Rodan Stats


Height: 50 meters

Weight: 15,000 tons

Wingspan: 120-150 meters

Powers/Special Powers: Shockwaves, Sonic Booms, wings, claws, beak, and flying speed of Mach 1.5

History/Origin: The Last of the his kind. Rodan is apart of a prehistoric race of Pteranadon, a giant race. Awakened from nuclear bomb test, Rodan quickly took over the skies, proving to be more better then even JSDF!

Fighting Power: ****

Able to fly at speeds of Mach 1.5, Rodan's aerial form can unleash shockwaves that can flatten entire cities within seconds. Even by just standing there and flapping his wings, Rodan is capable of blowing strong gusts of wind that can cause even Gigantis to fall off his feet. Rodan implements his ability to fly even in physical combat. If an opponent is fighting him up close, Rodan would attempt to rake his opponent with his beak and talons long enough to give him time to take to the skies. But if an opponent, who is physically powerful, succeeded in getting Rodan in their hands, then the pteranodon would be in a world of pain. Rodan doesn't have any real projectile like attack, so the means of defeating the 'Master of the Skies' comes in the form of being able to take his shockwaves and strong gusts of wind. If you can overcome this, then Rodan wouldn't be a huge problem. It is just difficult to get Rodan in the position necessary to remove his advantages.

Fire Rodan
(Rodan- 1993)

Height: 70 meters

Weight: 16,000 tons

Wingspan: 120 meters

Powers/Special Powers: Uranium Beam, Shockwaves, wings could be used to slash opponents, and his beak.

History/Origin: Hatched from an egg on a certain island, which was somewhere in the Bering Sea. His egg was right next to Baby Godzilla's (Note: Godzilla's adopted son, Baby/Little/Jr. is Rodan's half brother). For years, after being exposed to raditation Rodan guarded to the island and his half brother's egg. When Godzilla came to retrieve Baby Godzilla, Rodan defended the egg. But failed. After listening to a certain song, Rodan got energy and transformed into Fire Rodan. He flew off to Japan, to retrieve his half brother. Only to be nearly killed by Mechagodzilla. After giving up all his radiation to Godzilla so Mechagodzilla could be stopped, he died...but his soul lives on deep inside Godzilla...

Fighting Power: ****

Not only is Fire Rodan swift and agile, but unlike his predecessor, Fire Rodan can expel a uranium beam. The uranium beam alone would be a useful weapon, as it can strike targets from a long distance and inflict considerable amounts of damage. When moving in for a physical bout, Fire Rodan's wings are strong enough to slash into the opponent's body just with one swoop by. Fire Rodan's talons are no stranger to gripping the flesh of another living creature. When up close, Fire Rodan's beak is more than willing to take a good peck. In a good aerial flight, Fire Rodan is able to deliver devastating shockwaves. But the creature's hide, while decent, isn't strong enough to withstand powerful projectiles like Mecha Godzilla's plasma grenades. When penetration is obvious, Fire Rodan is just a target in the sky, waiting to receive an even more horrible wound. Close to being average, but Fire Rodan's uranium beam and mastery of the skies earns him a reputation above average.

Height: 100 meters

Wingspan: 200 meters

Weight: 30,000 tons

Powers: Rodan's wings allow the kaiju to achieve flight and generate destructive shockwaves. Rodan's chest is covered with an armored carapace, presumably there to defend Rodan's weaker belly region. Rodan also has a sharp beak that would be effective in physical combat, as well as using its talons.

History: New York City, one of the biggest and most famous cities the world had ever known, was visited by an aerial kaiju of biblical proportions. Rodan attacked the city, catching the entire nation off guard. Rodan swiftly tore the air with its prehistoric presence, toppling skyscraper after skyscraper with its destructive shockwaves. In retaliation, the Earth Defense Force attacked the flying reptile, but before an outcome could be decided, Rodan vanished in a beam of light.

At first, it seemed as if Rodan had been captured by the alien friendly Xilians, but instead he was but a mere tool used only to perfect the agenda of the extraterrestrials. Rodan returned and ravaged New York. But the flying reptile was needed elsewhere. He was transported across the globe and arrived at the base of Mt. Fuji. There, Rodan was allied with Anguirus and King Caesar, to confront the King of the Monsters, Godzilla. The battle was swift and brutal, but Godzilla managed to knock Anguirus out of the sky and slam his spiky shape against Rodan's aloft form. The physical blow knocked Rodan out of the sky, leaving him incapable of retaliating. Rodan's fate is unknown, but it is likely that the giant pteranodon returned to the skies, where it belongs�

Fighting Power: ****

An improvement over its Showa and Heisei counterparts; Rodan not only managed to cripple the world's greatest city, but he also managed to evade counterattacks from the EDF warships. To destroy building structures, Rodan used its potent shockwaves. But not only were they used as an excellent offensive attack, they proved to be an effective defensive capability as well. When missiles were fired at him, Rodan's shockwaves destroyed them before they had the chance to score a direct hit. Surprisingly, Rodan never attempted to use its shockwaves against Godzilla. Nonetheless, Rodan also possesses an intelligence that allows it to see a strategy in motion. For example: Rodan was closing in at Godzilla from behind, while noticing that at the same time, Anguirus was bouncing forward. It caught Godzilla completely off guard. That and it proved to be an excellent means of strategy. But it is likely that since Anguirus managed to knock Rodan out of the sky and the battle itself, any powerful attack, physical or energetic, could defeat Rodan; however, Rodan's agility and destructive shockwaves can serve it well.
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