah. Believed to be immortal, DesGhidorah could not overcome Leo's power, but Leo did not possess the power to destroy it. Using the power of ages, Leo re-opened the seal that once kept DesGhidorah in his ancient prison and sent the ancient evil deep into the earth, never to be released again.

Using his mystical power, Mothra Leo restored the burnt forests to their once former glory. The earth was green once more and the offspring of Mothra now sought for the planet's safety.

Years later, Mothra Leo once again was needed to save the planet from an awakened monster. Barem, toxic-like organisms that resembled deformed star fish, swept across the oceans of the world. It didn't take long until they had nearly taken over every water source. The problem belonged to a garbage eating monster, known as Dagarah. A creation of an ancient civilization, known as the Nilai Kanai; Dagarah was created to devour their pollution and clean up whatever mess they made. It backfired and Dagarah generated a lethal byproduct-the barem. Now Dagarah posed a threat to modern day society and all life on the earth.

Eventually, Leo met Dagarah in battle and fought the beast to a standstill. Eventually, Dagarah lured Leo beneath the ocean waves and took control. Dagarah covered Leo with barem and the defender of the planet felt his life force being sapped from his body. Landing on top of a Nilai Kanai temple, Leo waited for his inevitable demise. But as Dagarah tried to destroy the custodian of the world, the temple tried to fend the monster off. But luckily, a group of children aided the Elias in releasing the spirit known as Ghogo. The end result transformed Leo into his new, powerful form: Rainbow Mothra.

Fighting Power: *****

You'd think when looking at a moth, any moth-whether it is normal size or huge-it wouldn't be that spectacular. But the truth is Mothra Leo is without a doubt, one of the most powerful monsters in existence. With his vast arsenal of attacks, Mothra Leo possesses enough power to take down even the strongest monsters. In this form, he is without a barrier to protect him from energy attacks, but with his speed and agility, Leo usually is able to dodge such encounters. This Mothra is specifically designed for offense and he is quite good at it. The only flaws I can think of are if Leo faces an opponent who has a strong defense and good at striking fast opponents. Without the shield, if Leo is struck by a powerful attack, then that offensive array of attacks would mean nothing if he's being physically beaten to a pulp and dismantled by powerful energy attacks. If met with an ability that saps the energy of whatever it comes into contact with, then Mothra Leo would go down in flames and be at the mercy of the offender. The fact that Mothra Leo is able to discharge vast amounts of energy and separate into thousands of Mothras was a true testament of Dagarah's power. There are only a handful of monsters that can do this.
Rainbow Mothra

Length: 24 meters

Wingspan: 53 meters

Weight: 5,900 tons

Powers: Obviously, it can fly. Able to discharge three energy blasts from the shiny pearls on forehead, bolts of energy fire from wings, can release an energy blast from abdomen. Rainbow Mothra can also turn into thousands of smaller, energetic Mothras that would swarm and attack the enemy. When Rainbow Mothra ascends towards the sky and spins around in circles, he can discharge rings of energy from his spinning form that descends towards the target. Rainbow Mothra is capable of releasing green powder from his wings that can stun his foes. Rainbow Mothra can make plants, trees and other forms of vegetation grow at an astonishing rate. Rainbow Mothra is capable of manifesting the energy in his body and fly at alarming speeds towards the opponent, providing a powerful physical impact. For Rainbow Mothra's final attack, the custodian would fly around in a circle by releasing his powder, then in the center of the circle and powerful energy blast would burst from the sky and strike the enemy. Rainbow Mothra is able to form a barrier that can repel energy attacks attempting to harm him. He can create rings of energy that manipulates the gravity and levitate the foe. Can transform into Aqua Mothra form at will�

History: Thanks to the spirit Ghogo, Mothra Leo had gained a new form of power. Dagarah's attacks were met with impunity and Rainbow Mothra was able to drive the beast down into the depths of the sea.

It wasn't long until the Earth would need Leo's help again. Descending from the dark regions of space was an enemy whose power wiped out the dinosaurs, millions of years ago: King Ghidorah. King Ghidorah sought to capture all the earth's children to feed off their life force. Then the tyrant would proceed with the adults, then other life forms until the planet was drained completely of life. The Elias enlisted Rainbow Mothra's assistance and sure enough, the custodian met King Ghidorah in battle. But even the power of Mothra Leo could not even scratch the mighty tyrant, King Ghidorah.

Battered and broken, Leo would soon be with his mother and ancestors. Only a plan was forged to go back in time and fight the younger King Ghidorah. With the help of one of the Elias, Leo transformed into Light Speed Mothra and flew into the past. In a devastating battle, Mothra Leo and Cretaceous King Ghidorah tore into the other, shaking the entire prehistoric land. In the end, Leo was victorious by dropping the Cretaceous one into the mouth of a volcano. But Leo was critically wounded.

In the future, King Ghidorah disappeared and it seemed as if Leo's noble sacrifice was not in vain. But during the prehistoric battle, one of Cretaceous King Ghidorah's tails were cut off and burrowed beneath the ground, eventually regenerating into a new King Ghidorah. King Ghidorah returned just as soon as he disappeared, this time�there was no custodian to stand up to the tyrant's Evil.

Trapped in the past, Mothra Leo prepared for death. But then, his ancient relatives appeared and saved Leo's life by covering him with mystical webbings. Leo was entombed in an ancient vault that kept him in hibernation. Millions of years pass by and Leo awakened, to find the resurrected King Ghidorah ready to abolish all life on Earth. But Leo had grown in power and developed a new type of armor that encased his body. Thus, Armor Mothra was born!

Fighting Power: *****

If you thought Mothra Leo was powerful, becoming Rainbow Mothra intensified the incredible power of the custodian. Now Leo is able to generate a barrier that can block powerful beams without attempting to dodge them. Add this to the incredible array of attacks; Rainbow Mothra now possesses an incredible array of offensive attacks and a good defense. Transforming into this new form increased the power of Mothra Leo.
Aqua Mothra

Length: 24 meters

Wingspan: 30 meters

Weight: 3,500

Powers: Capable of flying, adaptive swimmer and can fire golden bolts of energy that are in a "V" shape from his antennas. Aqua Mothra is able to form an invisible barrier around his body to stop energy attacks. He can release energy blasts from his forehead that are in an "X" shape, rapidly. Aqua Mothra can separate into thousands of tiny Mothras that swarm an opponent and attack it. He can shoot a blue aura like ray that manipulates gravity and levitates an object. With the Elias' help, Aqua Mothra can transform into Light Speed Mothra or just turn into Rainbow Mothra.

History: With his new found power, Rainbow Mothra transformed into his Aqua form and dove into the water. Dagarah was no longer the only one at home in the sea and it didn't take long for Aqua Mothra to dispatch Dagarah by destroying the organs that generate the endless supply of Barem. Stunned, Dagarah was taken out of the water and with the wishes of the last embodiment of the Nilai Kanai; Dagarah was dropped on the temple and was engulfed in a fiery explosion. The temple disappeared and the world was saved once more.

Fighting Power: *****

Not only is Mothra able to fly through the air, now he can swim through the undersea realm. His attacks are just as potent as they are above the surface. That and with the ability to form a barrier, Aqua Mothra is able to attack, shield his body from incoming attacks then return fire twice as hard. Combined with the ability to separate into thousands of tiny Mothras to swim into the bodies of those who are engaging him under the water, Aqua Mothra earns the same power rating as his past forms.
Armor Mothra

Length: 25 meters

Wingspan: 50 meters

Weight: 5,900 tons

Powers: Flight, able to discharge a powerful energy blast from the forehead, incredibly thick armor, razor sharp wings. Armor Mothra's most powerful attack is the ability to illuminate his entire body in a bright light and is capable of flying through solid objects, turning them into a crystal and then exploding into millions of tiny pieces. He is capable to change into Eternal Mothra.

History: After being suspended in space and time, Rainbow Mothra had evolved into a new level of power: Armor Mothra. King Ghidorah's vicious onslaught of attacks could not harm Armor Mothra and swiftly, Armor Mothra vanquished the King of Terror and Earth was at peace at last. Armor Mothra transformed into Eternal Mothra, where Leo finally was able to retire and earn the honor that he had desired since his Mother's death.

Fighting Power: ******

Armor Mothra easily dispatched King Ghidorah, one of the most powerful creatures to ever live. The attacks of Armor Mothra would be enough to destroy the majority of any monster in existence. Armor Mothra's power can rival even a God's. A true defender of the earth, it would take great power of Evil proportions to take down the likes of this powerhouse.

(GMK Version)

Length: 24 meters

Weight: 15,000 tons

Wingspan: 75 meters

Flight speed: Mach 1

Powers: Wings can expel strong gust of wind. Able to lodge dozens of stingers released from its abdomen. Legs are curved with sharp blades, used specifically for getting a good grip or to penetrate. Upon death, Mothra can implant its life force in other begins, rejuvenating them to the point of being stronger.

History: Thousands of years ago, Japan paid witness to creatures of unfathomable power; the subterranean guardian, Baragon; the mythical dragon, Ghidorah and the benevolent moth, Mothra. Dedicated in protecting Japan, these Yamato Guardians sought to abolish who would threaten its wonders. This created conflicts involving humanity and the Yamato Guardians. Eventually by means unknown, the humans managed to kill the guardians; but the spirits of the guardians remained. Their holy power remained entombed inside the dead bodies. With their spirits and bodies united, the Yamato Guardians went into hibernation.
Prophecy foretold should Japan be attacked by a destructive force that humanity could not repel, the Yamato Guardians would awaken. Symbolic statues were crafted near shrines dedicated to the Yamato Guardians. In 2001, the prophecy was proven right, when Godzilla laid waste to the countryside. Driven by vengeful spirits, Godzilla paid no heed to showing the land respect. The vengeful God would only be satisfied by watching it burn. Not only was Godzilla treading a path of destruction, but humanity was also playing their part in disrespecting the land; the Yamato statues were recklessly destroyed. The Yamato Guardians woke, one-by-one, the first being Baragon. The brave subterranean custodian stood up against Godzilla alone, and paid the ultimate price. His death awakened his guardian brethren.
Mothra, in her Larva stage, awoke beneath the waters of Lake Ikeda. There, her body went under a metamorphosis, turning into an egg. By night fall, Mothra hatched, once again fully grown. She tore across the skies, flying straight towards Tokyo, to meet the vengeful monster, Godzilla. With the JSDF present, an all-out war broke out. The two titans, Godzilla and Mothra, fought one another with aggression never before seen by human eyes. As the two dueling giants continued their earth-shaking war, Ghidorah appeared, attempting to aid his fellow Yamato Guardian in defeating a common enemy. But even with the combined might of Mothra and Ghidorah, Godzilla proved to be the strongest.
Godzilla's blistering atomic beam ravaged the mythical dragon. To the Japanese, Ghidorah looked to be dead, and Mothra was on the verge of defeat. The JSDF launched a counterattack, hoping to stall Godzilla long enough for the guardians to recuperate. Their benign attempts in aiding the Yamato Guardians was admirable, but all for naught. The torn and battered Mothra noticed Godzilla was about to demolish a ship carrying human life. Unselfishly, Mothra deterred Godzilla's attention, and paid the ultimate price.
Her mystical energies empowered Ghidorah in attaining the lost strength he once had. With her life force added to Ghidorah, it only managed to halt Godzilla's wrath. Eventually, Ghidorah suffered Godzilla's vengeful power, revealing the mythic dragon housed not only Mothra's spirit, but also Baragon's. The Yamato Guardians infused their spirits into Godzilla, attempting to quell the destructive habits. It wasn't enough. Eventually, the JSDF managed to puncture a hole in Godzilla's shoulder, which proved to be the monster's downfall.

Fighting Power: ***

In tackling the nuclear abomination and living longer than expected, it was disappoint to give Mothra an average rating. One of her advantages when it comes to combat involves her amazing agility; Mothra showed enormous potential, when she evaded Godzilla's atomic beam. This would unquestionably assist her in engaging other monsters. One of her weaknesses, attempting to sacrifice her own body for her fellow custodian companion, Ghidorah, also revealed Herculean strength; Mothra took a direct hit from Godzilla's blistering stream of radiation. The pure force behind Godzilla's beam alone should've finished her, but Mothra was able to endure. It shows her incredible resistance, even when her body fa�ade would give a different impression. Despite taking Godzilla's beam at one point during the battle, she was eventually slain by the same weapon, a result of her interest in preserving life, even at the sacrifice of her own. Another of one of Mothra's attributes allows her to protrude dozens of stingers from her abdomen. It is unknown if they contain toxic chemicals, but it succeeded in taking down Godzilla, a creature whose hide was incredible thick. Whatever the mystery, the stingers proved quite lethal. Like all Mothra incarnations, this one exhibits high intelligence, always a plus when dealing with inferior monsters - intellect wise. Mothra is equipped with the means to fight in physical warfare, but it is unknown just what would happen if she took a beating. With that said, based on her dealings with projectiles and physical blows, if enough if given, she wouldn't last too long. Until further study proves otherwise, this Mothra receives an average rating.

(Tokyo SOS Version)

Length: 36 meters

Weight: 12,000 tons

Wingspan: 108 meters

Flight speed: Mach 3

Powers: Capable of expelling strong gust of wind from her wings. Mothra can also shed scales from her wings that would either reflect or deflect projectiles coming her way. Energy projectiles would be reflected, resulting in a large explosion that would harm her attacker. Mothra would also implement her insectoid legs to slash and grab a hold of her enemy.

History: Years ago when her priestess was stolen from her, Mothra leveled Tokyo and brought them back to Infant Island. Decades passed, and the priestess returned to Japan, only to warn them of the approaching doom they'd soon endure if they did not dismantle Kiryu. They visited an old friend, whom they met years ago, to try and convince the government to fulfill their demands. Such demands did not warrant a threat, for if they did not comply, Japan would be attacked by Mothra.
The demands were not met, but out of the goodness of the benevolent Goddess, Mothra came to Japan's aid in the wake of Godzilla's return. For hours, the dueling giants fought one another. When the sky was blanketed by darkness, Godzilla finally overpowered the benevolent Goddess. It seemed over for Mothra, but coming to her aid was the mighty Kiryu. Through out the battle, Mothra attacked Godzilla whenever she could. It was later revealed that she previously laid an egg before her war against the atomic saurian.
Coming to their mother's aid, were two Mothra Larva.
It was a stalemate, as Godzilla fought Kiryu, Mothra and her kin with aggression. To dismay of the human race, Godzilla fired a blazing torrent of atomic power towards the Mothra Larva, which would surely annihilate them. Unselfishly, Mothra shielded her children with her own body, sacrificing her own life so they would live. Now fueled with a newfound adrenaline and motivation, Godzilla faced a repaired Kiryu and Mothra's angered children. Eventually, Godzilla was ensnared by the Larva's webbing. Kiryu's artificial intelligence took over; analyzing its memories attained by the previous Godzilla, discovering it was the original Godzilla. The Mothra Larva, along with humanity, watched as Kiryu took its son, Godzilla, to the sea.
The Mothra Larva returned home with their priestess, destined to flourish into the benevolent beauty their mother once was.

Fighting Power: ****

Capable of deploying hurricane winds strong enough to topple Godzilla speaks for itself. This Mothra version isn't as difference as the first one that appeared decades ago. Her intellect allows her to go up against a lot of monsters that act out of instinct. Only those whose power is in the area of Godzilla could truly triumph over her goodwill. One amazing ability Mothra is capable of deploying is shedding the scales on her wings. These enable any projectiles from striking her. Not only energetic attacks, but also projectiles such as missile; if dealing with an attack such as Godzilla's heat beam, it immobilizes the kinetic particles in the beam itself and reflects it back at the source. Against Godzilla, it resulted in an impressive explosion. Had Godzilla not possessed incredible resistance to pain and damage, it could've inflicted critical damage. One reason of why Mothra didn't receive a 5-rating is because of her reflective scales. While acting as a great defense against projectiles, they aren't unlimited in numbers; Mothra's scales are shed from her wings, and if she is forced to keep using this defensive strategy, her wings would eventually become useless and unable to allow her to fly. Mothra would end up being a sitting duck. But by then, she likely would've succeeded in overcoming her adversary.

Wingspan: 215 meters

Weight: 25,000 tons

Powers: Mothra's wings shed pollen capable of not only interfering with electronic devices, but also being ignited into powerful explosions. Her wings allow her to achieve flight speeds of Mach 3. Mothra is extremely agile. When the wings are flapped, Mothra can emit strong hurricane winds.

History: Eons ago, a great guardian known as Mothra patrolled the planet Earth. When an intergalactic cyborg known as Gigan arrived, bent on world domination, it took everything Mothra had to defeat the deviant alien. While she could not destroy Gigan, Mothra did manage to subdue him. 10,000 years later, Gigan's mummified corpse was unearthed. After the alien civilization responsible for its creation, known as the Xilians, arrived to conquer the globe, Gigan awakened. After a series of events, Mothra finally stepped in and flew to Tokyo, to assist Godzilla in his battle against Monster X. Sure enough, an upgraded Gigan interfered, and the two rivals renewed their ancient battle. Unlike last time, Gigan was victorious, and managed to knock out the deity. After Gigan started helping Monster X deal with Godzilla, Mothra returned and blindsided both alien monsters. The final battle between Mothra and Gigan transpired, with both capitalizing on the other's weaknesses. Mothra attempted to use her pollen to not only divert Gigan's homing discs, but also cover the cyborg whole. Instead, Gigan fired its cluster beam, which ignited the pollen; however, Gigan's discs returned to decapitate the cyborg, leaving him helpless for Mothra, whose molecules have been set ablaze, to ram into him. A blinding explosion ended the ancient rivalry and their lives as a whole. Mothra's sacrifice helped planet Earth live on�

Fighting Power: *****

To begin, one of the main reasons of why Mothra receives such a high score in the first place is because of her human-level intellect. When faced against foes that suddenly change their normal strategies, such as Gigan, she follows suit and capitalizes. The only other monster capable of challenging her problem solving skills would be Godzilla himself. It is likely that she is the superior tactician. Her wings showed great strength and resilience after knocking both Gigan and Monster X down. And she is quite formidable up close, as seen in her physical fight with Gigan. Her pollen is another useful attribute. Its ability to thwart not only electrical devices, but also create large explosions after becoming ignited, can make a difference. Her pollen is, however, a weakness. Should the pollen still be around her when an enemy ignites it, Mothra would be consumed by her own attack. It would eventually lead to her sacrificing her burning body, but it still isn't worth it. With these weaknesses aside, Mothra is still a heavy hitter.
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