Queen Bee

Length: 30 meters

Weight: 10,000 tons

Powers: Flight, thick hide, large stinger, fire other stingers that are stationed around the main one rapidly, agile and if around her bee colony she can control them.

History: On an island filled with mutated plants, a swarm of mutated bees, larger than the average semi, rule supreme. H.E.A.T. lands on the island and is baffled to find the mutations that had plagued the land. It isn't long until they discover that the mutated bees follow a gigantic Queen Bee. Near a deserted lab, H.E.A.T. engages the Bee Hive and its Queen. The humans are soon in peril and Godzalla arrives to challenge the royalty of the Queen Bee. The Queen Bee holds up well and the two mutations duke it out for a good length of time. Their fight eventually takes them to the heart of an active volcano. Within the bowels of the destructive mountain, the mutations are trapped and seemingly die by the molten rock. But alas, Godzalla survived the volcanic eruption�

�As for the Queen Bee, despite her swarm apparently being slain in the volcanic eruption, she went on to survive and be mind-controlled by the Tachyon. Apart of their monster army, she is unleashed soon after on an unsuspecting city. The city's military was unable to stop her, but they had bigger problems soon after. Eventually, the Tachyon mind control was broken and the Queen Bee betrayed her intergalactic allies. Despite her courage and ferocity, the Queen Bee was eventually terminated.

Fighting Power: ***

Like The Giant Bat, the Queen Bee is able to tackle the most advanced fighting crafts in the galaxy head on and hold her own. Able to release sharp stingers in a rapid progression, adversaries should be on guard; just one of those stingers could land right in your eye and blind you. Even if they don't hit you in the eye, look out, they're sharp enough to penetrate even Godzalla's hide and will give you a painful sting. When the Queen Bee isn't firing dozens of stingers, she'll be too busy embedding her large one into the flesh of whoever is there in opposition. From words of experience, being stung by a bee is painful; being stung by one that is hundreds of times larger than your average bee sting is overkill. Queen Bee's hide is surprisingly thick. Naturally, giant monsters possess a strong skin, but Queen Bee's is superior than most. Even from inside the core of an erupting volcano, she miraculously survived! Unscathed! But she suffers the same weakness as The Giant Bat: she isn't exactly physically strong. She's physically prepared, but not strong. Despite her miraculous return after being engulfed by an erupting volcano, she was blown away by the Tachyon battleships. But in her defense, the Tachyon weaponry is advance in its own right. Still, she is surprisingly agile and was a formidable opponent to Godzalla. Her flaws just take her down to an average rating. But if she were to be around her Hive, look out, because that fighting rating might go up a notch�
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