Saturday Horror #91

"For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, And a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace."

--Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

A premonition had occurred.

Bathed in his own psionic glory, Dogolas levitated above the murky ground. A conflict of biblical proportions had made the heavens tremble and the fire pits of Hell boil. Large this war was, leaving enormous casualties. Dogolas psychically fed off their misery, sapping the planet's dwindling life force. With each intake of life, Dogolas' power flourished. The Deity's eyes opened, piercing the area with its unholy gaze. He felt tremors in the ground; he didn't have to have contact with the floor in order to feel any vibrations. Dogolas was connected with the planet. If anything stirred on his planet, Dogolas would know about it in an instant.

Minions of the Dark Echelon crept in Dogolas' chamber.

As one, the minions whispered as silent as the wind. "My Lord, I beseech thee," their voices started to tremble with fear. "Your forces have either fallen or fled. Earth's army draws nearer. What are you going to do?"

Dogolas' piercing eyes looked beyond his minions. Past the organic walls, in the trails that would lead to his chamber, marched the Daikaiju Army. What once were two eyes became eight. These eight orbs flourished with psionic impulses, entering the minds and bodies of his minions; Dogolas initiated an immediate shutdown. No matter how small or fragile they were, no matter how devoted to carrying out their master's desires, no matter the loyalty, all of them were targeted for termination. Dogolas analyzed the biological aspects of his followers, and hampered every neural pattern in their body.

The screams were loud, but short-lived.

It was a relief to finally have peace and quiet. He was growing tired of the constant interruptions. This entire time, Dogolas had been in a deep state of meditation. The events that had transpired were all foretold years ago. Unlike any living being in the cosmos, the malevolent Deity possessed a gift unnatural; Dogolas could see into the future. The scientists of Earth speculated the only way to predict the future would be to know the characteristics of every molecular-motion in the universe, and to decipher its actions every second.

It was impossible.

Only to the comprehension of humans; humanity had not yet unlocked their full potential, and never will. But one thing annoyed Dogolas more than anything else; the mistakes only a mortal would make. Time and time again, Dogolas stumbled into a situation no perfect-being would get into. But these mistakes were only governed by the visions Dogolas analyzed in the future. Dogolas had foreseen the flawed decisions he had made; choosing a different course of action may very well disrupt the fabric of space and time. But how could Dogolas know this without even trying? His predictions had never been wrong. It turns out; Dogolas had once predicted a future of where he did choose a different path.

The end result was oblivion.

But it was only an omen. Dogolas previously searched the future and knew full well that if he had chosen such a course of action, it would've been over. But one thing bothered him; if he managed to foresee a future of his own oblivion, but prevented it, then why was he able to choose a different destiny? If he truly can change his own destiny, and prevent the premonition he had foreseen, then the future was not set in stone.

Dogolas didn't need to make all those mistakes. He didn't need to follow his own predictions like a manual. Attaining the perfection he had long craved could've been attained eons ago.

Curse eternity for all its worth; now Dogolas was frustrated. It turns out his predictions of the future was not perfect. After all, if it was, he would've foreseen the answer to the puzzle from the very beginning. Even more frustrating, perhaps he did, but was still compelled to walk down the same path. Dogolas was at the mercy of eternity, a prisoner just like everyone else.

Dogolas' body crackled with energy. The grotesque chambers of where Dogolas resided disappeared in his radiant of beauty. At the tips of his protruding tentacles, an acceleration of light manifested. The hideous dark green skin that covered Dogolas' body glimmered with unholy light. Trillions of parasites attached to the walls crawled away as an apron of Dogolas' power bathed them. A bitter feeling of animosity to all those in the cosmos, screamed from within the clouded conscious of the malevolent Deity. Even on the surface of his forsaken world, the hordes of demons, hungry for the taste of flesh, stopped dead in their tracks. Instinct is all what drove them for survival, but the outrage of their God was enough to stop them cold.

Even the marching kaiju army halted. They sensed the stench of malice rising. It consumed their souls, filling their minds with fear. Brave they were to defy a God; the great majority of them all had been worshipped by tribes believing they too were Gods. But they defied something beyond anyone's comprehension of what a God is. This entity responsible for the Kion Dehadrayth had conquered hundreds of civilizations, usurped the state of mind of all sanity. Only one wielding Dogolas' power could be considered a God.

Did the Dark Echelon really consider himself a God?

He never warranted such feeble, minded thinking. Only those who are weak and timid, seeking a purpose that only an omnipotent being can grant them, dwell upon the existence of such powerful beings. Dogolas knew he was the sultan of the cosmos, a collection of stars and planets that he had succeeded in spreading his own dominion upon. But if there is one thing his premonitions revealed, one thing this war showed him, is he had not yet attained perfection.

Attaining perfection would guarantee the omnipotence he desired.

Only way to attain it is by wining this war. It shouldn't be hard to attain victory, to attain perfection.

One of the walls started to melt. Dogolas' eight eyes widened, pulsating with psionic demeanor.

'They're here,' Dogolas wickedly exclaimed.

The chamber was no longer bathed by his psionic glow.

An atomic beam ripped one of the walls asunder. Out of the darkness, GxM stormed into the chamber, his reptilian eyes immediately locking onto Dogolas. The mutated aberration of an atomic past was not alone. The Warriors of Light and Benign, Ultraman Tiga and Dyna, flew inside Dogolas' chamber. Each of them flew into separate corners, analyzing the environment around them, never taking their gaze off of Dogolas. Fusion marched in, accompanied by Godzalla and Yonggary. Magano was next to enter, the chasms of his eye sockets disappeared in a crimson glow. Ultrizard entered the chamber, being greeted by the ominous atmosphere lingering in the putrid air.

They surrounded Dogolas. But they were not the only ones who proven themselves worthy.

A blistering explosion toppled one of the walls. Out of the mouth of the smoldering hole, Gamera entered, twirling his body around in circles. Azure flames ripped out of his arm and leg sockets, bathing the area with its florescent glow. Mothra Leo flew out of the darkness from which Gamera came. The benevolent creature circled Dogolas, eyeing the demonic deity with seriousness. Never before had Mothra laid his eyes on a being not only powerful, but with a sense of dread to match. Billows of smoke replaced the azure-flames exiting out of the limb sockets. Gamera descended down to the ground, and allowed his feet to plunge deeply into the rotted soil. Created for the sole purpose of exterminating all Earthly threats, Gamera openly agreed to add his services to the roster.

It was aperitif to win this war.

When it seemed like all those who had come to oppose Dogolas were present in the chamber, the others arrived. In one part of the chamber, one of the walls became frozen solid. The frigid temperatures reduced it to a wall of solid ice. But just as quickly as the temperatures dropped, a rise in temperature dramatically made its presence known. The frozen wall of ice melted. A bolt of lightning zigzagged into the chamber, manifesting into the living image of Balkzardan. A dark cloud of malice crawled into the chamber, forming the demonic dragon, Akuma. Engulfed inside a sphere of psionic energy, Miereki hovered into the chamber, his eyes sparkling with mystery.

Ultraman Tiga observed all his comrades.

"Are we all they made it?" he said, praying there were more.

A terrifying roar answered his question. The ground quaked from an unseen force. Temperatures dramatically started to increase, scorching the ground with its blistering wave of heat. Balkzardan was at a lost, unable to understand this phenomenon. Another chaotic roar vibrated the ground. Booming footsteps, each sounding like thunder, frequently shook the chamber walls. While all the warriors who had come to defy Dogolas showed signs of fear and confusion, Dogolas showed no emotion.

The footsteps grew louder.

Concrete slabs fell from the dark abyss of the ceilings above, suggesting it was not limitless at all. Extreme heat incinerated the parasitic organisms attached to the walls of the chamber. With an exception of Dogolas and Balkzardan, everyone's skin started to fume. One of the walls started to melt and oozed into the floor, hardening into molten slag. The reason was self-evident; a crimson beam comprised of radioactive potency, leveled the wall with its scorching dread. The crimson beam closed in on Dogolas, but failed to penetrate Dogolas' mental barrier. Dogolas' mental capacity shredded the molecular implements of the beam. What was once a powerful projectile had now vanished into thin air, its only remnants was the sizzling smoke that fogged the chamber.

Scarlet eyes pierced the haze of smoke, its ominous glare promised Dogolas retribution. Dogolas returned the sentiment; the unearthly orbs surged with psionic hatred. Dogolas recognized the weary creature before him. The Deity probed its neural patterns and heard its vengeful cries. The rotting smell of death secreted from the creature's body. It had recently murdered one of its own. Despite the satisfaction of amnesty, the primordial mind of this force of nature craved vengeance. It didn't care about its revelation; all that mattered was its desire for revenge.

Godzilla's chaotic roar shook the chamber walls. The jagged spines that stuck out of Godzilla's back glimmered blood red. Godzilla's nuclear power uncontrollably coursed his veins. Crimson veins bulged out of Godzilla's skin, saturating the air with radioactive fumes. An energetic impulse formed at the back of Godzilla's gaping jaws, irradiating with blistering heat. But the searing nuclear pain was postponed, when another arrived to defy Dogolas.

The King of the Monsters swiftly turned to meet the new arrival. Godzilla didn't care if the new arrival was friend or foe, he'll make the individual suffer and burn!

Light radiated by Godzilla's blistering spines shined upon the individual, revealing its estranged identity. It was Evangelion Unit 4, only different. Godzilla was taken by surprise, unable to comprehend his comrade's change in appearance. No longer was it Evangelion, but a new engine bred for destruction. Evajiran greeted Godzilla's blighted glare, with one of his own. Godzilla's nostrils smelled a familiar scent, naturally acknowledging Evajiran as a member of the family. Were his own senses betraying him? Godzilla snarled in frustration, trying to understand the situation.

"Father," Evajiran cried demonically.

Godzilla's reptilian fatigue did not allow the monster to express human expressions that well, but it wouldn't be hard to see the look of astonishment on the King of the Monster's face. Godzilla was a force of nature, born in a prehistoric past and reawakened by the hydrogen bomb; Godzilla never turned away from a fight or a challenge. Intimidation was not a philosophy Godzilla was familiar with. But the King of the Monsters backed away, allowing Evajiran to enter the corridors of the Dark Echelon. Evajiran's eyes glimmered with crimson supremacy. A long, slender blade protruded out of the top of Evajiran's right fist, crackling with atomic power. Evajiran swiped his arm towards Dogolas, which hurled the atomic blade to its destination.

A mental barrier met the atomic blade, forcing it to explode in a ball of radioactive fire.

Blocking the projectile insulted Evajiran. The hybrid warrior strode in Dogolas' direction. It wasn't long until all surrounded the Dark Echelon, preparing to unleash hell upon this forbidden entity. Godzilla studied Evajiran, wondering how this transformation occurred. But anger once again shrouded the monster's mind. A cascade of scarlet light gleamed from within Godzilla's bony spines.

'So it begins,' Dogolas exclaimed seriously, aware of the all-out-assault they had planned.

Godzilla opened his mouth, and allowed a stream of crimson death to erupt out of his gaping jaws.

The sparkling essence of nuclear power embodied Evajiran's spines, simultaneously radiating his hands. Steam boiled off Evajiran's energetic skin and oozed to the ground, melting it on contact. Evajiran thrusted his hands in Dogolas' direction and released a blinding torrent of atomic power.

Ultraman Tiga allowed light to circulate out of the pearl embedded in his chest. The light fused with Tiga's arms as he cuffed them together, and fired his zepellion beam.

Ultraman Dyna adopted Tiga's aggression and sent a blazing stream of light.

Psionic impulses flooded Miereki's eyes, cultivating a miraculous display of power. The psychic messiah was shrouded in light, molding his psionic power to his own accord. Miereki cuffed his hands together, expelling a concentrated blast of psionic energy.

Thermonuclear flames lingered out of the foyer of Godzalla's jaws. With the monster's spines seeping with thermonuclear exhaust, it all proved to be a prelude to the searing discharge to come.

The horns nestled around Balkzardan's jaws were enriched with elemental enchantment. It swirled with elemental bolts, circulating into the mouth of Balkzardan, combining to form an energetic sphere. The Master of the Elements displayed his essential attribute, in the form of a blistering bolt of lightning lancing out of his mouth. Balkzardan influenced the air the beam separated, manipulating the temperatures to rise rapidly, delivering a hotter assault.

Ultrizard harnessed the eternal energy within, and deployed it out of his hands, hoping it would deliver a fatal blow. Fusion joined the fray, spraying radioactivity in Dogolas' direction. A beam hotter than lava poured out of Magano's gaping jaws. A nuclear blast ignited out of GxM's mouth, streaking with the intent of absolute destruction.

A wave of darkness and death passed out of Akuma's retched body, mimicking the appeal of deadly tentacles entangling their prey.

Enferno manipulated the particles around his mouth, literally sucking it into his gaping jaws, preparing to unleash an attack whose only purpose is to destroy. A particle beam splintered out of the Scarlet Dragon's prehistoric maw, aiming to eradicate whatever molecule it comes into contact with.

Mothra ascended to the dark raptors, and manifested his holy power to be used against the Dark Echelon. The winged guardian channeled its benign power in between his abdomen, discharging a concentrated beam of divine energy.

Smoke steamed out of Gamera's closed maw. The emerald eyes of the Guardian of the Universe deemed Dogolas unworthy to live. Gamera's jaws separated, revealing bright churning flames. Flames crackling with plasma became exposed to the putrid air. A bombardment of fireballs burst out of Gamera's divided mouth, pelting Dogolas with all its blistering fury. But Gamera's barrage of fireballs was not alone; Yonggary joined Gamera in unleashing wave after wave of ember devastation.

All the attacks simultaneously engulfed the Evil Monarch. Dogolas encased his body in a mental barrier, putting a stop to all the projectiles attempting to ravage his body. Psychically, Dogolas fed off the energy the projectiles surrendered upon contact, empowering the mental barrier with the strength it needed to fight off the massive bombardment. Dogolas probed the minds of his attackers, invading the privacy they never suspected to be penetrated. The Dark Echelon admired their bravery, and honored of the fact that they were exerting all the power they could muster.

'Such feeble attempts are ultimately futile, but admirable, nonetheless,' Dogolas spoke corruptly, telepathically acknowledging his attackers, allowing them to have the only sense of gratitude he'll ever give them. 'But it is time that I convey this inconsistence to an end.' Eerily, Dogolas' psionic orbs crackled bright enough to breach the glimmering array of assaults, which continued to pound the mental barrier. Dogolas' unholy mind mustered the telekinetic strength to push the barrier beyond its limitations. The eyes of Dogolas' attackers noticed this unnatural phenomenon, and felt a rush of fear overtake them.

"We truly are engaging a God," Ultraman Dyna spoke out loud.

'No,' Dogolas replied specifically to the young Warrior of Light, 'I had transcended the restraints of a Deity.'

Dogolas cultivated enough power to trigger a psionic shockwave, overriding the combined power the defenders of Earth wielded. The attackers watched in horror as their unparalleled power failed to stop a mental shockwave rippling in all directions. In only a split second, every being in Dogolas' chamber was floored by the shockwave. Godzilla hollered in agony while feeling the mental shockwave tear into his body, temporarily shutting down his neural patterns. The King of the Monsters no longer stood erect on the ground; instead his prehistoric mass was propelled against the wiggling wall. But Godzilla was not the only one knocked out, and lying helplessly on the ground; all of Godzilla's comrades had been taken out in one sweeping assault.

Evajiran gripped the organic ground, and squeezed it with his savage strength, not stopping until blood oozed out, and stained his fingers. The aberration vertically rose to his feet and stood upright while favoring Dogolas with a demonic stare. The dreadful hybrid snarled a cry of torment, and lunged at the Evil Monarch. Organic spikes protruded out of Evajiran's sternum, arms and legs; Evajiran flipped in Dogolas' direction, hurling the spikes at Dogolas. Dogolas' body was blanketed by atomic explosions, a result of the spikes erupting in balls of atomic fire. In retaliation, Evajiran received Dogolas' full concentration; one of Dogolas' tentacles disrupted the environment with its incredible speed, and pointed directly at Evajiran. Evajiran howled a vengeful roar, and prepared to attack, but the tentacle exerted a mental shockwave, which plowed into Evajiran's body. Evajiran felt the spines down his back press against the wall. Its ribcage had been shattered by Dogolas' relentless psionic impulse. The hybrid felt one of his collar bones sticking out of his neck, leaking with blood. For a brief amount of time, Dogolas' psionic assault blocked the neural properties of Evajiran's enraged mind, releasing its human prisoner.

Tomzilla awoke from inside Evajiran's cockpit. What was once a cockpit filled with the latest in human technology was now a gruesome satire of a medieval dungeon. The human's face was drenched in sweat; his heart was pounding his chest, a testament of the nerve racking pain his synchronization endorsed.

"Where, where am I?" Tom confusedly asked, trying to understand the situation at hand. His petrified eyes looked forward, and stared at the omnipotence of the Evil Monarch before him. Dogolas observed Evajiran's battered body, noticing its incredible cellular regeneration at work. But the Dark Echelon sensed the human's whereabouts, lingering in the body of the damaged hybrid.

'Hello, Tom,' Dogolas mockingly remarked. The ruler of the Kion Dehadrayth entered Tomzilla's inarticulate mind, sensing the instability. 'I personally welcome you to oblivion. Fear not, you'll join your ancestors soon enough, in the company of my own psyche. Welcome this brave honor I shall bestow upon you.' As Dogolas distracted Tom with promising words, he also read the human's mind like a book. It appeared the Evangelion in its hours of rage devoured the remains of Kongzilla. The cellular makeup of Kongzilla's DNA interacted with the Eva's own, but that was only the beginning; the radioactive isotopes buried beneath the surface of Dogolas' barbaric world, mutated the Evangelion.

But the memories of Godzilla's beloved son transferred into the Evangelion's core. It is true, Godzilla's son passed judgment of his father, forgiving him. But like his father, the son shared vengeance, striving to attain it; striving to kill and pillage Dogolas by any means necessary.

Tomzilla gathered the strength to speak. "Dogolas, what the hell is going on? Answer me, goddamn it!" The human's anger was escalating.

Dogolas fed off Tomzilla's suffering.

'Tom, you need rest. Relax; it'll be all over soon.'

Tomzilla's moments of freedom ended in rage. Darkness once again greeted the human's mind, being replaced by the savage psyche of Evajiran. Evajiran's artificial eyes gleamed bright red, signaling its return. The mutant hybrid started to rise, paying no heed to the repairs his body needed. Dogolas sensed Evajiran wasn't the only one on his feet.  Warriors that were once defeated, rose out of the ashes of their defeat. Godzilla's spines irradiated with molten heat, dramatically increasing the temperatures around him. The ground boiled, moistening Godzilla's feet deeper into the ground. Godzilla's savage jaws opened, expelling a powerful crimson beam conjured up for the sole purpose of annihilating its target.

The beam collided with Dogolas' mental barrier. Dogolas' mind shredded the beam's components, allowing the beam to disperse into tiny fragments of what it once was. The Dark Echelon wasted no time; Dogolas ensnared Godzilla's body with his articulate mind, and levitated the fearsome saurian into the toxic air. Godzilla struggled to fight Dogolas' psychic hold, but the Dark Echelon knew no equal. Dogolas constricted Godzilla tighter, savoring the sounds of Godzilla's bones cracking, and causing internal bleeding. Godzilla's aggravated feelings betrayed him; the monster's chaotic screams hollered out of his gaping maw, which oozed with foam and blood.

Whirling organic spikes struck Dogolas' mental barrier, casting an apron of atomic vigor upon it. Dogolas did not merit Evajiran any confrontation with his blighted orbs, instead Dogolas dispatched one of his tentacles to dismantle the mutated aberration. Instinctively, Evajiran released the barriers of his savage mind, forming an AT-Field in front of him. Dogolas' tentacle punctured the AT-Field as if it were butter, hurling its serrated tip into Evajiran's chest. The strength Dogolas' tentacle applied was enough to knock Evajiran against the wall. But the folly of Dogolas' physical assault not only knocked the air out of Evajiran's lungs, but also injected the hybrid with psionic impulses.

Evajiran blacked out.

Gamera stomped towards Dogolas, his mouth churning with plasmatic fire. The Guardian of the Universe discharged one fireball, hoping to take the pressure off his comrades. Dogolas intercepted the fireball with one of his other tentacles. The tentacle approached the fireball and stopped, and waited until it was only a few inches away from the energetic sphere. A surge of telekinesis rippled out of the tentacle, and punctured Gamera's fireball with the utmost ease. The telekinetic blast struck Gamera square in the chest, delivering enough concussive force to splinter the armored-sternum, while knocking the custodian against the wall. Emerald blood oozed out of the penetrating cracks engraved in Gamera's chest.

Mothra and Ultraman Dyna rushed Dogolas head on. The winged custodian descended from the raptors, twirling his body around in circles, releasing powerful bolts of energy out of his wings. Dyna rapidly launched beams of light out of his hands, praying it would be enough. Their attacks were intercepted by Dogolas' mind, and had been thrown back at the source. Dyna formed a light barrier, and successfully shielded his body from his light beams. Mothra merely avoided contact with his swift and agile speed. But neither expected the ensnarement of Dogolas. Both warriors couldn't move, as Dogolas squeezed the life out of them with just his mind.

The Evil Monarch spotted one of his former disciples.

Akuma sliced the air with his putrid wings. A manifestation of darkness charged out of the abyss of Akuma's jaws, enveloping Dogolas' demonic barrier. But the darkness of Akuma's assault scattered; the crest inside Dogolas' forehead energized, and unleashed a blazing psionic beam. The psionic components dispersed Akuma's attack. It not only dwarfed the demeanor of Akuma's weak assault, but it pierced the dragon's body. Akuma felt surges of psionic energies flow in his veins, forcing the dragon's body to break off into billions of tiny particles.

During the process of dealing with Akuma, Dogolas slammed Mothra and Ultraman Dyna against one another. The collision between the two knocked them out cold.

Dogolas slowly watched the bodies of Mothra and Dyna hit the ground.

The Evil Monarch's eyes scurried in a separate direction, returning to meet the gaze of an enraged Godzilla. The bloodshot eyes of the King of the Monsters rolled back in their sockets. Godzilla was unable to comprehend with the seismic force of Dogolas' mind. The monster's atomic heart twisted and turned; a testament of the stress it was enduring. Dogolas entered the mind of the prehistoric leviathan, examining the inner-cortex of its primordial makeup. It wouldn't be hard to tear Godzilla's brain to pieces. All it would take is a few seconds of concentration. Totally aware of the other defenders from Earth attempting to launch a counterattack, Dogolas made sure he would not be caught off guard. Dogolas probed the vital organs of Godzilla's brains, randomly selecting the ones he'd psychically rip asunder.

Godzilla was at Dogolas' mercy. The King of the Monsters snarled in disdain, cursing his own existence for not possessing the strength to overcome the Evil Monarch.

Fusion stampeded across the organic landscape, feeling it wiggle beneath his feet with every stride it took. With his powerful legs, Fusion hurled his body towards Dogolas, hoping to impale the chaotic deity with his horns. But one of Dogolas' tentacles scourged the aloft dinosaur in the throat, delivering enough concussive force to shatter Fusion's neck. Fusion's body fell limp to the ground.

A bolt of lightning circled Dogolas' stature and eventually created an entire horde of lightning bolts. The bolts of lightning converged on Dogolas, striking the chaotic being with electrifying force. At the same time, Miereki levitated off the ground, basking in the aura of his own inner-glow. The psychic custodian unleashed a barrage of psionic discs from his hands, each plummeting into the hard, putrid skin of a being more ancient than even the psychic.

'Behold the pretense of existence, Miereki,' Dogolas fiendishly whispered in Miereki's mind.

At first, the psychic was confused, but it dawned on him; Miereki's attempt in understanding what Dogolas meant let his guard down. The ground beneath Miereki rose up, entangling Miereki's legs and tying them tightly together. Miereki's eyes blossomed with psionic might, but the oozing substance the ground secreted started to crawl up his body.

"What is happening?" Miereki telepathically panicked.

It took only a few moments until Miereki was covered, head-to-toe. To those not yet brutally disciplined by Dogolas' incredible might, Miereki resembled a statue. Thankfully, streaks of light started to burst out of the statue, a prelude to things still to come. The solid shape of Miereki disappeared in a blinding showcase of power. Miereki no longer was shackled like a prisoner and was free. But the psychic could not predict Dogolas' lightning quick reflexes. One of the tentacles embedded its serrated form deep in Miereki's abdomen. Miereki's painful screams were muted by the howling winds scurrying across his body, as the tentacle forcefully propelled Miereki against the wall.  Strands of the wall entangled Miereki's neck, arms and legs. It literally dug beneath Miereki's flesh, sticking to his muscle and bones. Miereki was unable to implement his psychic powers, Dogolas had other plans.

The tentacle surged psionic power into Miereki's body, delivering enough potency to stun the psychic messiah. Miereki's veins bulged out of the surface of his skin, boiling to the point of where it was about to pop. Miereki's mind started to fade, and the knowledge of what was happening to him became apparent.

'Your body is now the instrument of my desire.' Dogolas silently told Miereki's torn mind. 'You wanted to know the pretense of existence. To understand a universe you had been apart of for so long, yet never knew the specifications. Allow me to shed light upon your ignorance.' Dogolas transferred the knowledge he had gained through out the cosmos, into Miereki's fragile mind. The psychic hollered in pain, loud enough for all the others to hear. 'Yes, see the knowledge I had gained through out my reign of conquest. See worlds I had plundered into oblivion. Witness entire civilizations falling beneath my superior might! You see, Miereki?'

Miereki's eyes transformed into hollow orbs�

'You could never hope to fathom the purpose of existence. Your puny mind, however large it may seem, fail to penetrate the boundaries that contain all primitive intelligence.' The Dark Echelon paused, allowing his words to sink in and shake the foundations of Miereki's soul. 'These inferior specimens you surround yourself with are the key to your demise. You could've avoided death. In fact, you could've wielded its grace. You spit upon these unjust behaviors, preferring to spread justice. Yet you claim to be intelligent, wise beyond any mortal could ever dream. You still are oblivious, Miereki, oblivious by these boundaries; the very boundaries I created.'

The veins bulging out of Miereki's skin popped. Warm blood trickled down the slopes of Miereki's body. Smoke hissed out of the pores of his burnt eyes. Dogolas' tentacle pulled away from the beaten foe. Without warning, Dogolas' body unleashed a telekinetic shockwave, which engulfed the bolts of lightning twirling around in circles. They froze in space and time. Eventually, the lightning bolts formed the unconscious Balkzardan. Dogolas levitated Balkzardan in the air with his telekinesis.

'Alas, your betrayal will be duly noted. Perhaps I should just let you watch helplessly, as I maim these inferior fools, and at last claim perfect.'

Godzilla groaned in agony. Hot magma coursed the monster's veins, increasing Godzilla's body temperature to the point of where smoke squeezed out of the flesh. Dogolas' frightful gaze returned to Godzilla. Godzilla failed to return the gesture; the monster's eyes were glued shut. He was too weak to open them. Dogolas reconfigured where he last left off. His mind was still inside Godzilla's brain, waiting for the command to end the abomination's miserable life. It was apparent to Dogolas by now; he'd prefer to see Godzilla suffer. The death of Godzilla's son, and then the crime of murdering him with his own claws, fueled Godzilla's suffering and demands for vengeance. It also pleased Dogolas, literally feeding him. Godzilla's sorrow was unique. For a creature responsible for great destruction and atrocities, hearing its painful cries of agony were satisfying.

Dogolas' appeasements were short-lived; an unforeseen phenomenon took its toll.

Godzilla's mouth weakly opened. A roar like no other escaped its gaping maw. It was a cry Dogolas was all too familiar with; he had seen it before in only a handful of creatures. It was a statement. Godzilla made it clear now to Dogolas; the King of the Monsters would never give up. Godzilla would keep fighting until he was no more. Strangely, Dogolas honored Godzilla's incredible restraint from dying. Through out the cosmos, Dogolas was a galactic tyrant, never knowing an equal. Dogolas probed countless individuals, not needing to smite them with his omnipotent power, but simply break their will to fight. The majority of all beings who defied his rule faced defeat by surrendering. But Godzilla was a different story; the creature knew no obstacles in its quest of vengeance. The beast would not bow to one as superior as Dogolas. Its will would fight on, until death meets it.

And Godzilla wasn't alone. The other defenders of Earth showed their courage by fighting the will of Dogolas.

'Your testament of courage is admirable,' the Dark Echelon said, directing those respectful words at Godzilla. 'But ultimately futile.'

A chaotic roar escaped the boundaries of Godzilla's jaws. The cry was unearthly, promising a feat not even Dogolas could ever predict. Cascades of light rippled out of every corner of Godzilla's body, enveloping the atomic dragon in its glimmering beauty. Godzilla's mind was savage and pure, born in a world long gone, it knew only survival; but at that moment in time, it was flowing with the feeling of absolute temptation. Godzilla's body unleashed its almighty nuclear pulse. Shockwaves fueled by Godzilla's power shredded the environment around it, and disrupted the connection the atomic beast had with Dogolas. A wall of blistering heat vaporized the area around the atomic aberration. Dogolas mentally stopped the shockwaves from tearing up his body. The power this mere mortal displayed impressed Dogolas, but it reminded the galactic dictator of why he must destroy him.

Why he must obliterate them all.

Godzilla succeeded in severing his mental link with Dogolas. But in doing so, the mighty leviathan critically hampered his body; portions of the creature's skin crackled bright red, steaming the air around it with its searing heat. It looked like lava was coursing through Godzilla's veins, seeping out of Godzilla's flesh. But it was a sign of something far more terrible; Godzilla's body was on the verge of collapse, the signatures were there! Was this Godzilla's punishment for summoning the power he needed to break free? Could this have been a result of those nuclear deposits, buried beneath the surface of this forbidden world? Or was it simply Dogolas' way of increasing Godzilla's suffering?

Dogolas fiendishly chuckled. Every second, he could hear Godzilla exhale painful grunts, unable to hide the agony he was experiencing. A maelstrom of radioactive particles flickered around Godzilla. It was the result of Godzilla secreting high levels of radiation. Godzilla's spines crackled with atomic dread, bathing the area with its reddish glint. The monster gently opened his mouth, revealing sharp, serrated teeth. Upon the separation of his jaws, Godzilla spewed a crimson torrent of death. The scarlet beam rushed to meet Dogolas head on, melting the ground it passed over in the process. Godzilla's nuclear beam met Dogolas' mental barrier, packing enough force to slightly push it back. Remnants of the beam dispersed upon contact, streaking off in separate directions. But Godzilla continued to pour crimson death out of his divided teeth. Godzilla felt his lips burn, knowing full well his mouth would be reduced to charcoal should he persist.

The Evil Monarch of this unholy world was not willing to give Godzilla that chance.

Dogolas' forehead circulated with psionic impotency. To the disdain of the King of the Monsters, Dogolas empowered the crest in his forehead with the effectiveness it would need. Astonishment met Godzilla firsthand; Dogolas' superior energy blast overwhelmed Godzilla's own, and ravaged the reptilian's heat ray. The collision between the two beams lasted only a second; it didn't take long for Dogolas' to breach its counterpart, and striking Godzilla in the abdomen. Blood vomited out of Godzilla's jaws, a result of the tremendous blow Godzilla received; the penetrating power of Dogolas' psionic beam blasted out of Godzilla's spine, shredding the bony plates cleanly off the monster's back. A chaotic scream escaped Godzilla's charred mouth, temporarily being blocked by the cloister of blood inhabiting the monster's throat. The blood started to gurgle out of Godzilla's swollen mouth, literally cutting off Godzilla's chances of breathing oxygen. Godzilla gripped the massive wound dealt to his abdomen; steam flowed out of the gaping wound, crackles of scarlet light illuminated out of the abrasion's entryway.

Godzilla cast a predatory glare at Dogolas.

Malevolence met Godzilla's feral glance. And soon it ensnared him.

Rows of bony plates blossomed with crimson light. Godzilla instinctively braced his dying body in favor of another beam deployment. A torrent of smoke sizzled out of the confines of Godzilla's burning flesh. The monster's eyes burned brighter than his nuclear heart. To Dogolas, it was as if two stars had nestled deep inside Godzilla's eye sockets. The foolish creature cared not for the condition he was in; it was willing to fight to the death.

Godzilla's heat beam discharged out of his mouth, immediately meeting Dogolas' telekinesis. Dogolas stopped the beam in its track, allowing the rest of it to manifest in one place. Godzilla waited too long to discover Dogolas' agenda; the charged particles making up Godzilla's beam gathered in one place. Godzilla snarled in disapproval, preparing for the worst. Dogolas imploded the miscellany of the atomic dragon's projectile, right in Godzilla's face. Godzilla's skin was incinerated by the searing heat, completely removing the skin on Godzilla's face. Telekinetic shockwaves burst out of Dogolas' green eyes, succeeding in toppling the King of the Monsters.

Eternal energy surrounded Ultrizard's body. The noble warrior unleashed bursts of energy out of his ankles, propelling Ultrizard in Dogolas' direction. Dogolas instantly spun around, clobbering Ultrizard with one of his tentacles. Ultrizard smashed into the organic wall, never predicting it would constrict his body on contact. Dogolas felt the presence of Ultraman Tiga, looming behind him; the Warrior of Light unleashed the full fury of his zepellion beam. Interested in feeling its potency, Dogolas lowered his mental barrier, and allowed the attack to streak into his armored-hide. The holy beam tried to decimate its target, desperately trying to penetrate Dogolas' flesh; however, it succeeded in only creating sparks. Psychic impulses swirled around the crest entombed within Dogolas' forehead.  Ultraman Tiga paused, knowing full well Dogolas' psionic beam would easily penetrate his body.

The Messenger of Light discontinued the zepellion beam.

Dogolas unleashed the malicious psionic beam. A barrier of light met Dogolas' beam, but to no avail did it slow it down. While Tiga was thankful the beam missed the pearl attached to his chest, it still blew a hole in Tiga's sternum. Unlike other living beings, Ultraman Tiga didn't have blood, but the holy essence of light itself. Fountains of light seeped out of Tiga's wound, disappearing just as soon as it touched the putrid air. The pearl started to blink rapidly. It was only a matter of time until Ultraman Tiga was a figment of the past.

GxM and Godzalla's thermonuclear beams simultaneously collided with Dogolas' head. There was no hesitation, no witty remark, not even a proper glance to face his enemies; Dogolas' tentacles entangled his attackers and brought them before him. Dogolas' tentacles squeezed with enough pressure to hear their bones snap. The Evil Monarch invaded the barriers of their minds, demanding an immediate cerebrum shutdown. Dazed, neither GxM nor Godzalla could brace themselves for Dogolas' next move. Dogolas increased the distance between him and his attackers.

Within an instant, Dogolas released his hostages, simply by thrusting them in his direction. A blinding flash illuminated out of Dogolas' forehead, consuming each monster in its aura. When the flash faded, the skin was completely burnt off of their bodies, bubbling with mangled remains. GxM and Godzalla met the ground. Darkness consumed them.

It was not over.

Pebbles of luminosity crept out of Dogolas' forehead. It eventually broke off into several separate beams, each piercing Magano's aloft body. Born out of the heart of a volcano, Magano desperately tried to prevent his own demise. Even with Dogolas' beams piercing the exterior of his body, Magano would see to it he'd at least get one hit. But Dogolas had other plans; the malevolent dictator commanded the beams to mutilate its target. Pieces of Magano's body parts rained to the ground. Magano's annihilation occurred in the blink of an eye.

Dogolas contemplated the bodies of GxM and Godzalla. Tendrils wiggling around Dogolas' chest shot out and burrowed deep in the monsters' bodies. The tendrils sapped the bodily fluids instantly, possessing the appetite needed in order to feast off the monsters' life supply. The muscular fortitude beneath GxM's fried skin started to decrease in size. Godzalla's body started to become skinnier with each passing second. The bare bones of each monster visibly protruded the weak and tender skin.

It would all be over soon.

Dogolas felt the life force of each monster decline, and reinforce his own.

A spinning organic dagger shredded the tendrils in its wake. It spun towards Dogolas, eventually detonating in an atomic explosion. Dogolas eerily robbed a glimpse of his attacker: Evajiran. The hybrid warrior leapt thousands of feet into the air, thrusting his organic blades at the Evil Monarch whenever he could. Dogolas allowed the explosions the blades gave off to ransack his body. The aloft Evajiran landed on a ledge and contemplated the best course of action. Dogolas heralded a spear of light out of the confinement of the crest aboard his forehead. The spear of light dispersed into a cluster of energy beams, hoping to puncture Evajiran's fatigue. Evajiran flipped forward, avoiding the devastating attack. The hybrid's hands literally melted, being replaced by atomic energy. Evajiran unleashed a strengthened atomic blast out of his hands, entangling the beam with the presence of his AT-Field. The combined strength of the beam and Evajiran's AT-Field managed to topple Dogolas!

The concussive force managed to knock Dogolas into the wall! A haze of putrid smoke blocked Evajiran's vision, making it impossible to see the damage his attack inflicted. Evajiran had been hurled back after discharging his own weapon and was stopped by the wall. An imprint of Evajiran's back was left inside the wall's hollow surface. Strangely, it started to regenerate its wounds. Evajiran paid no heed to the wall, but rather Dogolas. The malevolent dictator hovered out of dense fog, glaring at Evajiran.

'Well done,' Dogolas sarcastically muttered. Being toppled by one as inferior as Evajiran was an insult!

Dogolas' eyes crackled with darkness. Evajiran felt his body freeze. But why, what was the reason? Evajiran couldn't even survey his surroundings. His body was completely immobile! Not even the hybrid's blood was moving freely in his veins. Time had literally stopped. The only thing un-phased by this phenomenon would be Evajiran's conscious. Dogolas hovered closer, easily swatting the other monsters away like flies. A sense of malice oozed out of Dogolas' gaze, entrapping Evajiran in an unmerciful circumstance. It wasn't the omnipotence Dogolas wielded that frightened Evajiran; it was the realization that there was nothing he could do to stop him. Instead of savoring Evajiran's insecurity, Dogolas merely reacted without hesitation. Bolts of psionic implements punctured craters in Evajiran's armor, succeeding in breaking out his backside. With his spine severed, Evajiran's concentration dropped dramatically. Normally, wounds of any kind dealt to the great warrior would heal almost instantly, but with his body under lockdown, Evajiran was left to dwell on the staggering pain.

The bombardment of psionic bolts did not cease.

Rows of spines erected out of Evajiran's backside were removed from the body. Evajiran's plasma did not drip out of the gaping wounds; the reason lied solely on the wounds being cauterized. Dogolas continued to herald the coming of dozens of other psionic bolts, never stopping until Evajiran's body was a figment of what it once was. There were well over fifty holes scattered across Evajiran's fa�ade. Each extinguished blistering smoke.

'Do not worry, Evajiran,' Dogolas slyly remarked, inching closer to the brave warrior. His voice sounded like thunder and sent a chill up Evajiran's fractured spine. 'I do not plan to kill you. No, I'd rather reserve you. Upon my ascension to perfection, I will require loyal acolytes to moderate a universe heavily built under my rule. You see, Evajiran,' Dogolas continued, knowing full well he was fueling Evajiran's rage, 'when I was conjured, I knew my destiny. I was meant to spread Evil, to influence the intellect of other species. Every living thing can inheritably become Evil. You want to know why? Because every living thing is Evil! As of now, you feel rage, a strong desire to murder me. The human within your very core had been tainted.

'So am I truly responsible for creating Evil? Yes, I am; I also helped spread it. But I was only the prime component needed in its creation.'

Dogolas allowed his words to sink in.

"You are wrong, Monarch," Ultraman Tiga weakly replied, as he lay helplessly on the floor. "Not only wrong, but you are lying. I can see through your lies. Admit it, dictator; you never created Evil, since you are Evil! You never created yourself."

Dogolas refused to look upon the injured Ultraman. The eyes of the Dark Echelon remained glued to Evajiran.

Dogolas replied to Tiga's stubborn comment, 'Don't speak such non-sense, light messenger. I am merely describing an emotion you primitive organisms deemed bad. Why is it bad? Why did any of you seek to draw a line of identity? There was never any need. The impudence of your logic is horrid. Amidst my campaign of conquest, I've observed your kind and those like you. All of you try to describe a universe with certain meanings and boundaries, to suit your own whims.'

The bulbous eyes of Mothra gleamed with inner-light.

"You contradict yourself, Dogolas," Mothra exclaimed harshly, "why the need to accuse all of us of not seeing the big picture, when in fact you are guilty as the rest of us? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, an interesting mix for your demonic demeanor."

A malevolent laugh escaped Dogolas' limitless mind. The tendrils housed in Dogolas' chest slowly started to slither towards Evajiran.

'As I stated, I am merely describing an emotion all of you adopted. Humanity is not the only race to fear what they don't understand. None of you understand the meaning of eternity. Thus, you create foolish fantasies, conjuring up delusional constructs of your own imperfections. It is quite absurd on my part to try and explain it. All of you will realize the truth upon fusing with me. That is the beauty of my perfection. You have all been chosen to receive a great honor,' Dogolas made preparations to conclude his statement, 'to join me, to be apart of me, to become me.'

A deep presence started to rise out of the abysmal of Evajiran's suffering. The core inside the hybrid unraveled the connection the savage mentality Evajiran shared with the human within. It was an aura generated by the fabrication of a human's soul. It screamed to be free; it screamed to break free of Dogolas' ensnarement. Evajiran's AT-Field approached its critical limit, challenging Dogolas' mental will. The eyes of Dogolas sparkled brighter, surging with psionic malice.

'So, the human chooses to die?'

Dogolas' tendrils returned to the boundaries of his sternum. Dogolas would prefer to claim victory by simply using his mind. Evajiran's AT-Field slowly pushed Dogolas' psychic presence back, but in the process, Dogolas likewise pushed the AT-Field back. The bony spines curving out of Evajiran's backside became enriched with nuclear impotency. It crawled across Evajiran's armored-hide, enveloping the hybrid in its awe-inspiring valor. As if it had a life of its own, the nuclear energy imploded in the force of a thermonuclear shockwave. The shockwave intensified the AT-Field's strength, overpowering Dogolas' own will.

Dogolas was silent.

To the spectators, it seemed like Dogolas was letting Evajiran break free. Feeling this was a chance of tip the odds, the monsters simultaneously unleashed an all out attack. The rubies attached to Mothra's forehead wielded lancing spears of light. Tiga struggled to point the palm of his hands at Dogolas, but inevitably succeeded in firing a salvo of energy beams. Dark clouds rumbled to life above Dogolas, spawning dozens of lightning bolts, each possessing the raw force that is easily comparable to the strength of Godzilla's heat ray. It was the will of the wielder of the elements, Balkzardan. Ultrizard, no longer constricted by one of Dogolas' tentacles, unleashed the blazing fury of his eternal power upon Dogolas.

The brunt of every warrior's assault enveloped Dogolas. Dogolas blended in with the fiery sparkles; the Dark Echelon allowed the attacks to consume his entire body. Was it a trait that could only be identified as arrogance? Dogolas did not amuse his psyche with such feeble thoughts, Dogolas preferred to analyze the extent of the situation. Evajiran's will to overcome Dogolas' own was growing. The combination between the hybrid's AT-Field and nuclear pulse was taking its toll. While plotting his next move, Dogolas' imprisonment in this onslaught of assaults created courage amongst those who defied him.

'Let them believe in hope,' Dogolas thought demonically, cherishing the idea of stomping the hearts and dreams of those who actually envisioned an outcome that would end with his demise.

Evajiran's power was growing. With each passing moment, Evajiran's strength was greater than it has ever been. It was a strange phenomenon in the creature's genetic structure. Dogolas will need to find a way to exploit it. It shouldn't be difficult; Dogolas could easily crush Evajiran at a moment's notice, but this hybrid warrior deserved the chance to see things from Dogolas' point of view. Evajiran deserved a chance to rule a universe made entirely in Dogolas' image. Circulating in the bowels of Dogolas' subconscious, the ruler of the Kion Dehadrayth sought to actually save these infidels. There is a fate worse than death. Death is only the beginning. Dogolas sought to bestow these unworthy subjects with a chance to forever live within Dogolas.

It was the only way to show them the truth.

A thundering roar raged out of Evajiran's jaws, which shook the boundaries of Dogolas' mental grip. In a blinding display of willpower, Evajiran was free of Dogolas' psionic embrace, and savored this temporarily moment of triumph. Evajiran coldly exerted a stare of hatred towards Dogolas, who was still imprisoned by the energetic assaults of Evajiran's comrades. Evajiran held out his right arm, allowing organic spikes to protrude out of its armored-flesh. Evajiran swiftly swiped the air with his arm, releasing the spikes in Dogolas' direction. To Evajiran's dismay, the organic spikes stopped in mid-air. Soon, the lightning bolts, light beams, and other attacks fired by the other Earth Defenders stopped as well. Time had come to a screeching halt! The light bathing Dogolas' body was stripped of its shimmering beauty; Dogolas psychically deemed it unworthy to exist. Instead, the emerald skin covering the exterior of Dogolas' body crackled with psionic plight.

The psionic surges escaped the limitations of Dogolas' flesh. It cleansed the air with its glimmering aura. The psionic impulses latched onto the bodies of those who were still alive and accounted for. It slithered beneath their flesh, fusing with the veins underneath. The union between the organic life forms and Dogolas' psionic aura made the bodies glow. During this strange phenomenon, the projectiles had vanished and no longer posed a threat to Dogolas.

Rising out of the gleaming bodies, the souls of the warriors glanced at this unbelievable moment in time. No longer nestled in the organic fibers of their bodies, the warriors had truly expended the barriers of their mind.

'I have freed you,' Dogolas silently murmured. 'No longer are you imprisoned. I will truly give you the chance to see things my way. You will no longer be constricted by those foolish emotions, the emotions that hold you all from achieving greatness, the greatness you all rightfully deserve.' The crest entombed in Dogolas' forehead crackled with the bright radiance of amber. 'Join with me. We all can achieve perfection together. Your world will no longer tremble in the abysmal of its own insecurities. All life forms will be able to cherish the feeling of joy and accomplishment.'

The amber-glowing crest started to suck in light.

All the warriors felt themselves being slowly pulled towards it. It was like a black hole, leading to an unknown fate. Was it wise to trust Dogolas? The answer managed to save their very souls. All of them, in a blink of an eye, returned to the sanctuary of their bodies. That decision killed any chance of being spared. Dogolas cast an ominous aura upon those who had come to defy his reign. The Dark Echelon's words punctured the foundations of their very souls.

'I offered you a hand in salvation. Grievances aside, your rewards will be met with despair,' Dogolas continued, his voice never faltering, 'but allow me to enlighten all of you with the truth. I could've easily exterminated all of your pitiful existence from the start. I sought to discover any possibilities of being defeated. And after examining the prestigious level of your game, I've come to a conclusion.'

Dogolas allowed silence to ensnare all in his chambers.

'I have nothing to fear�'


Armies of native men scurried through the underbrush of the jungle. Hot, humid air consumed the spear carrying men. For hours, they had been on the prowl, searching for an enemy not of this world. Mosquitoes, ticks, and other parasitic life forms latched to their flesh, feeding off their blood and prolonging their lives. The tribesmen were not aware of these small, yet blood thirsty creatures. Sweat drenched the brows of the tribesmen's fatigue, they were tired and restless. Beyond the thick foliage, cauldrons of smoke pervaded into the night sky, the result of crackling fire consuming the air of its wealth.

Loud, ballistic cries escaped the throats of the spear-carrying tribesmen.

They burst out of the underbrush, intent on finding the intruder and slaying it before dawn. The eyes of these men burned with bloodshed. In the back of their minds, they remembered the arrival of the invader. It pillaged their villages, infected their women and children with its tainted Evil. The Men, who had undertaken the role of being husbands and fathers, slaughtered their own kin. But the infection manifested and evolved, heightening the preservation of the survivors, driving them to insanity. They sought to maim and slaughter the one responsible for their atrocities.

Now the tribesmen will finally quell their vengeful appetites.

But instead of chagrining into battle against the invader, the tribesmen were met with opposition; creatures of the jungle stood before them, infected by the invader's monopoly. Each of the tribesmen stared in disbelief at the animals, no longer bearing the natural spirit all animals possessed. These creatures had been molded into instruments of pure evil. Each of their appearances foretold the story of how they became infected with malevolence; a Jaguar's bottom jaw was missing, dripping with green pus, scaly appendages wiggling out of its ribcage; snarling jackals with eyes hanging out of their sockets, arms mutilated and peeling off their bodies; gorillas with parasites wiggling beneath its decaying flesh, bones bleeding out of the ghostly monologue of their face; rodents constantly vomiting blood, their tails transformed into poisonous snakes, hissing with serpentine anxiety, and there were other animals, no longer alive, but reduced to walking corpses.

Arrows had been raised, and targeted the infected animals. Hands gripped the hard, wooden spears crafted to kill. Blades designed to penetrate flesh were drawn.

Commanded by a force not yet seen, the mutated animals charged the tribesmen, in an act of war. The tribesmen answered this act of war with a charge of their own. Men with spears and blades prepared to meet the infected animals head on, while some of their comrades stayed behind, discharging arrows that whistled past them, impaling the enraged animals. Some of the animals fell, while others ignored the staggering pain, and met the tribesmen in mortal combat.

The infected jaguars lunged at the native men, burrowing their contaminated teeth and claws into the men's bodies. For the tribesmen under the feral claws of the jaguars, not yet slain by their horrible canines, gutting the beast with blades was the only alternative to live. One of the men managed to overpower the infected cat, and started to flee. He sprinted into the jungles, never looking back. The man came across a gathering of rocks, and rested between them. Blood of the infected animals melted the exterior of his flesh. It burned to enter his body, and change him into a mindless slave. But shadows fell upon him. The man screamed in horror as cackling hyenas leapt onto him. Their bone crushing jaws became acquainted with the man's throat. Shadows of his gruesome death reflected off the rocks, telling the horrific tale.

Arrows plunged into a gorilla's fetid body, failing to slow the powerful animal down. The gorilla smashed a tribesman in the jaw with its powerful fist, shattering the man's fragile mouth. Dazed by the gorilla's brutal assault, the tribesman tasted warm blood. Just by tilting his head, an agonizing pain reminded the man of his folly. The last moments of the man's life was seeing an enrage gorilla bring down its powerful forearms upon his skull. A barrage of arrows ripped into the gorilla's body, finally bringing it down.

Jackals chased unarmed men into an open clearing, where they were left to fight the horrendous beasts with their bare hands.

With all his strength, one of the tribesmen threw a spear into the heart of a rampaging gorilla. The mighty beast dropped to the ground. Pleased by his kill, the man walked over and pulled the spear out of the animal's heart. Black blood sprayed out of the open wound, staining the man's body. It bleached the skin, defiling the genetic makeup of the human. Those moments of triumph faded, and the human within was lost. It was instead replaced with a savage agenda, following the orders of a being who watched this war brewing war with glee. The infected man turned upon his allies, bringing his spear down upon those unfortunate to see his betrayal sooner.

The tribesmen carrying arrows wrapped moss around the sharp edges of the projectiles. They all knew they needed to regroup, if they are to survive long enough to see victory. The crackling flames grew closer. Each of them dipped the arrows into the fire, allowing the moss to burn up. They pulled the arrow back, and allowed the string to fling the burning arrows into the surrounding environment, setting it ablaze. Those lucky enough to survive allowed the flames to separate them from the animals, and those who were once comrades in arms. Blades and arrows raised, ready to do battle at a moment's notice. But the ground started to rumble. The tribesmen panicked when an infected rhinoceros emerged out of the sheets of fire. Dark veins bulged out of its skin. Its gruesome breath steamed the air.

It charged, leading infected animals and men alike.

Arrows bounced off the rhinoceros' thick hide. Men with blades failed to strike the charging animal, and were instead gored by the creature's horn. The tribesmen fought to the last man, valiantly trying to fend off the inevitable. A chaotic laugh shook the jungles. A sickening creature watched the horror unfold before its alien gaze, delighted by what it saw. Despite its disease proving to be a complete success, the invader was not yet pleased with its accomplishments.

'More,' the invader's voice rasped, sounding like a decrepit man. 'I need more soldiers. Need to infect more. These are unworthy; I require stronger organisms to serve my purpose!'

Perhaps all life was destined to be infected by the intergalactic horror known as Gudis.


Mt. Everest, once considered a true test of human emotion and desire, now was the nesting grounds of an evil no longer constrained by its vicar. At the apex of the mountain, the dark lord of this land sought to morph it into a forsaken paradise. The crimson eyes of the dark lord concentrated on the land below it, surveying the organic crevasses in the ground, coiling in its own makeup. Large eggs started to grow, concealing the embryos of a new breed of life form within. These life forms would prove to be the instrument of the dark lord's desire for conquest, bred for the sole purpose of destruction.

The dark lord silently spoke, 'Yes, my children, your legacy draws near.'

In a matter of minutes, the embryos had already evolved, preparing to hatch into this new world. Inside the eggs, the creatures started to stir, and rubbed their leathery hides against the egg's boundaries. Its blood hued eyes penetrated the confines of the egg, a testament of the evil brewing within. From an aerial point of view, the entire land was filled with hundreds of eggs. The dark lord allowed darkness to seep out of his body; the darkness slowly expanded, infecting the region. Inside the confines of the eggs, the creatures had grown to enormous proportions. Birdlike claws gripped the exterior of the egg, and tore it wide open. The first of the dark lord's army reared its repulsive head to the dark skies, shrieking a horrible scream.

The creature stood on its hind legs, possessing human qualities in terms of appearance, but ultimately conveyed birdlike appeals. It had a long beak, containing sharp, serrated teeth. Long, slender wings stretched out the sides of its body. The aberration's body was covered with thick, crimson-silvery scales. It was the backbone of the dark lord's plans of world domination.

'Zoigar,' the dark lord softly muttered, his voice reeked with a kindred spirit, the type a parent would exchange with its child. 'Examine this brave new world. It offers you substance, and desires, boldly designed to be taken. Do not hesitate to quench your appetite for despair. It is yours for the taking, and it is mine to rule.'

Zoigar acknowledged with a loud, ear-piercing screech. The screech proved to be the beginning; in unison, hundreds of other Zoigar broke free of the confines of the eggs. No longer concealed, the Zoigar breathed in fresh air. They snapped at one another, trusting none but themselves. To them, their own brothers and sisters was an appetite, waiting to be devoured should they let their guard down.

'My children the world is your playground,' the dark lord billowed from the apex of Mt. Everest. The dark lord's eyes heralded a devious crimson glow. 'There is a human settlement not far away. It shall prove to be the beginning of the end of their civilization. My beloved Zoigar, prove your existence by removing it from the face of the earth.'

Horrible cries escaped the wretched beaks of the Zoigar. Like croaking crows, the Zoigar grew excited, lashing out at one another with their talons. They were eager to carry out an order given to them by their father. But the Zoigar not only wanted to impress the dark lord, but also quell their lust for anarchy. The Zoigar's horrid wings fluttered, spreading the horrible stench that secreted out of the pores of their body. They took to the skies, and flew to where their master commanded them to go to.

The dark lord watched in silence.

'Yes, my children fulfill the order given to you by your master. The world will pay heed to my coming. Perhaps then, father, you'll finally realize my superiority over Gudis. You'll finally come to realize which one of your offspring is greater than the other.'

The dark lord paused.

'For I shall bring this world to its knees, and all shall fear the pestilence of Gatanozoa.'

The land was made up of frozen tundra. Snow pelted the frigid environment, including the town residing on its frozen surface. People scurried into their warm homes, trying to avoid the freezing cold that would easily overtake them. Wind swept the region with its freezing essence, bringing with it more snow. The town was approaching its one-hundredth anniversary. Its inhabitants had dealt with the forces of nature for years, seeking ways of adapting to its cold climate. Through out the years, they have withstood blizzards; if not for warm clothes, fireplaces and furnaces, they would've migrated to warmer parts long ago. But its people refused to abandon the land, even if its conditions were harsh.

In the beginning, they preferred to keep to themselves, growing crops of food during the summer, and keeping them fresh through out the year. They weren't fond of foreigners, and felt no society was worthy of corresponding with their own. But decades ago, life in all its improbability provided the people of this small town with insecurity. Food and supplies were dire. They had no choice but to join the rest of the world. At first, it was difficult, adapting to a new life and dealing with foreigners, but the townspeople were dedicated and sought nothing more than survival.

In time, it benefited everyone.

Children warmed up to the fireplace. The crackling flames bathed their tender young faces with the warmth they needed. It was strange how fire is regarded as the instrument nature wields to destroy and burn anything in its path. Usually, if one were to ask another to describe Hell, fire would immediately come to mind. To these children, fire is an important element, rivaling the importance of water. It provided the warmth they needed in order to survive. Fire was sacred, and fear never glinted off the reflective surface of their eyes. In the same room, the children acknowledged a television set, watching a news report with the rest of the family.

On the television screen, there was a female correspondent addressing the viewers.

"Reports are flying in all across the globe about giant monsters attacking cities," she said, sharing no emotion with her audience. No sympathy reflected in her eyes. Instead, there was a serious gaze, never warranting any feeling. "Statistically, the loss of life is enormous. The damage is in the billions. The United Nations is demanding an explanation from the ones in charge of the monster captives."

The children watched with interest. The broadcast showed live video feed of the monster attacks. From professional cameramen to teenagers with their own digital camera, viewers were able to see eyewitness accounts of these monsters attacking their very way of life. At times, the image was blurry, and anarchy overwhelmed the person holding the camera to the point of where they abandoned any need to record the monster invasion, and ran for their lives.

"We've received mixed responses from the MWF," the broadcaster addressed, "according to the administration, they have reported sabotage. World leaders tried to reach the president of the MWF, but met failure. Rumor has it that the chairman has inadvertently-," the reporter paused, and carefully read the digital words she was instructed to read over. She struggled to hide the confused expression her face molded. "-been sent to another dimension?"

The children giggled with laughter. Their fragile, adolescent minds could not comprehend the seriousness of the situation. The parents watched with remorse, constantly glancing over at one another, searching for an answer and sanctuary.

The correspondent allowed her mind to ponder on the events transpiring across the globe. The director in charge of the studio gave the signal for her to snap out of it.

"Um," she started to smile, which was quite the surprise to those in the studio, "we will continue to broadcast and report any new information, whenever it comes in."

The floor started to shake. A look of alarm was exchanged between the parents. Excessive heat fogged the windows up. But strangely, the fogged windows depleted rapidly and returned to normal, only to be fogged up again. The children were silent, and no longer had their eyes glued to the TV set. A loud hiss descended out of the chimney, and robbed the fireplace of its oxygen, diminishing the crackling flame. The TV screen went blank as the power went out. Instead of dwelling on the many possibilities that could explain how the power went out or what put out the fire, one of the parents preferred to examine the fogged windows.

"Why does it keep doing that?" he wondered out loud. Nobody else paid any attention to him.

It was a cycle; the window would fog up, then the moisture would abandon the glass and it would look good as new. But then it would fog up again. The parent moved closer to the window, staggering with each step he took. At the moment, all he could hear was his beating heart. But then he heard something else, something deep, yet familiar. But what was it? Had he known the answer, he would never have wanted to know.

Something was outside, and breathing on the window.


The breaths corresponded with the man's beating heart. It was exchange between two entities, who had never known of one another's existence, until now. The man's instincts urged him to back away, and seek shelter, but that would impulse in his head was demanding an explanation. He crept closer to the window. The man's eyes were greeted with darkness. Yet that horrible breathing sound was still present. The terror of hearing each breath made the man's skin crawl. Perhaps there was a good explanation for this? Maybe it is just the man's imagination, toying with his mind after hearing those reports about the monsters. It was probably nothing.

And then he saw it.

Two crimson eyes looked down upon him. They penetrated the exterior of his soul, and filled it with fear. He wanted to run, but his feet remained anchored to the ground. This anomaly, this creature born out of darkness, sensed the overwhelming dread overtaking the human's mind. It sensed the man's fatigue, knowing it wouldn't be strong enough to defend itself. The fear had managed to make his entire body go numb, to the point of where he couldn't even feel one of his own sons touching him.

"Daddy, what's going on?" the child asked, puzzled by his father's sudden illness.

The man tried to open his mouth to calmly inform his family of the great peril they were in. But no sound managed to breach the back of his throat. Drops of sweat scurried down the slopes of his face.

"Daddy?" the child confusedly said again. The boy had never seen his father so scared.

Why was he so scared?

Why indeed. The father felt that primordial instinct to defend his family. To defend his loved ones. Such was the role of the father in the circle of life, dictated by the forces of nature. He needed to save them this instant.

"Everyone," the father spoke, trying to fight off the overwhelming fear lingering in his voice and mind, "to the basement, right now."

His family didn't budge. They wanted answers. The father was obliged to give them it.

"Get the hell in the basement," the father screamed at the top of his lungs, as he grabbed his son and ran towards the hall. Something in his voice triggered what its messenger desired. The father's family immediately followed him. Only they didn't know why. They still wanted answers. Only the father failed to inform them.

It happened in a split second.

The ceiling was torn away from the rest of the home. Frigid temperatures seeped into the household, freezing it at an alarming rate. Snow bombarded the furniture, and covered it completely in only a matter of seconds. The family entered the cold, dark basement, afraid of the stranger that had come to devour them. Their fears were understandable. Giant claws emerged from the darkness, and plowed into the house, breaching the ceiling of the basement.

Air escaped the family's lungs. Sheer terror engulfed their fragile minds. A second later, the need to be afraid was over. Not a single human was left to exert such an emotion.

The entire town was under siege. People flocked to the streets, preferring to be ravaged by the cold winds of nature than be murdered by these foul intruders from the underworld. Their attempts were admirable, but ultimately futile; sharp talons came down upon them, shredding flesh and bone instantly. The only reminder of the inhabitants of this town, the only shred of evidence that they ever existed, was the blood stained in the snow.

Loud cackles silenced the howling winds. Flocks of Zoigar infested the dark sky, raining down fiery spheres, which dug into the frozen surface and vaporized the surrounding area. It was a horrific game to the Zoigar. These hideous abominations belched fiery spheres designed to ravage the town below. It didn't take long for the Zoigar to devour those who tried to escape. Yet the small, fragile bodies didn't satisfy the Zoigars' hunger. Anger shrouded the Zoigars' twisted conscious, the end result paid witness to the entire area being bombarded by fiery balls of energy.


Scarlet tranquility glinted off Cybersaur's metallic frame. Light rippled out of Cybersaur's rocket boosters, propelling the mighty machine to a sea of ravaging demons. What was once an area thriving with giant structures, easily the biggest the cosmos had ever known, had now been reduced to an apocalyptic graveyard of death. It was amazing that Cybersaur was still operating, despite the damages it received. A shower of sparks sprayed out of the machine's wounded body. Vader resided within Cybersaur's cockpit; his gloomy eyes examined the situation at hand.

"Goddamn it," Vader shouted uncontrollably. Sweat drenched the pores of his face. His trembling hands gripped the controls, unable to hide the fear pulsating in his mind. "Why does the universe hate me? What the hell did I do to deserve this?" The pilot sighed, and prepared for an imminent death.
Cybersaur's targeting sensors aimed at the demons, experiencing no difficulty in finding the enemy.
Vader reluctantly pressed the button.

A barrage of missiles flared out of Cybersaur's shoulders and mounted an all out assault. Smoke hissed out of the metallic projectiles, engulfing the region in its smoldering fumes. The missiles plowed into the demon horde, incinerating the vile beasts in balls of searing heat. Guns anchored on top of the shoulder mounted rocket launchers, quickly took aim at the demons converging on Cybersaur. Lasers tore out of the gun barrels, entrenching blistering holes in the demons' bodies.
Vader's eyes nervously scanned the controls.

"Damn it, forgot to land," Vader murmured lividly. At his command, Cybersaur's artificial feet touched the ground. The light faded out of Cybersaur's rocket boosters, no longer pillaging the darkness with its radiance. Cybersaur's ballistic weapons continued to maul the stampeding demons. Its mechanical mouth separated, unleashing blinding arrays of lasers.
Despite their casualties, the demon horde would not be denied. The demon horde was only several hundred meters away. Laser guns mounted inside Cybersaur's wrists unleashed searing streaks of light, singeing the bodies of the demonic fiends. These blighted creatures were living maladies upon existence, never meriting any sympathy or mercy. However destructive Cybersaur was, the machine's state-of-the-art weapons failed to prolong the inevitable ensnarement of the malevolent beasts.

"I tried," Vader whispered softly, with no regret. Vader's eyes seeped with tears. The human wasn't expecting to be devoured by the demons. Oh no, he was expecting the machines clattering around the cockpit to implode, or to be crushed by the exterior walls of the cockpit itself. But Vader's persistence did not falter; Cybersaur's weapons cleansed a fraction of the demon populace of life.

The demon horde was finally upon him.

Like hungry locust, the demons ravaged Cybersaur's artificial frame, shredding the armored-exterior with their claws and teeth. It was like seeing a child being swept away by a wave of water; Cybersaur was mauled to the ground by the raging sea of pestilence. The guns attached to the apex of the shoulders did not impede its blistering array of lasers, which slaughtered any demonic entity caught in the torrent of its scope. Warning sirens hollered in Vader's cockpit. A shower of sparks exploded from the controls, frying parts of Vader's face.

"Son of a bitch," Vader scuffed.

A dense coverage of fog crept into backdrop of the cockpit. It blinded Vader's bloodshot eyes. The human nervously fought to his last breath, never surrendering. Such an emotion, however stubborn, prolonged his life long enough to be saved. In spite of Cybersaur being completely swathed, Cybersaur held out long enough. Hot lead poured into the demons scurrying over Cybersaur's substantial form. The area paid heed to loud gunshots. Automatic fire gouged the demon horde, ripping their bodies to tiny fragments. The tainted surveillance of the demons contemplated its attackers.

Hiding behind an assembly of structures, torn and battered by the war, was the Evangelion Units, 1 and 2. Each of their bio-engineered hands held automatic rifles. Smoke steamed out of the barrels, informing the demons that they were to blame for their lost of numbers. As one, the demons sprinted to devour their attackers, knowing full well that unlike Cybersaur, the Evangelions actually had organic parts to feast on. Hot lead burned out of the chasms of the barrels, killing portions of the demon horde.

Only a small number stayed behind. They nibbled Cybersaur's armor with their teeth, not realizing the danger they were in. Two missiles shot out of their compartments, ascending to the scarlet skies above. In unison, the flames propelling the metallic instruments of war ceased, and the two missiles dropped to the ground. They struck the ground around Cybersaur, temporarily confusing the demons. The missiles detonated, generating an electric field, electrifying the demons around Cybersaur's body. Their charred bodies sunk to the ground, sweltering in the abysmal of its own stench.
Vader sighed in relief, thankful the electric field generated by the missiles didn't damage Cybersaur.
"The universe can torture someone else," Vader announced happily, and at his command, Cybersaur ascended to its upright stance. In the distance, the Evangelions murdered entire hosts of demons every second. But it wouldn't be enough; the Evangelions would soon find themselves in physical combat. Vader monitored the types of missiles onboard, selecting the ones with the most wide-scaled damage.

With the press of a button, Cybersaur unleashed a salvo of missiles, each closed in on the demon horde. Within a few seconds, the area of where the demons roamed would disappear in a blinding light. The explosion came swiftly, incinerating entire brigades of demons with its searing apprehension. The minds circulating inside the cores of the Evangelions acknowledged the powerful explosions by seeking cover. Shockwaves tore up the landscape, serving as a destructive aftermath of the explosions. Even clouds in the sky were influenced by the explosions.

The light faded.

Impact craters lay sprawled across the landscape. The only demon remnants left behind stained the craters, in the form of ash and dust. The Evangelions marched out of the debris and was consumed by a haze of smoke. Cybersaur stood motionlessly, surveying the thick undergrowth of fog. The amber orbs of the Evas penetrated the smoke, a prelude to their arrival. The ground shook with each step the bio-engineered warriors took.

"For a moment there, I thought Tom succeeded in rounding up reinforcements," Vader sighed in disappointment, "but I guess it was just my dumb luck."

The Evangelions stopped.

"You consider us saving your ass, dumb luck?" Montyzilla's mind telepathically gestured, being retrieved by Cybersaur's com-link.
Vader sarcastically laughed, "No, I don't, smart ass."

Silence fell upon the crimson Evangelion. It started to walk towards Cybersaur, but the purple Evangelion Unit stopped him with its arm.

"Shut up," DinoDragonBoy groaned subconsciously. His comrades heard it loud and clear. "Vader, have you seen anyone?"

"No," Vader's voice muffled over the com-link. "Not for a few hours. Tom left me not long ago. He hesitated to tell me why. Bastard left me all alone, and I've been trying to find him ever since."

The purple Evangelion cast a worried look upon the apocalyptic surroundings. Crimson lightning eclipsed the landscape with its shimmering awe. Thunder roared from above, and the scarlet clouds birthed raindrops. Only these raindrops were not made up of water, but blood. The drops of blood covered this forsaken quagmire, drenching the ones struggling to squirm out of the rubble. Long ago, Dogolas abolished free will, cleansing his slaves of the one ideal that could give them a reason to live without shame. It wasn't until recently did they start to develop a mind of their own. It was a rebirth, and all of them sought nothing more than tranquility. Their freedom brought them the opposite; pain and destruction once again greeted the slaves of the Kion Dehadrayth. Despair was all the slaves were familiar with. Now the only chance of ever grasping freedom is if those brave visitors from Earth succeeded in usurping Dogolas' throne.

Puddles of blood filled up the impact craters. The horrific scene of bloodshed filled the Evangelion's soul with infamy.

"How could it come to this?" DDB spoke sadly.

Vader was kind enough to answer.

"I have no idea, but the next time I find him, he's going to be in a world of hurt."

"Shut up," Montyzilla spat, tired of Vader's verbal bashing. "You're alive, be glad. For all we know, he probably saved your life. Besides, we can't be at each other throats now."

Vader sensed the contradiction in Montyzilla's lecture. "Monty, you damn hypocrite!"

"That's enough," DDB furiously said to calm the feud between his comrades. "Damn it, try and look at the bigger picture. While you two complain like a married couple, our allies are out there, fighting for their lives! For all we know, they could be dying, or are already dead. Put aside your differences, and think up a plan."

The mind and soul of Eva Unit 1 succeeded in quelling the feud between his friends.

"For what it's worth, I do not criticize Tom for whatever decision he made. Take it from someone who knows him more than anybody else. I feel sorry for him. Want to know why?" DDB gathered his thoughts, processing the words he prepared to speak. "The truth is, he is a pariah in a world filled with people afraid of the unknown. The whole purpose of the MWF was to not only bring entertainment and fantasy to the people of the world, but also contain these creatures from ever causing harm. Yet in his quest for prosperity and goodwill, he was given tragedy after tragedy.

"Earth attracts Evil beings whose only intent is to spread anarchy. While our lives have been a living hell in these past few years, I'm thankful these malevolent creatures started with the MWF. We are the only ones capable of taking them down, and preventing them from achieving dominion," DDB continued, "without us, I'm afraid we would've been conquered long ago. But who was there, every time? Which one of us stood in the shadows, working his magic behind the scenes? Which one of us survived the backlash of an entire world? Want to know something that's even sadder? Which one of us actually died for the sole purpose of standing up for something he believes in?

"So go ahead, criticize him all you want. You can even criticize him for being a clone. Clone or no clone, the spirit is still there, dwelling in a vessel that's on the brink of insanity. I've been a victim of that insanity, but in all honesty, I plan to be at his side until the very end."

The drops of blood pelted the outer surface of Cybersaur and the Evangelions. It stained the beautiful armor of the magnificent machines. Its controllers were silent, unable to develop the courage to speak. A faint sound was heard miles away. Malicious snarls, cultivated by the decomposing vocals of hordes of demons, stirred the earthlings' interest.

"What's the plan?" Monty asked. The crimson Evangelion raised its automatic rifle; its controller checked its stock. It was low on ammunition. Blood, soaked hands gripped the magazine and pulled it out, chucking it into a puddle of blood nearby. In a compartment hidden beneath the armored-surface of the Evangelion's leg, an extra magazine pushed out. Eva Unit 2 quickly loaded it into the rifle, preparing to carry out an all out attack at a moment's notice. "Well?" Monty inquired once more.

The lavender-coated Evangelion turned away, and started to stride in the opposite direction.

It stopped.

"We run," DDB replied.

Unit 1 proceeded to sprint as fast as its artificial legs could muster. Unit 2 followed shortly after. Azure-silvery flames shot out of Cybersaur's rocket boosters, incinerating the droplets of blood around it. Cybersaur propelled its body straight into the sky, heading in the direction of the sprinting Evas. The demon horde closed in and followed their scent, slurping up the globules of blood.


Azure-silvery flames streaked into Zandolla's sternum, applying enough concussive force to drill the behemoth into the side of the wall. The massive beast collision with the wall made its artificial coating crumble. Zandolla tried to push the radioactive flames back, the struggle allowed Zandolla to step out of the wrecked wall. With the separation of his arms, the radioactive flames ceased, and Zandolla pointed them at the atomic dinosaur. Blistering sprays of steam escaped the boundaries of Zandolla's hands, closing in on Gigantis. The radioactive hero summoned all the strength his legs could muster, and leaped over the wall of haze. The water flowing freely on the floor steamed from Zandolla's searing attack. But Zandolla had not expected Gigantis to come down from the raptors; Gigantis felt gravity pull his body straight towards Zandolla. Gigantis' reptilian feet struck Zandolla's cranium, the impact alone was enough to drive Zandolla's body beneath the ground. Asphalt and water ascended into the air, and dispersed in all directions. Gigantis bent down and struck Zandolla with furious swipes of his reptilian brawn.

Zandolla's hard carapace held its own. Gigantis fiercely tried to penetrate Zandolla's exterior with his rampaging claws, but to no avail. Instead, Zandolla pointed his hands and sprayed a blistering stream of steam. Gigantis' body was enveloped, and the dinosaur screamed in agony. The dinosaur's skin hissed and boiled, a testament of the pain the beast was experiencing. Gigantis stumbled out of the boiling mist, shielding his eyes in hopes of not being blinded. Sheets of radioactive flames shot out of Gigantis' mouth, striking Zandolla's face. A shower of sparks covered Zandolla's body. But the leviathan would not be denied of its vengeance. The drill atop of Zandolla's head whirled and clattered. Zandolla rose out of the crater, no longer embedded inside the ground. The rampaging leviathan sprinted towards Gigantis and bent his head down, driving the whirling drill on top of his head into Gigantis' abdomen. Gigantis sneered in anguish, unable to comprehend the sheer force of Zandolla's physical assault. With the wind knocked out of him, Gigantis was unable to muster the strength to clash with Zandolla's own. Zandolla drilled Gigantis into the wall, and knocked the atomic saurian out the other side.

Electricity surged freely into King Caesar's body, frying the Okinawa Guardian's fur. King Caesar exerted a painful moan, and attempted to maul Gabara with his sharp claws. King Caesar's retaliation was short-lived; Gabara easily avoided contact with King Caesar's paws, and entrenched his claws into King Caesar's sternum. The horns erected out of Gabara's skull crackled with electricity, guiding the electrical currents to the tip of his hands. With his hide breached, King Caesar was unable to fend off the surging electrical currents flowing into his body. The great custodian of Okinawa growled an unearthly cry of agony. No emotion was expressed by Gabara's demonic face. The green ogre just stared solemnly at its electrified foe. Behind those conniving orbs, the ogre was pleased with the tragedy.

King Caesar's long, furry ears stood up. A rumbling growl escaped King Caesar's raspy throat. Gathering a newly found strength, King Caesar raised his claws high over his head, and brought them down upon Gabara's wrists. The sheer magnitude of King Caesar's strength shattered Gabara's wrists upon contact. The green ogre, conjured up by the nightmares of a human child, wailed in agony. Satisfaction glinted in the crimson eyes of King Caesar, as the Guardian of the Okinawa rammed his thick shoulder into Gabara's sternum. The physical assault smashed the bone structure in Gabara's chest. Broken bones tore out of Gabara's hide, blanketing the ogre's hide with the warmth of his blood. With a swipe of his claw, King Caesar struck Gabara's mouth and shattered the ogre's jaw structure. Gabara whirled around and crashed into the water, the ogre's mouth watered with blood. The ogre heard King Caesar splashing in the water. Gabara growled an unearthly roar and commanded the horns on the apex of his head to pulsate with electricity. The ogre had his arms buried in the water. Electrical currents dwindled down the scope of Gabara's arms and electrified the water, electrocuting the guardian of the Okinawa in the process. The fur on King Caesar's body stood straight up and burst into flames. Painful screams of agony escaped the bowels of King Caesar's jaws. Gabara rose out of the water, allowing the electricity to manifest around his wrists. King Caesar was too dazed to see Gabara charge full throttle, and smash his electrified fists against King Caesar's face. Gabara's fists applied enough force to knock King Caesar clear across the watery surface and into a wall. The wall splintered and fell apart, its remains covered King Caesar's unconscious form. Gabara gestured a malevolent grin. The green ogre trotted in the water and made his way towards the wounded guardian. Gabara stopped in front of the unconscious protector, and contemplated the most suitable course of action.

Gabara snickered evilly.

The green ogre extended his hand and used one of his claws to carve an unholy symbol in King Caesar's forehead. Gabara was too distracted to notice an unlikely stranger to get involved in this conflict. Before Gabara could paint King Caesar's entire face with his own blood, the green ogre felt a hand cutch his collar bone and yank it out! Blood sprayed out of Gabara's shoulder, the terrible screams were only a representation of the unbearable pain the ogre felt. Gabara turned to face his attacker, his furious eyes intent on locating the fool and tear him limb from limb! Instead of finding out his attacker's identity, the assailant thrusted his fist into Gabara's face; Gabara's nose had been literally driven deep into his face. Gabara's upper jaw had suffered the same fate. The upper jaw was now shorter than its bottom counterpart. Gabara choked on the blood that was gushing out of the broken jawbone. The green ogre fell into the water, and his entire body was consumed.

Gabara was barely able to make out the shape of the beast that furiously leapt upon him�

King Kong.

Rockets poured into Gigan's alien body. The cyborg shrieked in pain, its high pitched, sonic wail flooded the backstage area. Zonefighter's wrists blazed with blistering sparks, the result of unleashing a salvo of missile launchers. The dark room the two giants were in was bathed by the shimmering display of power Zonefighter radiated. When all of Zonefighter's rockets had been deployed, the wrists gauntlets disappeared and Zonefighter prepared for physical combat. Gigan's exterior was covered with burnt flesh. The cyborg's hard carapace was sturdy enough to withstand massive amounts of damage. It had managed to survive Zonefighter's rocket assault. Gigan's hammered claws clattered against one another. The cyborg's crimson eye eerily crackled in the darkness. The medallion tucked inside Gigan's forehead sparkled.

"Oh no," Zonefighter said out loud, acknowledging Gigan's strategy.

A crimson laser sliced the air and impaled Zonefighter's sternum. The humanoid warrior fell to the ground, unable to cope with the staggering pain. Zonefighter gripped the ground with his hands; Zonefighter's fingers literally peeled the asphalt off the floor! Zonefighter's glimmering orbs noticed Gigan's siege; the cyborg descended from the raptors, the buzz saw on his abdomen whirled to life. Zonefighter flipped backwards and rolled away, allowing Gigan to strike the ground with its buzz saw. Zonefighter was not able to pay witness to Gigan's operation on the ground; pieces of asphalt kicked into the air, unable to withstand Gigan's external blades. Gigan ascended his gaze and located Zonefighter. The cyborg shrieked in anger, lividly upset after missing his target. In Gigan's artificial mind, fighting with Zonefighter was just a burden, a burden that needed to die. Zonefighter obliged sentiments with one of his own. The athletic warrior sprinted straight towards Gigan, dove into the ground, rolled across it and then leapt straight at the cyborg. The maneuver was fast and deadly. Zonefighter kicked Gigan in the neck, inflicting enough concussive force to knock the cyborg off his feet.

Gigan plowed into the ground, the cyborg's massive weight shattered the floor's surface and caused it to rise into the air, and disperse in all directions. Gigan scrambled to rise to his feet, but Zonefighter lunged onto Gigan's own, pounding the cyborg's outer haul with a volley of fists. Gigan raked the ground with his hammered claws, and struck Zonefighter aside the face. The blow was enough to cause Zonefighter to stutter back, giving Gigan enough room to turn all the way around, and confront him. A crimson laser was spawned out of the medallion embedded inside Gigan's forehead. It lashed out, barely avoiding contact with an agitated Zonefighter. Zonefighter managed to avoid confrontation with Gigan's projectile, and resorted to using his own beam. Atop Zonefighter's forehead was a metallic antenna that fired a blazing beam of light. It ripped into Gigan's carapace and generated an explosion. Chunks of Gigan's flesh blasted off of the cyborg's body.

Zonefighter observed his damaged foe. The mandibles that protruded out of the side of Gigan's jaws opened and closed uncontrollably. Gigan released an ear-piercing cry. Immediately, Gigan charged Zonefighter with incredible speed. Zonefighter only had enough time to brace himself for the worst. Gigan rammed his body into Zonefighter's own, using his hammered claws to keep Zonefighter from falling. Smoke rolled out of Gigan's wings, propelling the cyborg and its prey into the air. Gigan managed to achieve a considerable amount of speed. The speed unearthed enough momentum to make the impact even more painful; Gigan pushed Zonefighter into the wall. The collision split the wall asunder and both monsters exited the room.

Water still flowed freely in the hallway. Lights flickered on and off in a gloomy fashion. The monsters brutally fought one another, damaging not only each other, but the environment around them. The action was heating up. A wall was demolished from the inside; Gigan burst out of the hole it made, while using Zonefighter as a shield, and drilled Zonefighter into the hallway's wall. Gigan fell to the watery ground, its impact lid to water rising high up into the air. But a low growl captured Gigan's attention. The cyborg spun around, and was introduced to Anguirus' backside. Anguirus smashed Gigan into the wall, temporarily knocking the cyborg out cold. Zonefighter slid down the slope of the wall, no longer imprisoned in the hole his body carved.

"What now?" Zonefighter inquired, his head twisted in different directions, seeing his comrades brawling on all sides.

Anguirus shifted his gaze in all directions. The armored-saurian noticed Gigantis' dispute with Zandolla. Zandolla bent down to thrust its massive drill-shaped head into Gigantis' abdomen, applying enough strength to raze Gigantis into the irrigated ground. A wall of water rose up and fell back down, dousing Zandolla in the process. Zonefighter's bulbous, shimmering orbs noticed Gigantis' trouble in dealing with Zandolla. He turned to see King Caesar floating in the water, out cold; King Caesar's attacker, Gabara, was instead fighting King Kong. A loud roar caught Zonefighter's attention. The cry sounded like tires screeching across the ground. Zonefighter turned, but ducked his head just in time to avoid Megalon's aloft body. The giant, humanoid cockroach managed to gain control and started to fly directly into the air, but Jet Jaguar's metallic body darted past Zonefighter and forced its fists into Megalon. The end result leads Megalon to being driven deep into the ceiling.


Students strolled into the classroom.

Inside the classroom, posters of historic events hung from the walls. Light dimmed outside the windows, a prelude to a storm drawing near. Drops of water multiplied in the dark clouds, and fell to the earth. The raindrops struck the ground, moistening it with its watery substance. Rain plastered the windowpanes, foretelling a grim future for anyone hoping to enjoy a sunny day.  The ceiling contained light bulbs, which bathed the room with its artificial radiance. The students strolled to their assigned desks, and sat down. But even the trembling storm outside the walls impeached the students in their quest to chatter.

"So I saw Melissa at Starbucks, right, and I started to walk towards her," one of the girls jabbered endlessly, "but then I saw her with Bobby! Seriously, like, what was he doing with her? Can you believe that? He told me he was sick!"

Amidst the conversations being exchanged between the teenagers, the history teacher patiently sat at his desk. It was covered with stacks of papers and utilities such staplers, rulers, pencils and more. His attire consisted of blue jeans, black shirt and a brown jacket. A leather belt tightened his pants. Strands of white hair protrude out of his mustache and chin. The hair on top of his head was as white as snow. His skin was wrinkly, symbolizing his old age and years of wisdom. Despite his old age, his brown eyes captured the attention of whoever they laid upon.

"Good morning, class," the teacher spoke loudly. The power in his voice silenced the students. "Shall we proceed with the daily course of our schedule?"

A hand shot up into the air.

"Mr. Topique," the girl said, hoping he'd call on her.

Mr. Topique sighed, firmly trying to predict what was on the girl's mind. To those not familiar with her personality, they would've been fooled by her appearance. Cindy had beautiful brown hair that freely draped down her neck. She had blue eyes capable of persuading any boy in doing anything they desire. Cindy wore a white dress and a matching purse placed near her desk. She seemed perfect, but appearances were deceiving.

"Cindy," he replied, "I trust the reason of why your hand is up is to express an intelligent question."

A few kids chuckled.

Cindy smiled and lowered her hand. "As a matter of fact, I do have an intelligent question," she expressed a heart breaking smile. Her voice was loud, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. "You are aware of the global disasters occurring around the world?"

Mr. Topique coldly looked into her eyes.

"History is a hobby of mine, Miss Gram," Mr. Topique exclaimed, insulting his student's intelligence.

Cindy returned the sentiment, "Yes, history. But I'm not talking about events that occurred in the past; I'm talking about what's happening today, at this very moment, and-"

Mr. Topique grew tired of Cindy's lengthily speech.

"Miss Gram, humor me with your ignorant logic another time," Mr. Topique infuriatingly alleged, "and for what it's worth, events transpiring at this very moment will eventually become the instrument of my knowledge." Cindy was speechless. The mouths of a dozen students hung open, yet the rest weren't really surprised by Mr. Topique's remarks. "Now if it's to anyone's constellation, I trust we can move along, and I can do my job."

Mr. Topique allowed silence to harness the classroom's atmosphere. He slid the chair away from the desk, and stood upright. Mr. Topique trudged to a television set in the corner of the room, and pressed the power button. A sphere of light shimmered in the center of the black screen, eventually expanding to unveil the live video feed. But as the video feed focused and became clearer, the class heard erratic sounds. The students were memorized by what they saw. Images of giant monsters toppling a downtown district, burying the people who tried to run away with rubble, appeared on the screen. Dense smoke rolled into the camera's fields of vision, preventing anyone from seeing the surroundings. The person holding the camera failed to keep it steady. Fear gripped the human's mind, and it was there was a good reason why; screams of fear could be heard from all directions.

The students were glued to the television set. Their eyes never blinked. They were suspended in time, never feeling it pass by. This came to an end when the TV turned off. Students groaned in disapproval, but Mr. Topique silenced them with his cold stare.

"Why don't they just cancel school?" one of the boys asked.

Mr. Topique walked to his desk and sat on top of it.

"What makes you think they won't?" he replied stubbornly. The boy was dumbfounded. Mr. Topique could smell the horrible stench of cigarettes fuming from the boy's clothes. He decided not to address this matter, considering it pointless.

The students started to speak out of turn. They all complained about having to come to school, when other kids around the world didn't need to. Was ignorance truly bliss? These kids must've welcomed it with open arms; either that or they are oblivious to their own stupidity. Mr. Topique grew tired of these excruciating conversations.

"You know what irritates me?" Mr. Topique asked, knowing the class was at a loss. "How you people are childish enough to ignore what is going on. You know what the death toll is? In the millions! Yet you ignorant, spoiled brats are too busy flirting with one another, upset about coming to school." Mr. Topique paused, and allowed his words to sink in before continuing. He took this time to stand upright, "You all sound jealous. If I were you, I'd be ashamed of myself, to believe such foolish thoughts."

Mr. Topique walked behind his desk and sat in his chair. He rested his head on his hand.

"Well, why not just kill all the monsters?" another boy suggested.

"Because it wouldn't be right," a kid said from the back of the room.

Confused eyes shifted to the boy who was usually quiet. They examined his fa�ade; he wore dark jeans and a white shirt. He was wearing a leather jacket. His lack of sleep caused bags of dark flesh to form beneath his eyes. If anyone was asked to describe the features on his face, they'd be told that he looks pale. Dark hair stuck out of the top of his head.

"And why is that, Mr. Johnson?" Mr. Topique curiously wondered.

Stan Johnson took a deep breath, wishing he hadn't opened his mouth.

"I don't think monsters should be held responsible," Stan responded.

Cindy couldn't hold back, "That's like saying people shouldn't be held responsible for their actions. That we're all innocent."

"Yeah, people," Stan gulped, intimidated by Cindy's good looks and her vicious attitude. "These aren't people. I guess we should hold animals responsible for the things they do. They act out of pure instinct. None of you care, until they attack humans, even when we've slaughtered them for no good reason." Stan started to feel comfortable to speak out loud, but the rage flaring in Cindy's eyes killed any chances of encouragement.

"Prove it," Cindy replied boldly. "Our survival depends on it. These monsters, however, can live without trashing Tokyo, yet they do it anyway!"

Mr. Topique rubbed his beard. It was entertaining seeing two kids fiercely debate one another.

Stan's face blushed. His mind urged him to stop, not wanting to argue anymore. But Stan's pride would not allow it. "Our survival depends on wearing animal fur, and walk around like euro-trash?" Stan's words made the kids laugh. Cindy didn't grin one bit; her eyes remained glued to Stan. "You know, we created these monstrosities, and while I disapprove of the loss of life, I still think we should look at other alternatives�"

"And live peacefully with them? There can never peace. Creation and control are two different things. They cannot control their behavior." Cindy spat selfishly.

Stan was silent. He tried to think up a response. When it seemed like the debate was over, he fired back.

"So if you are raising a wild, out of control child, who happens to be hurting people, we should just kill it? Oh no, when it comes to a human, we are more lenient. Let's just ignore the fact that humans are the true monsters."

Cindy's aggravation was approaching its limits.

"Listen, buddy, I don't see us annihilating millions of animals, and wreaking havoc. You don't see us dropping nuclear warheads on each other. What you need to realize is we've tried other alternatives," Cindy started to explain, "the MWF for example. For a monster lover, I'm surprised you haven't picketed that organization; where it pits your precious monsters against one another, for the thrill of entertainment. Personally, I liked seeing monsters kill one another. Better them than us. But the MWF was approved by the United Nations for a more important reason, and that was containment."

Stan preferred to address every one of Cindy's arguments, and pick it piece-by-piece.

"You don't see us annihilating millions of animals and wreaking havoc? Are you saying you are unaware of us destroying the rain forests? Literally exterminating thousands of species, both animals and plants alike," Stan started to get used to this. He blocked out everyone else in the room. There was just him and Cindy. "And I am aware of the MWF. For your information, I consider it a good idea, and I'm thankful they've been able to live up to their expectations all this time. I do admit I wish the monsters didn't die, but the technology there is state of the art. According to an article I read, it mentioned that they-"

"Please don't bore us," Cindy sniped irritably.

"-had managed to manipulate the monster's behaviors, and genetically recreate their bodies to fight another day."

Cindy sighed, "You don't get out much, do you?"

"Alright," Mr. Topique scuffled. "You both raise interesting points. While I do approve discussions about what is happening today, let us not go off topic and resort to pity insults."

Cindy turned away from Stan, trying not to stare at him. Stan felt embarrassed and ashamed, yet he also felt relieved. Perhaps it was best not to debate with people publicly, at least those who aren't blinded by their arrogance. It would be best to chat with his internet friends; at least they are more open-minded. Stan noticed other people looking at him. Damn it, he despised it when they did that. Just out of the blue, each of them was taking the time out of their precious, daily schedules, to look at him with dumbfounded expressions. Stan turned his attention away, trying to avoid eye contact.

A silent atmosphere had fallen upon the class. They did start contemplating the situation at hand. Hard to believe it would take them that long to finally comprehend that somewhere in the world at this very moment, people are dying. Creatures of biblical proportions are roaming free, stalking anything they desire. It is these creatures who defy the laws of physics. These monsters could only be described as walking Gods, forces of nature and vengeance.

"What if they come here?" a girl worriedly uttered, breaking the silence.

"Yes, what if they do come here?" Mr. Topique scowled, obviously irritated by the performance of his students. "What then will you all do? Perhaps you'll finally start to care. Truthfully, I feel ashamed to be your teacher, you want to know why?"

The class experienced arbitrary expressions. Some looked at their desks, unable to look their teacher in the eye; others were confused, trying to find reassurance with one another, and finally, there were those who were paying close attention. Stan and Cindy were amongst those who paid Mr. Topique their full attention.

Mr. Topique processed the words in his head, and then voiced them out loud, "In all my years of teaching, it seems every year, the next generation keeps getting stupider, and more arrogant. But then again, perhaps we're not getting stupider; perhaps we've always been this absurd. I highly doubt we'll live to see another century pass by. Arrogance and ignorance are not a good mix. It will be our downfall, and my God, I feel embarrassed. I feel embarrassed to be human, because I'm apart of a race whose stupidity will be the cause of its extinction.

"And you children have provided no implications to prove me wrong, despite my influence. I admit it, I've tried to manipulate you all in to becoming an articulated bunch, to grow and become young men and women who are not blinded by what the world truly is. Perhaps I was hoping you all could make a difference." Mr. Topique stopped, allowing the silence to carve deeper wounds in the minds of his students. "I guess I was wrong," he declared, and looked up at a poster on the wall. The poster showed the picture of a mushroom cloud.

Cindy felt compelled to argue, "But there's hope in this generation, Mr. Topique. Surely you can't judge an entire generation's intellect just because of a few," Cindy locked eyes with Stan, "inane people."

Stan returned the sentiment.

"Test results would prove otherwise, Miss Gram," Mr. Topique coherently exclaimed.

Cindy searched for a way out.

"What does this have to do with monsters? What does any of this have to do with the MWF?" she finally asked, hoping Mr. Topique couldn't detect her attempts in changing the subject at hand.

But there were similarities and she knew it was a fair question.

Mr. Topique cuffed his hands together, and his decrepit eyes studied the teenaged girl. "Cindy, these monsters were either awakened or created as a result of our incompetence. The fact that we show not to care about solving our problems, and end up repeating our past mistakes, show we are just not worthy to possess this vast intellect we succeeded in capturing after thousands of years."

"We will stop them, we won't allow them to takeover the planet, we'd eventually resort to nuclear weapons, and-"

Mr. Topique's mocking laughter cut her off.

"You truly are foolish," he scowled, "do you think our mighty bombs will stop them? Here, let's ask our local monster genius, perhaps he can enlighten you."

Stan's face burned red. Cindy fiercely contemplated the boy. Stan nervously tapped the desk with his fingers.

"Well," Stan began, trying to think up the proper vocalization, "You see, what Mr. Topique says is true, and well, yeah."

Jesus, what's wrong with me? Stan thought bitterly. He tried to calm down.

"You see, nuclear weapons are responsible for their creation. It is likely we'd simply create more." Stan softly spoke, trembling with each word.

Cindy shook her head in full disagreement, "This is ridiculous. Don't tell me you believe what the Japanese have been saying for years!"

Stan considered her with an astonished look.

Cindy sighed, "How they think 'Mother Nature' is making us pay for our crimes."

"Well, I don't necessarily agree with the Japanese," Stan murmured, "but I can understand why they believe that. Ever since Godzilla, these monsters have been popping out of the wood work every decade," Stan stopped, and noticed detest of the monster's name. Everybody loathed the creature, even those who showed no compassion for those dying around the world. The most infamous name the world had ever known always created a stir of disgust. "Oh come on, while I'll never forgive the monster for what it has done, but you have to understand, the destruction wrought in 1954 was a different creature. This Godzilla isn't as destructive, at least not anymore. Thanks to the MWF, Godzilla has become more like a protector."

People ignored Stan's attempts at praising Godzilla. They'd prefer to stain the creature's name and deem it unworthy to exist.

"This is exactly what Mr. Topique was talking about!" Stan gestured irritably. "I know most of you watch the MWF. There's a reason of why it is so popular. You all should know why I consider Godzilla a protector. Do you know what he is doing? Do you know what he and the other monsters are fighting for? What some of the actual staff of the corporation itself is doing for us?"

"Attacking cities worldwide?" Cindy remarked slyly.

Stan sighed, "Compared with what anarchy they are currently enduring, this is all just a walk in the park. But of course, you and the rest of the world don't understand."

Cindy sarcastically laughed, "And you are different? You must be some oracle, here to tell us all how we are wrong, and you are right?"

Stan shook his head. "No, I'm not saying I'm perfect," he was getting comfortable again, "just saying your eyes are deceiving you. I believe the MWF will eventually regain control."

Mr. Topique contemplated Stan's words.

"What makes you entirely certain that they were in control in the first place?" Mr. Topique insinuated.

Stan was going to respond, but the answer faded from his mind. He considered Mr. Topique's question closely.

"It was an accident waiting to happen. We can't control these monsters forever. How can Man control another form of life, when he can't even control his own? The probabilities of his own failure lie solely in his own destruction. We are destined to destroy ourselves. And exactly what have we created that is currently attacking the world, worldwide?"

The class was silent. Stan and Cindy were in no position to argue.

"Monsters, class," Mr. Topique stated, "monsters."

The ground started to rumble. In the distance, the class heard city alarms. The school's own emergency sirens were issuing a state of emergency.

"Evacuate the school immediately," a voice shouted over the intercom. "I repeat, evacuate the school immediately. Varan is attacking the city!"

A distant cry shook the foundations of the school. The windows shattered, and raindrops poured into the classroom. Students started to scream and panic.

Mr. Topique remained calm. He sat in his chair, observing the chaos unfolding around him.

"Yes," Mr. Topique silently said, "our destruction is well underway."


Telekinetic shockwaves disemboweled the volume of space and time. The monsters were immediately toppled by the ravaging telekinetic implements. Dogolas' emerald eyes inspected the damage he had caused, probing the minds of those who had come to defy his rule. Dogolas hovered to one of the injured monsters; the magnificent crest entrenched in his forehead surged with psychic dread. The Scarlet Dragon, Enferno, struggled to rise and defend his existence. But the dragon's body ached with pain. Enferno's mind was rumbling with desolation. Enferno felt his skin crawl as Dogolas loomed nearer.

Enferno gripped the organic ground with his serrated claws.

The Scarlet Dragon would not die so willingly. Enferno's jaws divided, allowing scorching flames to run amuck. The supernatural entity plotted to incinerate Dogolas with the flames burning in his throat. Enferno tried to turn and shift the fury of his flames upon him, but Dogolas entrapped the dragon with his telekinesis, and diverted the flames elsewhere.

Enferno's flames died down.

Dogolas' telekinesis commanded the dragon to hover off the ground. Unable to fight back, Enferno growled in dissatisfaction. Like a feeble child, Enferno helplessly bobbed up and down in front of the Dark Echelon.

'Rest, weary dragon, soon your soul will pulsate in the bowels of my conscience,' Dogolas announced openly, 'and we will be one.'

A psionic beam burst out of Dogolas' crest and lanced into the dragon's sternum. Enferno was a creature born out of flames, capable of withstanding even the hottest temperatures, yet the heat Dogolas' beam radiated was enough to make his bodily organs pop. The flesh that covered Enferno's chest was no more. Strong, steel-like muscles strong enough to provide the dragon the strength he needed to fight other giant entities, had been reduced to ash. Dogolas' lancing, psionic beam not only gashed a gaping wound in the dragon's chest, but also ravaged its back. Dogolas' psionic projectile died down. He curiously stared through the gaping hole that was entrenched in Enferno's chest. Dogolas would've laughed, but he preferred to feast off the suffering Enferno's mind was undergoing.

"No!" Akuma shouted angrily. "The dragon is mine for the taking! I won't allow you to be the one to claim him!"

The dark dragon vanished out of sight, only to reappear above Dogolas. Akuma propelled its fist into the apex of Dogolas' head, purifying the fist with electricity. Akuma's swift and agitated strike allowed him to strike the purple constructs of Dogolas' bulbous head. There was no telekinetic barrier present to halt Akuma's rampage. In a fit of rage, Akuma unleashed a volley of electric punches, hoping to crack Dogolas' skull and spew out its insides. Akuma didn't notice the psionic glint in Dogolas' fixation. It was too late for Akuma to counter the vicious psychic assault Dogolas unleashed upon his former acolyte.

Screams of agony escaped the confines of Akuma's gasping throat. Dogolas intruded the mind of the dragon, filling it with painful memories and tearing its molecular makeup to pieces. The end result caused Akuma to dissolve into thin air. But Akuma drastically reformed in front of Dogolas, intent on making Dogolas pay. The mass of Akuma's right hand tripled in size. Akuma leaned back and plowed it directly in Dogolas' face, introducing the Evil Monarch to an electrifying world of pain. The physical assault was strong enough to knock Dogolas several thousand yards away! Dogolas' body smashed into the organic wall and was engulfed in a cloud of dust.

Akuma's feet touched the ground. Behind the dark dragon, Enferno fell to the floor. The agonizing pain was a true reckoning. Enferno gasped to breathe in the toxic filled air. He didn't care what effect it would have on his lungs. Sadly, parts of Enferno's lungs had been disintegrated, so breathing was quite difficult nonetheless. Akuma snarled at the haze of smoke, sensing Dogolas amidst its dense fabrication. Not willing to wait, Akuma unleashed a bombardment of electrical beams out the palm of his hands. Dogolas' chamber was bathed by the electricity's glimmering beauty. Mothra weakly channeled his benign power to the pearls attached to his forehead. Streaks of light sliced out of the pearls and struck the volume of smoke. Enferno's body assembled the energy required to rise to his feet. Enferno's ankles shook rapidly, while the Scarlet Dragon struggled to remain standing.

Near the congregating smoke, Gamera weakly started to budge. The telekinetic blow he received earlier had taken him out of the action. Green blood oozed out of the cuts entrenched in his chest. Gamera started to rise, hoping to join in the battle, and do whatever it takes to usurp Dogolas' reign of anarchy. But Gamera didn't expect one of Dogolas' tentacles to entangle Gamera's throat, and use its telekinesis to levitate the custodian into the murky air. Immediately, the tentacle brought Gamera directly in the path of Akuma's electric spears. The dark dragon noticed Dogolas' cowardly antic, and was forced to have his electric bolts disperse. Even the arrogant dragon wasn't willing to lose an ally. Seeing that his strategy was successful, Dogolas' tentacle forced Gamera higher into the air, and plunged the custodian into the wall. Gamera fell to the ground and landed on his limbs. Gamera's hands and legs kept his body off the ground. A psionic beam ripped out of the dense smoke and lanced into Gamera's shell, splintering the armored-covering with the utmost ease. Shards of Gamera's shell lay scattered across the chamber.

Dogolas emerged out of the smoke. His omnipotent eyes favored Enferno with a mocking stare. But a loud roar caught Dogolas' attention; Evajiran sprinted straight at Dogolas and rammed his body into Dogolas' own. Evajiran buried one of his fists into Dogolas' face, applying enough force to knock the Dark Echelon against another wall; however, Dogolas was quick to counterattack. Telekinetic waves fluctuated out of the pores of Dogolas' putrid flesh and captured Evajiran in its moments of birth. Evajiran roared an unearthly cry, as Dogolas started to break every inch of Evajiran's body with his mind. Evajiran's bones cracked, protruding out of the armored-flesh covering its body. Akuma howled in disdain and flung his body towards Dogolas. Akuma's dark flesh captured the illuminating fury that radiated out of Dogolas' crest. A sphere of psionic properties burst out of Dogolas' forehead, striking Akuma in the midst of his aerial assault. It detonated, ensnaring the dark dragon in a telekinetic web. Dogolas now had two Super Monsters in his physic grasp.

'Ever so proud,' Dogolas mockingly uttered. 'Your courage and adrenaline will serve to benefit my perfection. Though technically, it would benefit your perfection as well.'

The two Super Monsters tried to break free of Dogolas' entrapment.

Particles of light accelerated into the mouth of the Scarlet Dragon. Enferno was determined to die with honor. If his soul was meant to rot in the bowels of Dogolas' mind, then he'll do so after giving Dogolas hell. Enferno allowed his jaws to divide and as a result he discharged his deadly particle beam. The particle beam stabbed Dogolas' throat, breaching the Dark Echelon's flesh. Dogolas admired Enferno with a look of surprise. The shock quickly faded, only to be replaced with anger. A powerful, psychic manifestation enmeshed Enferno's being, entering the dragon's primordial mind, reading its memories like a book.

Enferno's entire life flashed before his eyes.

It was the medieval era. Enferno stalked the fields of England, a lot smaller than he is now. The ancient predator took glee in vaporizing those foolish humans who thought they could overcome him. A bright flash fast forwarded Enferno further into the future, where he faced off against an ancient statue, wielding the strength of an entire army. Their battle was a result of Enferno traveling around the world, eventually reaching the freezing lands of the north. Brave and cunning Enferno was, but the dragon could not prevail. Enferno recalled how his mangled carcass rested on the frigid surface, his hot blood steaming the cold ice. It was the first lost Enferno ever had to endure. Another flash reminded Enferno how he was saved by another dragon. It was then that Enferno recalled the beautiful creature that had come to his aid. The dragon's skin was as white as snow. Its control over the elements allowed it to decrease the freezing temperatures, and empowered Enferno with the warm feeling of heat. The heat revived Enferno. But how did Enferno repay one of his own kin?

Enferno recalled how he ruthlessly attacked the benign dragon and spilt its blood on the frozen tundra. The Scarlet Dragon left the dragon to die in the snow. Years passed, and Enferno was old, on the verge of death. The humans, those accursed mammals, were ruling the planet with their science and technology. Enferno's last memory revealed to the dragon how he landed on a deserted island to die, but was instead caught in the aftermath of a hydrogen bomb. Its radiation mutated Enferno's genetic structure, allowing the dragon to rejuvenate out of his ashes, and arise more powerful than ever.

Dogolas ended this session down memory lane. Enferno's amber eyes glowered at Dogolas; it was a threat, one that sought Dogolas' painful demise. Flames hissed out of the back of Enferno's maw. The fire slithered out of Enferno's closed jaws and steamed the air. Enferno paid no heed to Mothra circling him above. It had not dawned on Enferno just yet of how critical his condition was. Enferno's cold, amber eyes were momentarily blinded by the psionic light Dogolas' body engineered. Dozens of psionic spears splintered out of Dogolas and swerved in Enferno's direction. Green pollen fell upon Enferno's wracked body. Enferno confusedly ascended his gaze to the source of the pollen, and noticed Mothra's intervention. The Scarlet Dragon looked back and noticed Dogolas' psionic spears harmlessly bounce off the pollen. The pollen faded once Dogolas' body no longer sparkled with imminent peril. Red-yellowish flames emptied out of Enferno's divided mouth, consuming Dogolas in its blazing glory. Fire that was hot enough to melt steel, failed to rid existence of the Dark Echelon. Enferno ended his fiery campaign and snarled in contempt.

A pool of hot residue resided beneath Dogolas. Dogolas hovered effortlessly above the remnants of the ground that had been exposed to Enferno's rage. The Dark Echelon acknowledged Enferno with an emotionless stare. Dogolas' emerald orbs rose to survey Mothra, who was still circling Enferno from above. The benign custodian would need to be dealt with. Dogolas felt Evajiran and Akuma fight their mental prison. Growing tired of their constant attempts of escaping, Dogolas probed the skulls of his un-wavered adversaries and started to tear the brains apart! Evajiran screamed in utter rage, his body failed to show any signs of the pain unraveling within; a testament of the telekinetic hold Dogolas yielded. Akuma likewise experienced the same situation. The dark dragon, however strong he had become, failed to breach Dogolas' psychic hold.

The crest sepulchered inside Dogolas' forehead channeled its psionic power. Dogolas telekinetically grabbed Mothra and crushed the custodian with his mind. Mothra chirped in agony, unable to withstand Dogolas' mental hold on him. Dogolas mentally squeezed Mothra's body. The Dark Echelon sensed Mothra's imminent demise. A beam comprised of hot plasma ripped into Dogolas' sternum. The hard, exterior of Dogolas' carapace repelled the beam of its potency. Dogolas followed the path of the beam, and located the cause of its birth. Enferno grunted in disdain, claiming ownership of the projectile that had captured Dogolas' attention.

'Tell me something, dragon,' Dogolas telepathically murmured, his voice reeking of desolation. An energetic ball rippled out of Dogolas' forehead and streaked into Enferno's abdomen. The ball provided enough force to push Enferno off his feet, eventually pinning the great dragon against the wall. Enferno shrieked effortlessly, praying the nerve racking pain would stop. The ball was literally breaking his ribcage. 'Will you still possess that strong will to live when your soul rots in my mind? While your death is inevitable, I hope your strong desire to live, manages to remain intact.'

Enferno's head snapped up to the heavens, and gestured a loud, chaotic roar. His reptilian claws gripped the energetic ball in an attempt to push it back, but failed. Energy slithered out of the ball and into his hands, making them go numb. A mixture of saliva and blood flowed out of Enferno's mouth. But when the pain started to fade, rage took over. It was the rage Enferno felt hours ago. The dragon's heart twisted and turned. Enferno's fingers literally snapped out of their sockets. Blood bulged out of the veins that circulated through Enferno's entire body. Steam seeped out of every pore of the dragon's body. The rage was building up, manipulating the mind of the feral leviathan. Enferno's muscles started to increase in mass. The Scarlet Dragon's amber-glowing eyes rolled back in their sockets. Bolts of fury crackled out of the horns nestled on top of Enferno's head. The bolts of energy continued to radiate, eventually reducing the white horns to charcoal black. It was as if they had been badly burnt.

Dogolas carefully observed Enferno. The Dark Echelon had learned not to underestimate these creatures. While inferior, they proved to be quite the handful. Any living thing capable of wielding the power necessary to slay his Knights deserved recognition. During the battle, Dogolas had not implemented his ability to see into the future. Truthfully, Dogolas was able to predict the type of fighting techniques his opponents would unveil. Dogolas had analyzed the monsters for a great deal of time, thus he had their fighting strategies memorized.

Unnoticed to Dogolas, Evajiran was attempting to block out his pain and replace it with the fury needed to expand his AT-Field, and break free of Dogolas' clutches. Dogolas' mental energies shredded Evajiran's body. It allowed the hybrid warrior to regenerate its wounds, and then it would injure him again in the same way. Dogolas was playing with Evajiran. That alone warranted enough fuel to muster the strength and willpower Evajiran craved. Evajiran focused his mind on where to expand his AT-Field. Dogolas' concentration remained strong, never faltering. Evajiran would have only one chance.

Enferno painful screams escalated; the bones in the dragon's arms grew longer, at times it grew too fast and sliced out of Enferno's skin. Enferno's flesh had to regenerate and multiply twice as fast in order to keep up. The dragon's legs started to grow, the sharp nails that protruded out of each feet dug into the ground. Enferno's tail shared the same fate as the rest of the body. The scythe-blade located at the tip of Enferno's tail grew to be three times its former size. Blood oozed out of Enferno's crimson skin. It was possible that Enferno would die before this erratic mutation sunk it. Enferno was internally bleeding. The movement of his bones had shredded the organs.

Amidst his struggle against Dogolas' telekinesis, Akuma noticed Enferno's situation. Enferno's cries of pain eased Akuma's own suffering. The dark dragon cherished Enferno's pain, but at the same time, Akuma was appalled. Another being was making Enferno suffer. Nobody should ever have that honor! Akuma vowed to break free of Dogolas' mental prison, and slay the Evil Monarch. Then after Enferno's wounds had fully healed, Akuma would maim the Scarlet Dragon and finally be at peace.

Akuma paused, sensing a change in Enferno. Dogolas was not causing this mutation. It was being fueled by Enferno's unparalleled rage! Akuma had studied Enferno since the days they became rivals. Nobody knew Enferno better than him. Akuma's face formed a demented smile.

"Drakan," Akuma thought excitedly.

Evajiran located the perfect spot to unleash his AT-Field. Dogolas had not yet learned of his intentions. He would need to act quickly! In an amazing display of power, Evajiran focused the release of his AT-Field on Dogolas' mental barrier. It started to tear Dogolas' mental prison apart. Feeling it weaken, Evajiran's hands churned with nuclear power. Evajiran unleashed azure-silvery flames out of his hands and struck the interior of Dogolas' mental dome. The hybrid's AT-Field continued to expand; it provided the strength needed to accompany Evajiran's nuclear beams to shatter the penitentiary.

Dogolas noticed Evajiran's attempt at breaking free. The Dark Echelon concentrated harder. Simultaneously, Akuma unleashed an electrical pulse. The dark dragon repeatedly implemented this technique in order to break free. In mid-air, Mothra channeled his holy power to discharge dozens of energy blasts in all directions. Gamera, the Guardian of the Universe, slowly rose off the ground. Green blood rapidly leaked out of his back. A third of Gamera's shell had been blown off, its remains were scattered across the chamber. Gamera separated his jaws, allowing plasma flames to manifest. Three fireballs burst out of Gamera's jaws and struck the barrier shield that contained Evajiran. Dogolas' shield proved to be strong enough to deter Gamera of his city-leveling fireballs. Gamera sneered in anguish and sought to find another way to obliterate Dogolas' mental barrier. There wasn't enough Mana to call upon in order to unleash the most destructive weapon of all time. One of Dogolas' tentacles slithered behind Gamera. The noble custodian had not yet noticed the surprise that awaited him. Dogolas' tentacle mockingly moved back and forth behind Gamera. Gamera heaved toxic air into his lungs as his watery eyes sought a way to free his comrades.

It attacked swiftly and without remorse.

The tentacle impaled Gamera's damaged back, applying enough telekinetic force to puncture Gamera's chest. Gamera brought his hands together and bitterly clenched the end of the tentacle. Weakly, Gamera's throat groaned with shock. The pain had not yet introduced itself to Gamera's nervous system. Fresh, green blood seeped out of the outskirts of Gamera's chest wound. Ironically, had it not been for Dogolas' tentacle, more blood would've flowed out. Shock had not overcome Gamera, but his hands shook uncontrollably. Gamera's eyes started to roll behind their sockets. The Guardian of the Universe started to drift off into an unconscious state, the only defense his body could offer. But Gamera knew if he did not stop Dogolas now and gather the strength needed to stay awake, he'd be at Dogolas' mercy.

Mercy wasn't exactly one of Dogolas' strengths.

Mothra watched as his fellow custodian started to fade away from consciousness. His mandibles departed and released a loud, high-pitched chirp. Gamera acknowledged Mothra's cry by opening his eyes. But they were open for only a minute. They started to roll behind their sockets once again. Mothra rapidly unleashed waves of energy blasts out of every corner of his wings, in attempt to break free of the telekinetic barrier and save Gamera. This gigantic assault blinded Mothra's bulbous eyes, and yet the barrier remained intact.

Akuma unleashed vibrant electrical pulses. The surge of energy driven out of Akuma's body plowed into the mental prison, applying enough force to destroy it for only a second. But just as it was destroyed, the prison re-constructed itself good as new. Akuma constantly annihilated it, while conspiring a way to get out in the process. The plan was created and Akuma waited for the perfect moment. An electrical pulse pulsated out of Akuma's dark form and shattered the mental barrier. Instantly, Akuma's body faded into a cloister of dark particles. The prison reformed just as Akuma was halfway out. Akuma snarled in utter contempt; half his body was still inside the prison! Psionic bolts disembarked into Akuma, introducing Akuma to a different type of electrocution. Akuma tightly squeezed his jaws and clenched his fists, expressing his disdain to the situation he was in. The nerve-racking pain was apparent, but Akuma did not allow it to make him scream in agony.

Evajiran frustratingly continued to try to break free. Surely this amount of damage would stress Dogolas to the point of where he'd be unable to hold them all. Evajiran viciously clenched his jaws, while summoning the power needed to annihilate the prison he was trapped in. The jagged spines out of his back were entombed beneath the soil, constantly melting it with the nuclear radiance it gave off. The heat melted enough of the ground to provide a trench for Evajiran to lie back in. Evajiran would need to find a way to break free soon, or else this war would end in a dark conclusion.

Enferno would not allow it.

The Scarlet Dragon disappeared in an apron of flames. His entire body was crackling with hissing ember that bathed the chamber with its light and heat. Enferno had transformed into a living inferno! Beneath the searing flames, Enferno's body was undergoing a fiery metamorphosis. A row of bones ripped out of Enferno's arms, creating a straight line on top of each arm. The bones would enter the middle of Enferno's hands and disperse over his fingers. It wasn't long until the bones on his arms curved, wrapping around the entire arm. Enferno's legs shared a similar effect. The Scarlet Dragon's entire chest protruded a thick bony covering. Even his tail and wings were hardened with bones. The horns that stretched out of Enferno's cranium grew longer. The layers of flesh around Enferno's face turned dark black. His eyes gleamed with crimson dread. The flames burning around his prehistoric body blackened the bony-armor. The dragon's crimson flesh was visible in over a dozen parts of his new body.

The sharp horns that extended out of the dragon's head extinguished a bright amber glow. It signaled the flames to disperse into thin air. Steam lifted off of the dragon's body. The beast stood erect, larger than it had ever been. Crimson eyes peered out of the dark face, and took a glimpse of Dogolas; likewise, Dogolas observed this new creature, probing its mind in the process. All Dogolas could read in the mind of this dragon, this embodiment of death, was pure hatred and rage.

Akuma slowly opened his eyes and realized Enferno's ascension was complete. "Drakan," he murmured weakly.

Nearly one year ago, Drakan was responsible for Zog's downfall. The super dragon possessed an impressive array of powers that allowed him to meet any monster head on. Yet now, Drakan's appearance had changed drastically. The malevolent aura Dogolas' realm seeped influenced the dragon's mutation. His rage had corresponded with this hellhole and now Drakan was reborn, enlisting the title of the grim reaper.

Drakan narrowed his eyes at the energetic ball nestled in his bony-chest. The dragon's malicious hands gripped the ball. Streaks of like escaped the ball and slipped between Drakan's fingers. Bolts of energy attempted to electrocute Drakan's hand, but the dragon was resistant to its power. Drakan brought the ball in front of his face and squeezed the life out of it. The ball detonated in an explosion, which enveloped Drakan in the process. The explosion incinerated the ground in a several hundred foot radius. It spawned a thick layer of smoke that blighted the vision of any who tried to penetrate it. Dogolas didn't need vision to see past the thick layers of smoke, instead his mind sensed the creature dwelling within its shadows. Drakan walked out of the smoke, unharmed. The crimson entrapment of Drakan's eyes blazed with fiery energies. In an unbelievable showcase of speed, Drakan sprinted towards Dogolas and met the Dark Echelon in battle. Drakan empowered his jagged claws with the same energy he used to power up his particle beam.

The dragon maimed Dogolas' throat.

Drakan's claws penetrated enough flesh to spill the insides of Dogolas' esophagus across his throat. The skeletal dragon landed in front of Dogolas and expected an immediate counterattack; Drakan wasn't disappointed. Dogolas' emerald eyes gleamed redder than Drakan's own! Strong mental waves chiseled Drakan's armored-hide, and overwhelmed the dragon. Drakan felt the encasement of his bones splinter and crumble off his body. Drakan was powerful, one of the strongest creatures to ever stalk the earth, and yet he was unable to prevent Dogolas' telekinesis from ravaging his body. Drakan's muscular figure sailed into the chamber wall; Drakan breached its thick layers and disappeared in darkness. But just as soon as the skeletal dragon became engulfed by darkness, Drakan emerged, with fury glinting in his abnormal eyes. Dogolas articulated a psionic aura, which fluctuated around Dogolas' stature. The Dark Echelon summoned a large portion of his mental power. Dogolas' azure aura blinded those who were still conscious. Dogolas' forehead channeled his unholy power. It formed a psionic sphere in front of the crest on his forehead. The psionic sphere blossomed with light brighter than the Sun.

When Drakan emerged out of the hole in the wall, Dogolas launched his attack.

Instinctively, Drakan manipulated the particles to accelerate around him. The skeletal dragon used the particles to create a barrier. It was the only chance Drakan had. The blinding amber glow heralded devastation; Dogolas' psionic blast lanced into Drakan's barrier. Drakan commanded the particles to accelerate even faster. But Dogolas' projectile shredded the particle barrier and tore into Drakan's armored-chest. The psionic beam infiltrated Drakan's breastplate, and struck Drakan's internal organs. Telekinetic rays dispersed out of the psionic beam and rippled into the organs in less than a micro-second; the end result made the organs overheat and pop. The telekinetic rays did not falter, but instead it scattered in all directions. They ravaged Drakan's interior, mincing body part after body part. In over a dozen directions, remnants of the psionic beam singed out of the damaged Drakan. Parts of Drakan's shoulders were ripped open, gushing with dark blood; one of Drakan's arms dangled down the side of his body, barely holding on by a thread; Drakan's head was split wide open, its insides stained with puss; the skeletal dragon's charred intestines hung out of his tattered stomach, and the ground supported a puddle of blood that oozed out of every pore of the ravaged Drakan.

Drakan dropped down to the ground. He plunged his skeletal hands into the pool of blood, and felt the warmth it provided. Blood vomited out of Drakan's damaged mouth. Drakan's throbbing pain was well apparent when he screeched in agony. His body had begun the process of restoration. Drakan felt his bones crack into place as his body regenerated bone, organ and flesh alike. The process of healing was far more painful than receiving the injuries in the first place! Where the exterior of Drakan's bones failed to withstand Dogolas' furious strike, organic liquids started to reform the lost bone structure. Drakan's wounds were almost fully healed.

Dogolas watched in amusement.

But the Dark Echelon had forgotten about Akuma and Evajiran.

Akuma released enough electricity to shatter Dogolas' mental barrier for only a second. The dark dragon used this time wisely, by vanishing in a curtain of black smoke and teleported above Dogolas' head. Evajiran combined his AT-Field with his nuclear pulse, delivering enough force to annihilate the telekinetic prison.


Artificial lights seeped out of the ceiling panels, and bathed the desolate hallway in its radiance. Machines located beneath and above the stoned aisle clattered vigorously. A door at the end of the tunnel parted, and an assembly of men strolled inside. Their footsteps echoed down the corridor of the hallway. They wore dark clothing. Their faces were dry and hollow, neither showing emotion. A few of the men carried suitcases. Others preferred to walk without the burden of luggage, preferring the need to perform the reason of why they are here mentally.

Among the men was a woman, whose hair was as dark as the clothing she wore. Her face was pale, but her eyes flowed with life. It was like examining a skull that just so happened to have a pair of eyes. None of the men dared to get too close. The woman's reputation preceded her stature, demanding the respect of those accompanying her.

They approached the end of the tunnel. A door automatically opened, allowing them to enter an isolated room. In the center of the room was a large table, coated with rich marble texture. Advanced machines probed the outskirts of the table. The cloister of people assembled around the table, in transcending order, based on rank. The woman sat at the far end of the table. The men sat in a single-file line, on opposite sides of the counter. They grimly acknowledged the woman, whose black fingernails clicked the table's surface.

"Gentlemen," the woman spoke with a dreary voice, "we all know exactly why we're here." The light shining down on the table seemed to drift away from the woman, as if scared to touch her. The public would never recognize her. Her own parents wouldn't even know her.

For years, Sidney Orukai had transcended the limitations the world of Man had bestowed upon her. Instead of accepting her rank, Orukai sought to rise above it. Orukai's advanced level of thinking and terrifying mind succeeded in manipulating the powers that be to make way. She never needed to bend over backwards to attain the power she desired. No, Orukai made them bend over backwards for her. Her conniving mind eventually focused on a prominent corporation. This corporation was unlike any other on the planet. The entire world helped fund this corporation. A corporation built to benefit Mankind and prevent any future disasters.

Yes, this was an organization that wielded great power; for it controlled the most powerful beings to ever stalk the planet.

Orukai had to be apart of it. There was no limit to what she could achieve. To the weak minded, leading an entire nation would be the foundation of great power. Such fools they are. Controlling a corporate empire is a direction that would lead to complete conquest. Orukai knew full well that by controlling the MWF, she would have in her possession the most potent force on the planet. Years ago, Orukai succeeded and controlled the MWF: Monster Wrestling Federation. In order to preserve her privacy, Orukai placed a puppet in front of the public's eye. Whatever she wanted to happen, the puppet did as she asked. But over time, the puppet grew curious, and adapted. Lately, the so called 'chairman' of the MWF had grown to be a nuisance. To the public, he was known simply as Tomzilla, but to Orukai, he was nobody.

Just a miserable human being I scavenged from the pits of filth, Orukai consciously muttered. She referred to him simply as Tom. The thought of calling him 'Tomzilla' was absurd.

Yet Tom had managed to evolve. Orukai despised the way he adapted to the corporate business. In time, her power over him declined. Soon he was calling the shots. Orukai's aggravation had never declined, even to this day. She patiently waited for the perfect time to usurp him of his power. At times, Orukai was surprised to see that she may not even have to do anything. Time and time again, the MWF was attacked. Economically, Orukai was forced to defend her own investments, and offered her supports, but deep down inside, she enjoyed seeing Tomzilla's suffering.

But it was starting to backfire. Suddenly, there was a new notion in the world, where the public believed in this pretense of Tom and his fellow announcers behind heroes. Oh her aggravation climbed to the next level. While the world was eternally thankful for their heroic acts, Orukai knew it was a ploy. If only her puppet never grew a brain. That is all she was forced to cling to; however, recent events have opened up a new window of opportunity.

The men around the table slowly nodded their heads.

"As of right now, the entire world is in a tantrum, and is blaming us in the process. I for one do not appreciate the pitiful treatment I've undergone in the past few days," Orukai sternly declared. "We all realize that if one of us goes down, we all go down in the process. So we must remain united, and create an ingenious proposition that would deter the world from us."

One of the men motioned to talk. Orukai slightly nodded her head in his direction.

"Ma'am, perhaps this would be the time to precede with what we originally planned?"

Orukai's hollow orbs contemplated the man's proposition.

"As far as I'm concerned, it wouldn't be the intelligent thing to do," Orukai addressed drearily. "It is true; we have planned to use the monsters to bribe nations in doing our bidding. We can address our plans freely. So forget hiding in the shadows, we're in the only place you are allowed to freely discuss our plans, and I'll decide if they will be set in motion.

"But I'm afraid we aren't in the position to command the monsters to unleash anarchy," Orukai reluctantly admitted. "As of this moment, they are acting out of their own free will. Some are already spreading devastation across the globe."

Another man added to the conversation, "And according to our sources, most of the monsters are currently fighting one another on Battle Island."

Then another executive decided to enlighten everyone, "Reports are also in about Tomzilla's act of aggression against an unknown entity. Currently, we are unable to locate him. He seems to have taken an impressive roster, ones originally planned for the hostile takeover."

Orukai was displeased to hear his name. Her cold, pale expression failed to show it.

"This is an outrage, Orukai," a man at the end of the table shouted. "Surely you realize there is no point in planning a way out. We are in a bottomless pit! They will eventually realize our intentions, and then we will never see the light of day again!"

"Keep your tongue in your mouth," Orukai scowled. "You are blinded by your own stupidity. It amazes me how you've made it this far," she persisted to push on. "The world may be blaming us, but they don't know why. This gives us an advantage. They'll be too busy dealing with the monsters to do anything else. They know they can't do anything to us; that is the beauty of this ordeal, the rumors that are spreading across the globe will create fear. And with that fear, the ball is in our court."

The men were silent.

"Listen," Orukai sighed, trying to make them see the big picture. "Our plans have only been delayed. Now, shall we continue?"

The men nodded their heads.

Orukai turned to the men sitting on her left side. "I understand one of you had devised a genetic breakthrough; splicing the monsters' DNA with one another, creating a super-hybrid to serve under our command. How is that going?"

The man Orukai was specifically staring at started to shake. He nervously placed his suitcase on the table, and opened it. The man's pale face cracked with disturbance. Orukai patiently waited to receive the information she desires. Her patience increased the fear in her executive companion. Like the other men around the table, this one rarely had any facial features. It was the only way to spot those under Orukai's control.

"Mr. Cain?" Orukai said deeply. Her patience was wearing thin.

Mr. Cain pulled out sheets of paper. Cain closed his leather suitcase, and attempted to put in on the ground; the suitcase slipped out of his trembling hands and fell to the ground. Mr. Cain bit his lip and acted like it never happened. Finally, he examined one of the sheets of papers, and held it up high for all to see.

"Ms. Orukai, I thought you'd be happy to know that all is going as planned," he muttered and tried not to shake the paper in his hands. But he couldn't stop it. "We successfully spliced and combined the DNA strands of a monitor lizard and a bat. It currently awaits transfusion, where its genetic makeup will mutate and grow into a very reliable assistant in our plans."

Orukai's hollow eyes focused on Mr. Cain. Cain tried not to show fear, but every time he tried to hold it in, it spewed out. Cain gulped, knowing full well that Orukai could sense his fear. She wasn't the only one. But she was the only one allowed to address it.

"Mr. Cain, you remind me of those types of children that are afraid to speak in front of crowds," she announced emotionlessly, "quite ridiculous for a man of your stature; however, your genetic breakthrough is impressive. You'll be contacted in one week. By that time, I expect over a dozen ready and accounted for."

Mr. Cain nodded his head. The disturbed man stood up, gathered his things, and clumsily strode out of the room, trembling with each step. Orukai turned to a man on her right.

"Mr. Malcolm," Orukai stated, "I understand your team of technicians have created a weapon that is capable of being the backbone of our new empire." Orukai's voice never showed any signs of excitement or satisfaction. She remained serious and relenting.

Mr. Malcolm was a man unlike the other. While his face was pale and deprived of its humanity, he did have a dark beard hanging out his chin. But the mark of Orukai's involvement was still upon him. Like the other executives under Orukai's rule, he was loyal and determined to impress her.

"Yes, Ms. Orukai," Mr. Malcolm uttered in a positive tone. "In fact, my technicians have devised a few weapons, not just one. We're currently seeking the best pilots for the job."

Orukai frowned.

"I don't care about the pilots," Orukai stubbornly hissed, "I care about the robots. I want to know their capabilities. In a comparison to the ones competing in the MWF, how are they?"

Mr. Malcolm smiled, pleased with the answers he'll be able to announce.

"They are superior in almost every way. We plan to 'borrow' the Kiryu machine and use it as a test. Also, Ms. Orukai, in our spare time, I think we've made something that will prove valuable to our efforts," Mr. Malcolm happily proclaimed.

Orukai was dead silent. She preferred to get her answers immediately, and not spend time pondering on worthless riddles.

Mr. Malcolm noticed and immediately got to the point, "We've made a device that will make it possible for us to gain control over all of the mechanical-engineered creations in the world. MechaGodzilla, Kiryu, Moguera, Mecha-King Ghidorah, Cybersaur, DragonZord," Malcolm continued, reading off a list he inscribed in his mind, "even the Evas. Add them to our roster, Ms. Orukai; we can surely begin the final stages of our plan."

"With the MWF serving as our cover up, we would experience no troubles," another man muttered.

Malcolm nodded.

"And," Malcolm started to mutter, "With Big O, Megas and Red Ronin nearly complete, our unstoppable army will prove to be quite a reckoning. This is quite an ingenious plan, one without any flaws."

Sidney Orukai glared at Mr. Malcolm. He nervously silenced his mouth.

"Fools," Orukai affirmed. "You are all fools! Do you honestly believe our plan is without flaws? Only a fool would believe such a thing. I admit, any plan conjured by my intellect is incredible, but I will not concede to such false principles. You better have Big O, Megas and Red Ronin ready within a week. That is how long we have. I'm beginning to believe it would be best to change our plans, only slightly."

Mr. Malcolm and the other men confusedly looked at one another.

"Mr. Cain's creations will be turned loose on the world. When that happens, our three machines will be deployed, and destroy them. It will capture the public's trust, and that trust will seal their fates." Orukai allowed her words to sink in. The corporate executives were starting to understand Orukai's ingenious plan. "We can persuade the MWF to assist us in attaining our goals. While the monsters run rampant across the globe, it won't be long until the MWF sets out after them, to get them back. When that happens, we will take action."

Sidney Orukai's face molded a devilish smile.


For the most part, the rock was content. It had been there for a long while, even by rock standards -- A few million years, at least. It couldn't remember how it came to that place, but then again, it was a rock, things like that weren't important. The sun wasn't out; big deal. Like a rock would favor sunny days over any other kind? Maybe the flowers were a little upset, but then again, they were flowers. Daisies. Pansies. Haha. The rock basked in its indelible wit. What were the plants going to do, anyway; grow in protest? Flower in anger?

Being a rock was awesome.

No need to eat, sleep, breathe, go to the bathroom, fight, pay taxes, etcetera�Sitting there was pretty much the only requirement, and that wasn't very difficult at all.

The rock was big, too; boulder size. Sitting there was the easiest thing in the world.

Except it wasn't sitting there. The remaining three heads of King Ghidorah shrieked in agony and anger as Space Godzilla lifted the gigantic boulder with his telekinesis and mercilessly bludgeoned him with it. The Space Dragon tried to fight back, sending his gravity bolts flying in every direction possible, but was far too weak to deal with the present threat.

At least he could deal with that damn boulder. A gravity bolt struck the rock formation directly in its center and shattered it. Space Godzilla lost control over his improvised weapon, and thousands of little rock bits rained down on the charred earth of Battle Island. Not really caring at this point, the crystalline Godzilla let loose with a flurry of Corona beams, striking the Golden Dragon at the base of his left most neck, blurring that head's vision for a second.

Ghidorah replied with another gravity bolt volley, but this time managed to stay his panic for a moment, and focused all three projections on his enemy's forehead. It worked. Space Godzilla was sent tumbling, cursing the Demon's name in an alien tongue that sounded an awful lot like "SKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRFF!!!" The alien Godzilla rolled around on the ground for a few moments. This pleased Ghidorah, who, on any other day, would be content to sit back and watch the hilarious scene, perhaps even sending a few boulders his enemy's way; this was not any other day, however.

So great was Ghidorah's suffering that it pierced through even his legendary arrogance. He was dieing. He could feel his strange, red blood pooling at certain points on his skin, and setting at certain points within his own body. The creature's mouth was dry; his eyes watery with acid tears. His wounds ached worse than anything he had ever felt. He had to escape.

Ghidorah hopped. It was an awkward hop, started through the cooperation between a single leg and slowing twin tails, but it got him in the air. Unfortunately for the Space Demon, he only had one wing, and the massive wounds he had suffered rendered him unable to overcome that simple handicap. When all was said and done, the creature had "soared" only a few hundred meters.

Then one-hundred sixty-thousand metric tons of metal decided that that was the ideal moment to slam into him. Ghidorah said goodbye to a few more ribs and organs as he and MOUGERA went crashing to the ground. The dragon and the machine rolled around each other for a little while, thrashing at one-another up close. At length, Ghidorah managed to get to his feet. MOUGERA was there right after him, running into him and using its drill nose to chew into divine flesh.

The King of Terror shrieked and panicked, beating his heads on the machine's sides, knocking it around, bit by bit. He made dents. Great, cavernous concaves appeared on the thing's armor. He fired his bolts at point blank range into these metal wounds, creating sparks and satisfying explosions. He could almost hear the fearful screams of the puny human crew inside. He could see them struggling frantically to find that one button, or lever, or switch that would free them from the dragon's grasp; that would save their lives. Ghidorah took comfort in the idea that he could still inspire fear into the hearts of those who opposed him. He continued with his onslaught.

When a focused beam of electro-magnetic energy blew a chunk through his remaining wing, Ghidorah finally let up. The pain was too great for him to acknowledge it, now; the sensation had worn out its welcome. Ghidorah simply wearily lifted his heads to the aggressor, and was greeted by the gigantic form of Legion.

The insect queen's split horn was smoking and crackling. Its glow began fading, but then it came back, as bright as ever. Another shot was about to be fired. Taking no notice of the ineffectual eye-beams fired from his closer, mechanical opponent, Ghidorah's twin tails wrapped around MOUGERA's left leg and pulled, sending both monsters to the ground as the deadly, white pillar of energy whizzed by above them.

There being no other way for Ghidorah to right himself, the Golden Dragon pounded the prone form of the robot, until the force of his blows sent him reeling to his feet. King Ghidorah looked over at Legion, and saw that, once again, she was preparing for another assault with her primary weapon. Thinking quickly, Ghidorah immediately let loose with his own, faster-charging volley. The ploy worked, as Legion cut her attack short and spread her tiny, spindly arms to create a shield of energy, which intercepted the dragon's gravity bolts.

The King of Terror acted with speed and cunning, once again initiating that awkward jump. The maneuver sent his shining form into the insect queen, and in a show of animalistic strength, the Golden Dragon managed to grab hold of his enemy with his three remaining jaws, wrench her off of her feet, and send her crashing to the ground. Legion squealed in fearful surprise as Ghidorah's foot came down upon her horn, pinning it to the ground. The dragon whipped its heads in close to his downed for and sneered, and then he let another volley fly, shattering the entire left side of Legion's face, permanently blinding her left side eyes.

Ghidorah cackled a victorious cackle as he kicked his defeated enemy in the face, and then turned another volley on the thing, dragging his bolts across its side. Great, bubbling welts appeared on Legion's armored hide and sizzled. Perhaps, the King of Terror considered, there was a chance for him to win this battle after all.

A bizarre sucking sound made itself heard, and a white mist condensed behind the Golden Demon's form. With a sudden shock, and a loud, continuous, bleating roar, Ghidorah was sent end over end and finally, to the ground. Destoroyah relaxed his fist and laughed in glee. He knew now that Ghidorah was doomed. He walked towards his downed enemy, happily stepping on and over the wounded Legion as he did so.

There was nothing left that he could do. The King of Terror had nothing left, unable to even right himself, he simply lay there as Destoroyah's Micro-Oxygen ray tore into his body, shattering his skin and dissolving flesh. The creature was about to die, and had given up fighting. In his death throes, he spied a shape off in the distance: Small, well-muscled, gray�saurian.

Could it be?

Ghidorah focused all of his remaining strength into a single, final gravity bolt. He aimed, let fly, and struck Gigantis square in the chest. The blow sizzled and crackled, but only succeeded in slowing Ghidorah's age old foe. Finally satisfied, The King of Terror went slack, his heads slamming to the ground. The light went out of his serpentine eyes as a prison of crystal rose out of the ground to engulf him: Space Godzilla's doing. In the distance, the energy dome Ghidorah had erected to ensnare some of the other kaiju dissolved. The battle seemed over, but the sky was still black, and thunder still echoed overhead.


His name was Steve. It is a scientific fact, or something, that anyone named Steve is inherently awesome. Steve was no exception. Steve was awesome on more levels than most people could count; both of them were really complicated levels, too.

But even Steve had someone to answer to. The rest of the committee (made up of, not surprisingly, non-Steves) had spoken, and their decision was final. Period. Forever, or something. Period again.

Their reasoning seemed sound enough: no private, outside forces were to engage the rampaging kaiju that were totally ruining civilization. No outside force would know how to handle the situation, have the resources to effectively combat the situation, or the strategic know-how needed for this kind of thing. Also, if someone got hurt, maimed, killed, or whatever, that someone had a very large legal window to throw the sue-brick through. Well, not if they were dead, obviously, but the maimed/hurt ones could do that.

All of that would have been fine really, if the fact that the non-private, inside forces assigned to handle the problem were getting their high-tech weaponry shoved up places of questionable interest was ignored.

As they say in the vernacular: "PWND".

Steve was under no delusions about the situation. Cities were getting thrashed, economies were taking a huge blow, and men were freaking dieing. Hell, entire mountains had already disappeared. Humanity could barely take on a single giant monster, but now that it was faced with dozens, it decided that the best course of action was to shove its head up its ass and leave the body to flail mindlessly, hoping to score a few good punches.

Non-Steves could be quite difficult, sometimes. The meeting was adjourned, and the attendants got up from their chairs and left the room; probably to go put ear-muffs, ball-gags, and blindfolds on. The MWF committee really was going to pretend it was in control. Steve wouldn't have been surprised if a giant scaly fist suddenly smashed through the board-room, and one member chalked it up to a bean burrito.

Steve walked out into the food court, bought his lunch (grilled cheese sandwich), and nearly took a bite out of it before he realized that he had a call to make.


His name was Steve, and he was one of the greatest mechanics in history, or so he'd been told. After all, he had practically built the thing that was casually, almost lazily standing in the hangar. It had a name, but Steve preferred to call it "The Weird Heap"; the bizarre thing was a veritable dump of up-to-date parts.

Steve didn't know if the Weird Heap's odd parameters were his fault, or the fault or the blueprints. It didn't matter now, because there it was, clear as day, looking like something between a monster truck rally and a Picasso. The Weird Heap was cute, in a way. Steve couldn't put his finger on it, but he recognized the machine's indecipherable charm; like a baby in battle-armor.

Of course, he just put the thing together, and came up with a few additions. His boss had hired no less than seven five-man teams comprised of the most brilliant scientists, physicists, theorists, mechanists, and strategists that money or food could buy. The teams were responsible for all of the blueprints and, both fortunately and unfortunately for Steve, every person on them had a rather twisted sense of humor.

Why else would they have given the damn thing an extra rocket-booster in its ass? It was a pain to install, sure, but Steve loved every second of it.

Steve thought of his team of mechanics, and immediately frowned. They worked, he worked; he couldn't have done it without them (well, he could, but that would have taken a really damn long time), they were total jackasses, and that's all there was to it.

The Weird heap was nearing completion, all that remained to be done was the attachment of the head unit, and the loading of the incendiary weapons, and it would be ready. For a good thirty seconds, Steve daydreamed about his creation running up to the UN Mechagodzilla and giving it a wedgie�somehow. He stopped only when he realized that a song from "Man of La Mancha" was playing from his hip. Custom ringtones were awesome. He picked up his cell phone.

"Hello, you've reached Steve Blooming's all-natural fruit soda fountain; if you have a cherry, we'll pop it."

"Nice one, Steve." The voice was dark and amused at the same time.

"Ah, hi Steve," Steve replied.

"How are the kids, Steve?"

"Noisy." They were.

"Good, the quiet kids are always the ones who end up going crazy." He was speaking from experience, Steve was sure.

Steve decided that the casual beginning portion of the conversation was over. "Why the call, my good man?"

"Just got through speaking with the committee�"

"Bastards," Steve helpfully submitted.

"Yeah, that's about right," Steve #2 replied. "They don't like this whole 'outside' thing. They say that it makes the company look bad."

"Doesn't the company already look bad? A few dozen escaped giant monsters isn't exactly a little mistake."

"They want the corporation to handle things itself, to avoid lawsuits or something stupid like that. They didn't take kindly to the idea of my little outside project helping to clear things up, so they decided to tell me to cease and desist."

There was a silence, which Steve #1 broke.

"You going to listen to them?"

Steve #2 laughed. "When have I ever listened to them?"

"There was that one tim-"

"Which is exactly why I don't listen to them anymore."



"So�we're going through with this?"


There was a cough, and Steve #2 spoke again.

"Status report?"

"She's almost done, sir. You can have her later today if you want. All we have to do is finish with the head thingy and the weapons stuff."

"Bastard and your technical language�"

"Has there been any word on a pilot?"

"Well, there was one fellow who seemed most interested, and he did pass the VR simulations with the best scores ever�"

Steve #1's voice wavered a little. "�But?"

Steve #2 sighed. "He's completely batshit insane. You have no idea. He'd just as soon burn down a city as save it. He broke off the top of the Eiffel Tower and golf-swung it to hit cars at the simulated Gorosaurus, just to get the thing's attention. I didn't know whether to laugh or piss myself in fear."

"Look, Steve," Steve #1 sighed. "Regardless of this guy's penchant for breaking stuff, we need a pilot, and a good one. It's not like the cost of property damage is that big of a concern anymore. Human kind is getting raped. Did you see the Buenos Aires footage? If he's the best you can get, send him over. Besides, from the way you described him, he seems like a perfect complement to the weirdos you hired to work on this thing."

"He threw the Spruce Goose at Megalon!"

"Did he win?"

"Of course he won!"

"Than he's our pilot."

"He uprooted the sewer system in New York and had a sewage-throwing match with King Kong!"

"Did he win?"

"The sewage-throwing match, or the fight?"


"He lost the throwing match, since Kong was an ape, and therefore skilled at throwing feces, but while Kong was beating his chest and roaring in victory, our pilot came over and slammed the monkey's head into the ground, knocking him out. So yeah, he won the fight."

"Then he's our pil-"

"Steve�He threw the top of the space-needle like a giant frisby."

"What for?"

"Your guess is as good as mine; he hit Rodan by accident, though."

"Sounds awesome."

"He won that one, too�he didn't lose once, but he's completely nuts."

"Steve, who among your associates isn't? Just last week I installed six makeshift nuclear fusion generators in your damn robot's chest, and the scary thing is, I FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT."

"You have a point. I'll send him over. He should be there tomorrow; that is, if Battra or something doesn't crush the plane he's in."

"What's his name?"

"Case Parriton."

"Case Parriton, pilot of Megas SXR�this should be good."


High noon�sort of.

It was really hard to tell what time it was, the sky being completely filled with dark, grey clouds and all. All of the tension implied by the phrase "high noon" was there, though. Now that Ghidorah was beaten, the kaiju had to wonder what was to next. Were they just supposed to leave? What about humanity? Had the monsters reached a consensus as to how to treat their age-old acquaintance? Some monsters, like Gigantis, loved the human race, and would fight to the end to protect it. Other creatures, like Death Ghidorah saw humanity as a blemish on the planet, something to be cleansed. Beings like Legion saw only a species that they could not coexist with.

It might have been for the best if the kaiju had decided to settle their differences right then and there, in a huge free-for all.


Too much had happened already, and nearly every living thing on the battlefield was too tired to walk, let alone fight�nearly.

Destoroyah worked his jaws. The crustacean was a terrifying sight, his head bobbing up and down, his tail swaying from side to side. He seemed totally at ease with himself, completely relaxed. Out of all of the monsters on the island, Destoroyah alone seemed unaffected by the recent battle. Even Gigantis and his comrades, Anguirus and Rodan, who arrived to the Ghidorah fight late, were exhausted from their struggle in the island's interior.

Several of the more expressive monsters looked at the amalgamation with apprehension in their eyes. Even the more arrogant kaiju like Space Godzilla could not deny that Destoroyah had been the deciding factor in their victory over the Golden Dragon. Whatever Destoroyah had done in the water complex of the island, it had won the battle. The pool became an eerie center of focus for all gathered there. All the while, Destoroyah looked bored.

Gigantis kneeled down and looked over the trapped corpse of King Ghidorah, as he did so the old Godzilla felt something between pity and regret eating away at his heart. Here, before him, was the carcass of one of the mightiest creatures ever to exist. Even in death, Ghidorah was magnificent: His golden scales reflected the light focused on them by Space Godzilla's crystal prison, making his body shine like a second sun.

It was strange; Gigantis had always thought that he would be there to face Ghidorah, at the end of it all. He and the Golden Dragon had been at odds for decades; their battles were legendary. Seeing his archenemy lifeless, limp, and done in by another's hand, Gigantis was disappointed. His eyes drooped, and he snarled.

And then the world exploded.

It was impossible to describe what exactly happened, but one consistent thing that the kaiju could remember was the opening of Ghidorah's eyes. Suffice to say, there was probably some sort of explosion, as the crystals encasing King Ghidorah's body were indeed shattered, and the kaiju known as Anguirus received a cut on his face that was suspiciously close in form to a glass-laceration.

Four three-headed, Golden Dragons stood where the corpse of one had been. Insane cackling filled the air and shining necks danced madly to imagined rhythms. Immediately, the island turned yellow as an ever-expanding wall of energy leaped forth from the Ghidoran quartet.

Every monster on the battlefield was caught off-guard, and they fell to the earth in an avalanche of flesh and screams. Some fired off their own weapons, but the confusion was so great that none of the Monarchs of Terror were hit.

Ghidrah, the oldest of the Ghidorans, searched frantically for his own special enemies in this battle. He spied them as he fired off his last volley in the surprise exchange. Gigantis and Anguirus were writhing about on the ground, attempting to right themselves. Rodan was nearby, struggling just the same. Perfect.

Ghidrah attained Mach 3 instantaneously, and reached Gigantis and Anguirus in less than a second. Grabbing Gigantis was easy, Ghidrah simply snatched the beast up with his right and left heads, the creature wasn't heavy in the slightest. Anguirus was slightly more difficult; Ghidrah used his twin tails to encircle the saurian's neck and lifted. He had forgotten his own strength: It was like lifting a bag of helium!

With his middle head, Ghidrah turned to look at the struggling form of Rodan and fired a small gravity bolt in the pterosaur's direction. He didn't even have to look afterwards; the King of Terror knew that Rodan would follow. Singing happily, Ghidrah flew off to a portion of the island where he could fight in peace.


Somewhere between the screaming, exploding, and the beaming, the Golden Yamato realized that this wasn't how things were supposed to be. Ghidora stopped firing his gravity bolts as soon as he recognized the company he was in. All of the creatures next to him looked like him, but they were far larger, and far more malevolent. They seemed to enjoy inflicting pain just a little too much. It was downright terrifying to know that he had associated with them, even for an instant.

This was not his battle, for this was not Japan. With a chirp, Ghidora hopped away from the group and took to the skies. After a few seconds of ignoring the clamor, the young Guardian was a respectable distance from the island. His three heads occasionally touched the very bottoms of the dark clouds as he flew.

Space Godzilla saw this.

Nuh uh.

The crystal saurian's first action upon righting himself was not to engage the two larger Ghidorahs in a hail of Corona beams and telekinesis, but to change into his flying form and shoot, like a bullet, towards the smallest Ghidorah, the straggler. Space Godzilla did not take kindly to cowards, and retreating when having the upper hand was certainly up there on the list of cowardly things to do.

Intercepting the small, golden thing was simple. Space Godzilla was so much faster than his opponent that the whole thing seemed like a joke to him. Ghidora was severely lacking in flight speed. The smaller creature also apparently lacked agility, as it failed to stop itself before slamming heads-first into the saurian's chest.

Space Godzilla took it as an insult; Ghidora took it as a concussion.

The space monster sped up, his huge, crystal form slamming straight into his enemy. Ghidora never had a chance to defend himself, and ended up firing useless energy blasts that glanced harmlessly off of the larger creature's crystal armor.

They were back on the island in three seconds. A large cloud of dust, rock, and dirt signified their arrival. Space Godzilla was, of course, the first to his feet. He stalked towards the creature writhing on the ground near him and gave it a slight kick. Not satisfied, he gave it a bigger kick, and then another, even bigger kick. He was deaf to the Yamato Guardian's wails of agony; all he wanted to do now was hurt the pathetic beast at his feet.

A single clawed hand closed around a withering, frightened neck and squeezed. Caught in the tyrant's iron grip, Ghidora was helpless to resist as Space Godzilla lifted him up and slammed him repeatedly into the ground. The Golden Yamato had nearly lost consciousness when his foe stopped�but only nearly.

In a rage now, Space Godzilla ripped off the bottom jaw of Ghidora's right head and flung it aside like a discarded toy. He tore off half of the creature's right wing. Allowing his corona beam to burn at a low intensity, the saurian slowly shaved the scales from his enemy's chest, and gouged deep, bleeding ditches along the creature's body with his claws. He was silent as he worked, savoring every moment of his triumph.

He stopped after he realized that Ghidora was dead. Still not satisfied, Space Godzilla gestured towards the ground, and a large crystal rose to meet him. The monster casually plucked the thing out of the ground, and without a second thought, shoved the thing through his victim's chest, impaling it to the ground.

Another wave summoned three smaller crystals, and these he took and shoved through each of Ghidora's heads. It was a joke only Space Godzilla found funny, but then again, he was the only one A) alive and B) close enough to appreciate it.

He laughed; it sounded like a roar.


Destoroyah had had enough. After dissipating and reforming, he looked the two remaining Ghidorans over (ignoring the gravity bolts breaking into him as he did so), decided that he wanted the bigger one, and flew into it. Grand King Ghidorah was left to wonder what exactly had transpired as Destoroyah and Ghidorah struggled against each other at mach 2.

They landed in a heap: a great, masochistic heap. Hundreds of thousands of tons of flesh twirled, bit, snarled, and lashed into itself. At length, Ghidorah managed to throw his foe off of him. Destoroyah rolled, righted himself, and instantly let loose with a steady micro-oxygen ray. Ghidorah responded by firing his gravity bolts, and there it was, a massive salvo exchange. Very pretty.

Of course, this little display went nowhere for Destoroyah, as Ghidorah clearly had the advantage at range. The crustacean amalgamation walked forward, enduring his foe's unrelenting barrage. Ghidorah hopped backwards, realizing what his enemy could do at melee range. It was a bizarre sight, especially when the giant, shining, metal drill machine joined the fray.

MOUGERA's foray into the battle consisted of firing a few eye-lasers that did nothing, and skating around on ever-moving treads. Destoroyah hated this, as it distracted him, so he did what any normal mutated devilish microbe colony would do: He grabbed the machine's neck with his pincer tail, lifted it up into the air, and sent it flying at his opponent. If his face had been expressive enough, Destoroyah would have smiled. The sound of the collision was beautiful. One could have heard Ghidorah's ribs snap for miles. Amazingly, the Golden Dragon did not fall, though he was sent backwards.

The robot's head broke off and exploded, showering the area with sparks. The rest of the machine stopped moving. This made Destoroyah content, and he used his pincer tail to grab the thing once again, this time by its little stub of a tail. Now he had a weapon.


Roaring, Godzilla and Anguirus were dropped from high above. The ankylosaur landed on his back, while the King of Monsters landed flat on his face. The Golden Dragon who let them go descended and landed expertly between the two, his voice reverberating with insane happiness. He kicked a rock at Gigantis, sending the creature into a rage. Ghidrah laughed at his foe's attempts to get up, but stopped when he heard the whistling from above.

Rodan wasted no time, grazing Ghidrah's three heads as he flew by, nearly knocking the creature off balance. The Golden Dragon responded by sending an angled rain of gravity bolts at the pterosaur, who expertly dodged.

Anguirus managed to roll onto his feet, looked at his enemy's exposed backside, and charged. Ghidrah was suddenly knocked a few paces forward as 30,000 tons of angry muscle slammed into him. Anguirus charged again, but was batted aside by the Space Demon's twin tails.

Gigantis himself rose to his feet and fired off a volley of atomic flame. The blast struck Ghidrah square on the chest, but did no visible damage. Gigantis charged head-on at his foe, throwing punch after punch, dodging, weaving, and attempting to grab anything that came within reach.

Ghidrah was too fast and too strong, however, and quickly out-boxed his age-old enemy. Gigantis was sent crashing to the ground, not hurt, but dazed. Ghidrah turned towards the advancing Anguirus, shot out his twin tails, and grabbed the spiked dinosaur by the neck. He lifted his new club, turned, and struck Gigantis with it three times in quick succession.

Rodan came back for another pass, attempting to knock the King of Terror senseless, but was interrupted by the three gravity bolts that shot across his path. Ghidrah screamed in delight. This was getting good. This was what he had wanted for years: A final, climactic showdown with his greatest enemies, and then a world to feast upon afterwards. It just didn't get any better.


There was a reason he was called "Grand King Ghidorah."

That reason was every other kaiju on the battlefield bleeding out of every flesh-ripped wound. Granted, the others were already weakened from their battle with the ultimate Ghidorah, but he was winning all the same. Dagraha had lost half of his tail, Midrah was unconscious, Burtannus had lost an arm; the list went on. At the moment, however, the Grand Dragon King was engaged in a nasty scuffle with a wounded Legion and Death Ghidorah.

Legion's beam lacked both focus and power because of the injuries she had already sustained. It was weak enough now to be deflected by the energy shield surrounding the King of Terror, and her shield arms were next to useless now, as well. Still, the Grand King considered her one of the greatest threats on the battlefield.

Death Ghidorah was trouble all by himself. Grand Ghidorah hated that this cheap, budget Ghidoran could pose so great a danger to him. It was disgusting, but he took comfort in the fact that whenever he wasn't blasting Legion, he was blasting this wretched thing. The quadruped fired off a burst of magma that impacted harmlessly against the Dragon King's hide, and received a burst of wing lightning as his reward.

A painful, stabbing sensation made itself felt in Grand Ghidorah's back, and turning his head, he saw that the insect called Megaguirus had rejoined the battle. He could feel the energy draining from his being. Thinking quickly, Ghidorah employed his twin tails to seize the creature's stinger, pry it out, and force it into the ground. He absentmindedly slapped the dragonfly in the face with his tails, afterwards.

Ghidorah shook his heads and cleared his vision. That was not something he enjoyed. Already, he felt weaker than before. It didn't matter much, however, as he was still dominating the battlefield. He fired another blast at Legion, heard her squeal of pain, and felt content.


Not even nightmares could describe the immorality of the situation. The war had escalated to the point of where those that were lucky enough to be alive, started to wish they were dead. Brave the monsters were to challenge the power of a being that could only fit the description of a malevolent deity. But in the back of their minds, they knew full well that a fate worse than death awaited them should Dogolas win this day.

Those that were still alive had been in a non-stop battle of supremacy.

Monsters such as Godzilla were no longer conscious. The King of the Monsters had admirably fought Dogolas, yet not even his undisputed power could put a stop to a being obsessed with its ascension to perfection. But in the wake of Godzilla's defeat, other monsters took it upon themselves to face the living juggernaut. There were three monsters that had transcended their limitations. Each wielded power that warranted the title of 'Super Monster'. These Super Monsters succeeded in providing Dogolas the challenge he never had. Dogolas had only seen a few creatures in the cosmos that rivaled the Super Monsters in terms of power and ferocity. Such creatures were wiped out long ago. But now, on the eve of his perfection, Dogolas met the obstacles known as Drakan, Akuma and Evajiran.

In the heat of the battle, Dogolas used his telekinesis to levitate straight up into the dark abyss that overshadowed the chamber. His tentacles followed closely as they wiggled freely in the air. Dogolas' aerial speed rivaled Irys' own. The wind swiftly swept across his abnormal figure. The Dark Echelon's mind was responsible for whatever speed he achieved. How ever fast Dogolas' mind prospered, the faster his body will fly. Dogolas sensed the Super Monsters nearby and knew full well of their intentions.

The dragons were born to rule the skies. These ancient predators dominated the skies, knowing no equal. While the draconic era had long died out, its descendants were eager to proclaim what was once theirs. But no matter how fast they flew; neither Drakan nor Akuma could match Dogolas' speed. Drakan's jaws separated and unleashed a beam designed to shatter the atoms. The particle beam attempted to massacre the Dark Echelon, but Dogolas evaded the attack. Instead, Drakan's particle beam ravaged the walls, carving permanent scars in the ancient architecture. Anger flourished in the abyss of Drakan's crimson orbs. The skeletal dragon would not be denied!

Particles spiraled into the mouth of the skeletal dragon. Drakan briefly turned to face Akuma. The dark dragon read Drakan's eyes like a book. Akuma hissed in response, and fell back. Drakan continued to pursue Dogolas, even when Dogolas unleashed telekinetic balls out of the epidermis of his tentacles. At times, the telekinetic balls would literally bounce off the walls and glide directly to Drakan like homing missiles. Every time they struck the skeletal dragon, Drakan's rage grew. Drakan's armored-hide prevented Dogolas' bombardment from inflicting serious harm. Drakan felt the particle manifestation swirling in the cavern of his jaws. The skeletal dragon extended his entire upper body backwards, which reduced his speed dramatically. Dogolas started to slow down, but was still flying faster than Drakan could ever accomplish. The Dark Echelon curiously cast a glance at Drakan, who up to this point wasn't flying. Drakan's body was still aloft, only because of the momentum his wings and body achieved. With the thrust of his head, Drakan pulled forward and widened his mouth. A particle sphere blazed out of Drakan's maw and soared faster than Dogolas. Dogolas started to come to a complete stop; the illumination of the particle sphere reflected off of Dogolas' eight-eyes.

The Dark Echelon was now aware of the sphere's purpose.

A blinding light smothered out of the sphere, the result of its transformation into a large explosion. Even when Drakan closed his eyes, the light penetrated the layer of dark skin, exposing his eyes in the process. The explosion spawned shockwaves, which spontaneously shook the foundations of the walls. The fury of the explosion engulfed Drakan. The skeletal dragon temporarily disappeared in a blinding light. Shockwaves rippled into his armored-hide, shattering the bony carapace and shredding his flesh. The explosion wasn't just heat, it was designed to attack the atoms of every living thing, and reduce them to cinders. Drakan, luckily, controlled the probing particles that tried to annihilate his atoms. But the dragon failed to prevent any damage.

Drakan's ravaged body plummeted to the ground. It was a fall that would last for an entire minute. It hadn't occurred to Drakan just how high he had flown. Remnants of the walls exposed to the explosion rained down from above. Drakan tried to expand his wings, but the explosion had drained him of his energy. The skeletal dragon anticipated the impact he would inevitably feel. It was going to hurt. Perhaps one of his comrades will break his fall? It would likely kill the other creature, but it would be best for Drakan to remain alive.

It didn't matter.

Drakan's mind analyzed what did matter. "At least I killed that bastard�"

Miles below, Akuma landed on the ground. Evajiran's enraged eyes caught the attention of Akuma's own. The dark dragon considered it a challenge, until Evajiran's intentions were revealed.

"Has the dictator been slain?" Evajiran deeply murmured.

Akuma didn't know the answer. Fabrics of light shimmered above. The size of the explosion had managed to make its presence known to those still on the ground. Akuma remembered the stare Drakan gave him.

"Such an honor it will be," Akuma happily exclaimed, "to kill Drakan should he be victorious over Dogolas." The dark dragon expected to see his rival fly down from the dark heavens, roaring in triumph, but instead, Akuma spotted Drakan's damaged carcass falling rapidly to the ground.

Near the wall, a wounded warrior started to stir. Dogolas' psychic assault had nearly crippled his mind and body. But the warrior had managed to repair the damages the Dark Echelon inflicted, physically; mentally, Miereki would forever be scarred. The psychic Daikaiju wearily opened his eyes. Miereki's mouth dropped in astonishment; most of the monsters, those who had pledged their allegiance to protecting Earth, were unconscious. A few had been slain, mutilated to the point of where it was impossible to identify the corpse. Miereki noticed Akuma, the dark dragon who literally sold his soul to the Devil in order to receive ultimate power. But there was another creature, a creature whose power rivaled Akuma's own.

Impossible, Miereki deliberated questionably.

Was it the white Evangelion Unit? Miereki had to know. The psychic ventured into Evajiran's mind, and started to re-live the past few hours that were seen through the eyes of this super creature. But there was another mind present in Evajiran's savage conscience. A dormant mind that was unaware of what was transpiring around it. Miereki wondered if it was the human who led the rebellion against Dogolas. Truthfully, Miereki never cared about the human prior to their invasion on Dogolas' home world. He was just another member of a species whose intellect allowed it to take over the planet. In his travels through space and time, Miereki had witnessed thousands of civilizations that shared an intellect that rivaled humanity's. Miereki had even known civilizations whose technology surpassed Mankind's own. It would take them centuries, perhaps an entire millennia to reach the level of power other worlds had grasped.

But there was something different. While humanity wasn't the most powerful civilization in the cosmos, they did control a new species of life form, one that had flourished across the cosmos like a plague. To the humans, they were known simply as monsters. Yet Miereki had learned that these monsters shared a similar brain-wave pattern. They were different in shapes and sizes, some stronger than others, but they all shared the same thought perception. Intelligently, the monsters differed greatly, but how their brains worked was what made them alike.

And this human, out of a billion, wielded the power to persuade them. Some of the most powerful monsters in the world had been persuaded by this human and his colleagues. It wasn't just this specific human that impressed him. All of them who had offered to sacrifice their lives earned Miereki's respect. These inferior life forms who had know idea about how the universe - how eternity as a whole operates - showed courage that no other could rival. But such courage had garnered the attention of hostile forces. Why was Man doomed to suffer an eternal purgatory? They didn't deserve it. It is true that they had committed atrocities that merited a trial, but to be destroyed, and molded into slaves for Dogolas' own fiendish plans?

Such barbaric intentions will not see the light of existence.

Evajiran noticed Miereki's probing. The hybrid lashed out by firing sharp spikes, which carved into the wall near Miereki's body. Miereki contemplated Evajiran with an expression of shock.

"Do not journey into my mind again," Evajiran growled, "or you will meet a fate similar to Magano's."

Miereki weakly levitated into the air, no longer needing the wall to lean on. The psychic turned toward the spikes nailed into the wall. Miereki raised his hand and created a barrier over the spikes. The spikes detonated, unleashing a powerful explosion. Miereki's barrier held the explosion at bay. The psychic was pleased to see that his power was returning. Evajiran scowled an unearthly roar, not pleased with Miereki's mockery. A spike protruded out of the top of Evajiran's fist, glimmering in radioactive beauty. Miereki's eyes surged with psionic wonder.

Akuma was interested in seeing who'd win, but the dark dragon's senses alerted him. Akuma instinctively disappeared in a cloud of darkness, teleporting out of harm's way. Evajiran looked up and saw a large slab of concrete falling towards him. The hybrid flipped forward and performed a perfect summersault. Evajiran turned to see the gigantic slab hit the ground. Parts of the floor broke off and flew straight up. The size of the slab made cracks splinter in the ground. Evajiran looked up to see other pieces failing to defy gravity. Eager to amuse his mind with violence, Evajiran allowed spikes to grow out of his arms; with the motion of his arms, Evajiran flung them directly at the falling pieces of granite. Dozens of explosions pierced the darkness looming above.

Instead of using his power to stop the falling pieces of granite, Miereki decided to intercept the body of Drakan. The psychic was, admittedly, surprised to see Enferno's evolved form again. Strangely, it was different than the last time. Drakan resembled a demon who'd fit in perfectly with this apocalyptic world. Miereki stopped Drakan in mid-air and gently brought him to the ground. Organic liquids filled the cracks in Drakan's bony-armor, regenerating it to its former glory. Drakan was barely awake, unable to gather the strength needed to support his own weight. Miereki wondered if there was a way to rejuvenate the Super Monster's lost power.

There was a way.

Miereki noticed Ultraman Tiga in the corner. The Warrior of Light was unquestionably out cold, but the pearl attached to his chest pulsated with life. Miereki flew to the unconscious warrior, and landed in front of him. One of Miereki's fingers flashed with clairvoyant vigor. A glowing sphere detached itself from the vigor, and sped towards the pearl on Tiga's sternum. Upon contact, the tiny sphere infused Tiga with its supernatural grace. Tiga's fists started to squeeze tightly. Tiga's dome shaped eyes gleamed with a golden radiance. The Ultraman felt Miereki's telekinesis bring him to his feet.

Ultraman Tiga nodded his head in thanks.

"Ultraman Tiga," Miereki telepathically alleged with urgency. "You are capable of healing another life form to full health, correct?"

Tiga nodded his head.

"You are a psychic," Tiga stated. "Why do you need to ask questions?" Miereki turned to look at Drakan. It was a way of getting Tiga to look as well. Tiga understood the situation and started to fly to Drakan's damaged body. It was healing on its own, but the dragon required enough energy to operate. Tiga touched the pearl on his chest, which circulated supernatural power into the palm of his hand. Ultraman Tiga pointed his glowing hand at Drakan's damage body, and bathed the dragon in holy energy.

"Oh no," Miereki telepathically said to all conscious.

Ultraman Tiga's head glanced up. The Dark Echelon, Dogolas, had survived the particle explosion. Even when he was thousands of feet in the air, it wasn't difficult to spot him. Dogolas read the minds of those who were unlucky enough to see him alive. They all wished for the same exact thing: for him to remain where he was. Dogolas rapidly descended towards them, pleased to sense their disappointments. It would take only a few minutes to reach them. Dogolas had offered them salvation, given them the chance to accept a painless demise and forever be apart of him.

Deep down in his wretched heart, Dogolas was glad they didn't accept. They didn't deserve to be enlightened. Nobody did. Only the Dark Echelon will wield the power of eternity and finally achieve perfection. It was his destiny, one he had known ever since his unholy birth. Dogolas had murdered his other kin, to proclaim dominance, and have the opportunity to achieve absolute supremacy. It was true that he spared some of his family members, but only because he knew of their fates. Not even Dogolas would dare mess with time. But soon, he wouldn't have to. The scourge of the cosmos will cleanse the universe of life. What would be the point in molding it into something better? Would there be a point in ruling over all in the universe? Being the supreme sultan of an eternity filled with inferior life forms? No. Upon the moment of attaining perfection, there would be no need for all that. When you're perfect, there is no need to dream of attaining power only those accursed humans would desire.

In fact, at this point, Dogolas didn't truly know. Even an advanced mind like his would be met with opposition in deciphering the answer to the question. But what Dogolas did know is when he at least achieves perfection, he will have his answers and everything he'll ever need. But there was just one problem. Currently, three Super Monsters had risen out of the ashes of their own despair and have united against Dogolas. Will prophecy come true? Is there going to be three more Super Monsters to rise and challenge Dogolas' destiny?

Let them try.

Time was stacked against them. As Tiga was rejuvenating Drakan's lost power, the others were preparing for Dogolas' arrival. In a few minutes, Hell will once again be unleashed. Evajiran frustratingly wondered if it would even be possible to defeat Dogolas. Whatever the difficulties, Evajiran will strive to achieve vengeance. Evajiran recalls how Dogolas stole his soul and warped it to serve him. The hybrid warrior recalled how he was injected into a body created out of his own genetic structure. Then he was used as a tool to fight the one creature he ever loved. Sadly, he was once again killed, not by another creature, but by the hand of his own father. He had forgiven his father, but Dogolas will not receive the same treatment. Evajiran was well aware that his soul had drifted into the core of Evangelion Unit 4. Now this new body will be his instrument in attaining vengeance. When vengeance is achieved, Evajiran will at last be at peace and will leave this mind to its owner.

Evajiran's spines crackled with azure light. Nuclear energy embodied Evajiran's hands. Evajiran pointed his hands at the descending Dogolas, while gathering all the energy required. A kinetic force of pure energy spewed out of Evajiran's hands and headed straight towards Dogolas to meet him in battle. Akuma joined Evajiran in the fray; the dark dragon allowed electricity to flash around his form. The electricity formed electrical sabers that hovered around Akuma. Upon the dragon's command, he unleashed a bombardment of electric sabers. The electric sabers sheared the air with their crackling awe, and bolted into Dogolas. Miereki analyzed the situation unfolding before him; Evajiran's atomic beam blazed out of his hands and seared into Dogolas, while Akuma's electric sabers homed in and struck the Dark Echelon at the same time.

Miereki turned to Ultraman Tiga. "Help the dragon, while we try to buy you some time."

Tiga nodded.

Miereki hovered up into the air. Soon after, a psionic aura encased Miereki's cadaver. Miereki's mind conjured energetic discs to appear in the palm of his hands. Upon his command, Miereki chucked a salvo of energetic discs towards Dogolas, allowing them to strike and explode upon contact. Evajiran poured more energy into his energy blasts. The departing beam unleashed enough force to push Evajiran's feet deep into the ground.

Evajiran was barely able to stand.

In the eyes of Evajiran, Akuma and Miereki, it looked like Dogolas was taking massive damage. But none of them knew that only a few inches off of Dogolas' hard, leathery skin, the Dark Echelon's mental barrier deflected the attacks with the utmost ease. Whenever Miereki's psionic discs struck the barrier, the discs would detonate in fiery balls of fire. Evajiran's atomic beams just flowed harmlessly against the barrier. Against Akuma's electric sabers, Dogolas' shield literally absorbed the electricity, and converted its power to energize the barrier.

"If Dogolas survived Drakan's particle explosion," Akuma snarled unhappily. "Then we are as good as dead!"

Miereki's telepathic response failed to sooth Akuma's animosity, "Unless he's weakened to the point of where it would be easier to finish him."

"Don't be na�ve, Miereki," Akuma barked in a hostile manner. "We are done for!"

"Where is the pride of the dragon I befriended?" Miereki asked, silencing the dragon, "The dragon that bowed to none! The dragon that enjoyed the thrill of a good fight! Putricus feared nothing. Shall I assume you are now a coward?"

Akuma did not answer. Electricity no longer dwindled around him. It instead disappeared beneath the layers of flesh. Akuma's hollow eyes surged with an azure glow. The dark dragon glared at Drakan, deeming his fallen adversary a worthy rival. Akuma felt a feeling he normally never felt�


Was he truly jealous of Drakan? The mind lurking within Drakan's damaged brain was indeed a creature that had defended the MWF in the past. How many times had the dragon been chosen to represent the MWF? How many times was it victorious? With an exception of Godzilla and Gamera, Enferno was one of the most successful monsters in the entire organization. But Akuma knew the truth about the dragon that everyone praised. Akuma knew how the dragon didn't care about its fame or those who cheered for him. If the dragon could, Akuma knew that Enferno would vaporize the foolish humans in an instant. The advancements in modern technology made it possible to manipulate the dragon's behavior. In fact, it was a strange feeling to realize the one simple truth: they were all free.

Akuma had grown tired of having his behavior tampered with. The humans are to blame for this treachery. Their computers manipulated the minds of the monsters to prevent them from taking over. It did make the monsters smarter, smart enough to conjure human emotions. Not exactly a fair trade. Akuma sighed, annoyed by the thoughts flowing in his head. It was irony, Akuma blamed the humans in manipulating his behavior, but the only way he was able to blame them was because of their manipulation.

"Putricus and I are one in the same." Akuma growled in an intimidating expression. "And we fear nothing."

The dark dragon noticed Mothra stranded inside Dogolas' mental prison.

"Curse the humans," Akuma slyly beckoned.

"For what reason," Miereki inquired confusedly.

Akuma replied with the answer. "Because their negligence in messing with my mind will save us all�" Akuma paused and motioned his head towards Mothra. Miereki noticed the custodian, and considered it with curiosity. "I understand the guardian before us possess the power to transform into an entity strong enough to change the tide of the battle."

Miereki nodded. "You speak of Mothra's armor-mode."

Akuma silently stared at Miereki. Miereki didn't even have to read his mind to understand Akuma's motives. The psychic concentrated his full attention on Mothra. The strength of the barrier around the custodian was still strong enough to contain Mothra. Mothra didn't wish to exhaust all of his power to break free. If he did that, then he wouldn't be able to get everyone home. But Mothra wouldn't need to worry about breaking free. Already, Mothra had sensed Miereki and Akuma's plans to release him from this annoying prison.

Miereki planned to start immediately, while there was still time left.

Psionic energies rushed into the palm of Miereki's hands. Miereki cupped them together, allowing the energy to unite and grow in power. The psychic aimed his hands at Mothra. Miereki telepathically informed Mothra of his motives. Mothra shrieked in response, giving Miereki the all clear. A psionic bolt tore out of Miereki's hands, and sheared into the barrier's exterior. The psionic bolt was made up of trillions of telekinetic particles. These atoms were instructed to penetrate the barrier's exterior. Every single one of them made contact. Mothra's bulbous eyes wearily examined the situation. The custodian knew full well that if Miereki was going to break through, he'd need assistance.

Akuma would do.

Energy darker than the night sky swirled around Akuma's savage maw. This act of darkness heralded a dark beam to leap out of Akuma's jaws and lance into the barrier. It corresponded with Miereki's psychic attack. The two projectiles dug away. Mothra noticed the barrier was beginning to falter. Mothra knew of their intentions, why they wanted to break him free. Mothra surveyed his own situation, wondering if he possessed enough power to do it. With sheer luck, Mothra sensed enough power to transform into a Super Monster. It would be close. Mothra's ascension in becoming Armor Mothra might just kill any chance they'd have at getting home. It was a risk Mothra was willing to take. Apparently, everyone else was willing to take it as well.

"I wonder," Miereki telepathically wondered. "Does Mothra need us to break him free in order to become Armor Mothra?"

Akuma pondered over the same thing. Miereki sought to communicate with Mothra's mind and try to get an answer. The answer Miereki received was startling.

"No, he cannot," Miereki worriedly declared. "Akuma, we must hurry."

"I'm trying," Akuma growled.

"Dogolas is aware of our intentions. I don't know what he's doing, but inside that psychic prison, time is being manipulated."

Akuma showed no emotion. The dark dragon was only fixated on breaking Mothra free. Miereki and Akuma continued to attack Mothra's prison. In the process, Mothra was growing older. With each passing second, Mothra was growing older, but also weaker. Miereki attempted to postpone Dogolas' attempts at increasing Mothra's age, but failed.

"Evangelion," Miereki telepathically shouted. Evajiran growled in utter rage. Just hearing that name angered him. Miereki sensed Evajiran's animosity, and started to search Evajiran's thoughts. The psychic deciphered the hybrid's desires on what to be called. "Evajiran, please try harder."

Miereki's plead sparked the anger Evajiran needed to unleash more energy. The azure-silvery flames escaping Evajiran's hands energized, transforming into crimson streaks of light. This action was a result of Evajiran's spines glowing blood red. The crimson beam released scalding temperatures, which bathed the ground with its scalding heat. Evajiran felt his feet burn in the bubbling ground, which had been reduced to molten slag. The raging energies departing from Evajiran's hands ripped into Dogolas' descending stature. Even the Dark Echelon halted his advance, and was forced to take action against Evajiran's vicious attack. Dogolas expanded the barriers of his mind, which proved to be a similar feat only an Angel or Evangelion could achieve. A cry of disapproval ushered out of Evajiran's savaged maw.

The crest imprinted inside Dogolas' forehead churned with psionic radiance.

Evajiran would need to take action, unless he was in the mood to die.

The crimson streaks flourishing out of Evajiran's hands ceased. The glow within his spines faded. Evajiran turned to the wall and started to sprint as fast as his legs could muster. The synthetic hybrid jumped on top of the wall and latched to it with his hands. Evajiran crawled up the side of the wall in a speedy progression. He turned back, noticing his allies were completely defenseless against Dogolas' looming onslaught. Evajiran crawled up faster, hoping to get up far enough to launch his attack. But Dogolas' forehead extinguished an amber glowing beam. The beam descended rapidly in the direction of Akuma, Miereki, and Mothra. Evajiran stretched out his hand, expelling his AT-Field to the other side of the chamber. It acted like a web, catching Dogolas' beam, and dispersed it in two different directions. Part of Dogolas' beam annihilated the wall's surface, imprinting an impact crater in its frame. The other plowed into the ground, vaporizing the material the floor was made out of. Miereki and Akuma were thankful to realize the beam failed to hit them. As they maintained the operation of freeing Mothra, Evajiran realized the time was now.

Evajiran climbed up high enough to fling his aerodynamic body directly at the descending Dogolas. The hybrid landed on Dogolas' chest. Almost immediately, a blade protruded out of the top of Evajiran's fist. Evajiran cleaved the side of Dogolas' skull with the blade. Sparks flared whenever Evajiran's blade came into contact with Dogolas' skull. The tendrils slithering out of Dogolas' chest plunged into Evajiran's armored-flesh. Evajiran felt his life force flowing out of his body and into Dogolas' own. Evajiran's hands almost immediately started to go numb; he was unable to strike Dogolas anymore with his blade. The blood started to exit Evajiran's body at a phenomenal rate. Even Evajiran's eyes were being swallowed in their sockets.

Dogolas reached the ground, ramming the weak and timid Evajiran into its surface. It wouldn't be long until Evajiran was drained completely.

"We're doing it," Miereki informed Akuma.

The mental prison was faltering. Cracks started to splinter its frame. Akuma was about to reply, until one of Dogolas' tentacles pierced his backside, implanting psionic surges designed to dematerialize Akuma's body. The dark flames flowing out of Akuma's jaws stopped. Akuma was unable to roar in pain. The psionic surges emptied Akuma's desire to express his misery. Miereki noticed Akuma's situation, but was oblivious to one of Dogolas' tentacles preemptive strike. The tentacle struck without remorse; Miereki's neck nearly shattered when the tentacle came into contact with it. Miereki was unable to hold his ground. The psychic was knocked clear across the chamber and eventually struck the ground, and slid across its surface. Ultraman Tiga noticed Drakan was almost at full health. The Warrior of Light had no choice but to stop, and help his fallen comrades. Right after Tiga focused his full attention on Dogolas, a psychic pulse floored the Ultraman to the ground.

Drakan started to rise to his feet. The bipedal dragon considered Dogolas with a livid expression. Drakan heard a sound inside his head...

It was laughter.

The skeletal dragon discharged a particle beam. It slithered into Dogolas' sternum, eradicating a small portion of the chest. Upon realizing his own particle beam being telekinetically dismembered, Drakan's eyes widened in terror. Drakan's skeletal wings defied gravity by lifting the dragon's massive form into the air and propelled him over Dogolas. With an aerial view of the Dark Echelon, Drakan was able to catch a better glimpse of Evajiran's condition. The synthetic warrior was on the verge of death. In a matter of minutes, its life force would be no more. The bony carapace on Drakan's body crackled with mythical properties. The mythical properties rivaled the type of power Drakan used to unleash his particle beam. Drakan flared straight towards Dogolas, resembling a meteorite in the process. Dogolas didn't try to stop Drakan. Instead, the Dark Echelon commanded his tendrils to hoist Evajiran into the air. Evajiran's ravaged carcass was held up over Dogolas' head. Drakan was heading straight towards him.

Drakan knew if he were to strike the Dark Echelon, the damage would be astronomical. But Drakan was not willing to slay one of his own, especially one who could help change the tide of this battle. The mythical energies faded and Drakan stopped in mid-air. It left him wide open for attack. An amber beam sliced into Drakan's abdomen, piercing the exterior and ravaging the internal organs. Drakan howled in agony, unable to withstand the punishment he was experiencing. The skeletal dragon tried to return fire, but Dogolas entered the bowels of his mind, and initiated a temporarily lock down. Drakan's eyes closed, and his body fell limp to the ground.

Mothra engulfed his body with mystical energies. An azure glow erupted forth, blinding all those conscious in the room. When the light died down, Armor Mothra's supernatural armor shimmered with holy radiance. Armor Mothra's blue eyes flared with meaningful beauty. The sharp edges of his wings glinted in the light his body constructed. Patterns of beautiful colors had been entombed within the custodian's wings. Armor Mothra was hovering in mid-air, immune to the forces of gravity. Armor Mothra's beauty eclipsed the darkness that molested the chamber. Dogolas' malevolent orbs examined the holy guardian before them.

Armor Mothra's eyes sparkled brighter. A surge of holy power flowed into the pearls attached to Armor Mothra's forehead. A blazing beam of holy origins escaped the pearls, and singed the tendrils that held Evajiran prisoner. Evajiran fell to the ground, too weak to move or even concentrate. The mind of Godzilla's son was dwindling, unable to stay conscious. Evajiran barely opened his eyes, and was amazed to see a beam digging into Dogolas' sternum, ripping its emerald carapace wide open. Dogolas' mind sliced Armor Mothra's beam in half, and formed a barrier around his body. Even Armor Mothra's powerful beam failed to penetrate it. But Armor Mothra did succeed in making the Dark Echelon bleed. The scent of Dogolas' blood was enough to stir all the monsters. One by one, they all were beginning to wake up.

Armor Mothra knew the time was now to end Dogolas' miserable life.

'So,' Dogolas said aloud, postponing Armor Mothra's signature move. 'The fourth One has risen at last. It seems the prophecy is coming true. All the more reason of why you need to die.'

A blinding light escaped the boundaries of Armor Mothra's armor. The incredible speed Armor Mothra achieved left a trail of light, which contained empty silhouettes of the custodian's previous passing. Armor Mothra sped up faster, closing in on Dogolas' position. Dogolas' malicious eyes gleamed with intensity. The Dark Echelon had previously witnessed Armor Mothra's transcending fate, aware of its dangerous power. It was doubtful that any being in the cosmos could survive its devastating effects. Not even the King of the Monsters, Godzilla, could withstand such awesome power. Gamera, the Guardian of the Universe, is no different. The current Super Monsters would even cease to exist if Armor Mothra focused his wrath upon them.

Dogolas was privileged to face such a powerful being. It would be an honor to slay such a divine being and trample any hopes its comrades had governed. Dogolas prepared to make the preparations needed in order to survive Armor Mothra's transcending fate. The Dark Echelon wasn't willing to admit it, but it was very possible that Armor Mothra's ultimate attack would prove to be his downfall. Ultimately, Dogolas himself could perish if he wasn't careful.

Armor Mothra closed in. His shimmering form bathed Dogolas' face with its vivacity. A dark aura surrounded Dogolas. Like an arrow of light, Armor Mothra pierced the dark aura, and ripped into Dogolas' body. A bolt of light burst out of Dogolas' back and morphed into Armor Mothra. The benign custodian hovered several hundred feet behind Dogolas. Armor Mothra observed the Evil Monarch, praying his attack was enough. Sure enough, Dogolas' body started to change into a crystallized state. Dogolas' emerald carapace began to transform into cloister of crystals. It took only a few seconds for Dogolas' entire body to turn into a crystallized statue.

It started to dissolve.

The monsters started to rise. If any of them could show emotions, any at all, they would be smiling in triumph. Miereki shifted his gaze at the injured Balkzardan. The elemental warrior was pleased with what his eyes showed him. Miereki knew it had to have been a pleasing moment. Balkzardan was now truly free. The slaves who had never known a moment of peace and freedom would now experience life in a whole new light. Evajiran weakly cast a triumphant stare at this world's defeated demon. Had his vengeance truly been avenged? Unlike the other monsters, Godzilla wasn't celebrating, but instead mourning in anguish and misery. Godzilla felt steam scrape out of his black flesh. One of Godzilla's hands started to mutate, growing larger by the second. Godzilla shattered one of the walls with the thrust of his prehistoric claw. The King of the Monsters held in his pain. There was an urge to bake Dogolas' crystallized carcass with his radioactive flames. But in Godzilla's folly in trying to power up his heat ray, a staggering pain overwhelmed him, and he fell to the ground.

Drakan didn't take his eyes off Dogolas. Godzalla, Fusion, and Ultrizard considered Dogolas for a second. Gamera felt his heart wrench every second, as he continued to live with the mortal injuries he sustained to his back. The towering dinosaur, Yonggary, nursed his wounds. Deep cuts had been entrenched inside his armored-scales. GxM hunched over, unable to stand fully erect. The atomic saurian glared at the Dark Echelon, never daring to take his eyes off of him. Armor Mothra remained where he was, hovering in the air, analyzing the situation at hand. If Dogolas showed any signs of life, Armor Mothra will need to be quick to act.

Ultraman Dyna located Ultraman Tiga.

Dyna helped his mentor to his feet.

"Tiga isn't this great?" the young Ultraman muttered happily. "He's beaten, Dogolas is finally defeated!"

Tiga cast a suspicious glance at Dogolas' frozen form.

"So it seems." Tiga replied.

Ultraman Dyna's arrogance started to get the better of him. The young warrior walked several paces in front of Dogolas and stared awkwardly into the Dark Echelon's frozen eyes. Dyna mockingly waved at Dogolas. Dyna had waited a long time for this. Now, the young Ultraman will stay on this world, and help Balkzardan rebuild it. Together, they will replace Dogolas' demonic empire, with a republic dedicated to the sanctity of all life in the cosmos. Ultraman Dyna was, like Ultraman Tiga, a Warrior of Light, dedicated to protecting all those who stood against the forces of darkness. Dyna hadn't told anybody, but the young warrior was influenced to a certain degree. Was Dogolas telling the truth? Is it true that there is no balance between Good and Evil? That Good and Evil are merely constructs created by minds struggling to understand a mysterious universe? But Dogolas was contradicting himself, right? After all, it was Dogolas who had created Evil in the human race, but not just the human race, but all sentient beings.

Dogolas was hiding something.

Dyna had not yet figured it out. Now, he probably never will.

The crystallized skin encasing one of Dogolas' tentacles started to dissolve. Dyna noticed this and along with the other monsters, he found this odd. Ultraman Dyna gazed up at Armor Mothra, looking for an explanation.

"It is finally dissolving," Armor Mothra declared prudently.

But the dark aura once again manifested around Dogolas' crystallized figure. What begun as a celebration, ended in a tragedy. One of Dogolas' tentacles broke free. Without hesitation, it impaled Ultraman Dyna's chest, piercing the pearl in the process. Shards of the pearl fell to the ground, shattering upon contact. The part of the tentacle that had broken out of Dyna's back started to wiggle wildly. Dyna fell to his knees, the celestial light radiating inside his domed-shape eyes started to fade. The young Ultraman feebly stroked the tentacle with his weak hands. Dyna could not summon the strength required to dislodge the tentacle. The next few seconds felt like an eternity. Dyna's hands dropped to the side of his body, showing no signs of life. The young Ultraman glanced over at his shocked mentor, Ultraman Tiga.

"Well," Dyna exclaimed weakly, trying to hide his pain. "It looks like I've made a mistake."

The holy light faded from Dyna's orbs. Dyna leaned his body forward, no longer pulsating with life. Dogolas' tentacle started to slide out of Dyna's body. Once the tentacle left, Dyna slumped to the ground. The crystallized substance ensnaring Dogolas' form started to crack. Dogolas broke free of his crystallized prison, no longer needing to act as if he was imprisoned in the first place. The crystallized fragments met the floor below. Dogolas flexed his muscular tentacles, allowing them to stretch in all directions. Had Dogolas been human, perhaps he would've felt sorry for the young warrior he had just slain. Perhaps he would've felt envy to all of those inside the room. Dogolas wondered if he truly felt good about shattering all of their hopes of victory.

Immediately, he knew he was.

'Shall we proceed?' Dogolas asked malevolently.

Without uncertainty, Armor Mothra pierced the toxic air with his shimmering presence. The benign custodian closed in, its objective was to shred Dogolas with his razor-sharp wings. A telekinetic web enmeshed Armor Mothra, reducing his speed dramatically. Armor Mothra uncontrollably flew in a different direction, but the telekinetic web kept him at bay. The mythical custodian tried to shear the web's boundaries with his sharp wings, but met failure. Armor Mothra's azure glowing eyes failed to see what was coming his way. Dogolas' forehead unleashed a beam of light. The telekinetic web allowed the beam to pass through. It struck Armor Mothra in the back region and started to eat its way pass the holy armor.

Drakan opened his mouth, spewing a particle beam that lanced into Dogolas' abdomen. A tentacle overwhelmed the dragon's senses by entangling his neck. Even the bony-plated armor failed to withstand the gripping might of the tentacle. Parts of the armor cracked and broke off. The particle beam stopped firing out of Drakan's mouth. Drakan struggled to breathe, but was unable to do so. One of Miereki's psionic discs flung out of the psychic's hands and sliced the tentacle in two. Drakan managed to break his throat free of the other tentacle half. The skeletal dragon's adrenaline had not faltered just yet. Drakan rushed the Dark Echelon, unafraid of whatever Dogolas might throw at him.

It was a foolish mistake.

Two of Dogolas' tentacles struck Drakan's sprinting form. Each struck with enough force to shatter Drakan's armor, but that wasn't all, they also discharged a telekinetic pulse that knocked Drakan off his feet. The skeletal dragon crashed into the ground, unable to resume his attack. Miereki levitated closer, preparing to discharge a massive psionic bombardment. But Dogolas' telekinesis levitated Drakan's damaged carcass and threw it at Miereki. Miereki caught Drakan's body in midair with his mind, but Dogolas overpowered Miereki's telekinesis temporarily. The air departed Miereki's lungs just as Drakan's body struck the psychic. The two monsters descended rapidly into the ground. Akuma teleported in front of the Dark Echelon his mouth glimmering with energy. Electric fireballs torpedoed out of Akuma's open maw. A wall of telekinesis disabled the barrage of electric fireballs. They exploded harmlessly in midair. A tentacle thrusted into Akuma's ribcage, unleashing a telekinetic shockwave from within the bowels of Akuma's body! A cry of agony wailed out of Akuma's jaws, before the dark dragon dissolved into thin air. He would reform at a safer distance.

High levels of radiation irradiated out of GxM's spines. The atomic saurian separated his jaws, allowing thermonuclear power to seep directly out. To GxM's dismay, the thermonuclear blast sailed into a wall, no where near his intended target. Dogolas' telekinesis slammed the atomic dinosaur into the ground, literally burying GxM hundreds of feet beneath the soil. Yonggary prepared to charge, but noticed a tentacle lashing out at his ankles. Yonggary jumped hundreds of feet in the air, succeeding in dodging the physical attack. But once Yonggary landed, another tentacle struck the dinosaur's ribcage, shattering the bone structure with the utmost ease. Yonggary met the ground and was unable to leave it at this time.

A tentacle gripped one of Godzalla's arms and yanked it out of its joint. While the arm had not been completely separated from the body as a whole, it was still unable to be used. Godzalla shrieked in anguish, but tentacles descended upon his injured frame, and battered the giant iguana without remorse. Thermonuclear flames roared out of Godzalla's jaws, burning the tentacles, but having no lasting affect. Two tentacles from opposite sides slammed into Godzalla's temples. Godzalla's vision immediately went blurry. The reptile did not see the tentacle moving around in front of him. Its tip ejected a telekinetic shockwave that rippled into Godzalla's form. Godzalla's skin was literally shredded to the bone. The reptile's bone structure splintered. Godzalla slumped to the ground, barely alive.

Fusion's painful roars indicated that he had received the same treatment.

Eternal power blazed out of Ultrizard's feet, providing the drive needed to make him fly faster. Emerald spheres formed in the center of his hands. Ultrizard chucked them at Dogolas, mentally commanding them to disperse into a cluster of energy beams. The light the cluster beams radiated bathed the chamber with its emerald grace. Every single beam struck Dogolas; their combined explosive power covered the Dark Echelon completely. Several tentacles punctured the exterior of the explosions, each fixated on silencing Ultrizard. Dogolas' psychic prowess dramatically reduced Ultrizard's speed. Two tentacles tied their slender forms around his ankles, pulling them together. Emerald energies continued to blaze out of Ultrizard's feet, but the tentacles had enough strength to keep Ultrizard still. Another tentacle lashed out, seeking to rip Ultrizard in two. Ultrizard raised his arms and pointed his elbow blades at the incoming appendage. The tentacle struck the blade's sharp ends, but still delivered enough force to drive Ultrizard back. The union between Ultrizard's elbow blades and the thick covering of Dogolas' tentacle initiated the spawn of sparks. Ultrizard still had his blades rub against the tentacle, yet they failed to puncture the muscular appendage. The tentacle rammed Ultrizard against the wall, knocking the air out of his lungs in the process. The tentacle had him pinned against the wall's surface. Another tentacle scourged the air and smashed Ultrizard's head deep into the wall.

Ultrizard's head was deep enough to keep him pinned against the wall, without sliding off. Blood dribbled out of Ultrizard's ears. Ultrizard's cranium had received terrible injuries. Green blood oozed out of certain areas of where the bone had literally ripped the skin surface wide open. Ultrizard's brain was barely visible through the cracks his skull received.

Ultraman Tiga slowly walked over towards Dyna's corpse. The Warrior of Light knelt down and stared intensely at his fallen apprentice.

"You�you idiot," Tiga whispered while trying to express his pain. "Why did you allow your arrogance to cloud your judgment?" Tiga didn't care if Dogolas' wrath was brought down upon him. All he wanted to do was say his amends to a fellow warrior. "Dyna, I never told you how much I cared about you. I knew you'd make me proud one day. Despite how stupid you were, I am still proud of the things you accomplished. In the past few hours, I saw a side of you I had never seen before. A side that I knew would one day rise up, and send a chill up the spines of all those that are Evil."

Balkzardan's body submerged into a bolt of lightning. The wielder of the elements bolted across the battle field, heading straight towards Dogolas. Tentacles attempted to stop the enraged Balkzardan, but Balkzardan's amazing speed allowed him to dodge them. Simultaneously, the temperatures around Dogolas started to rise. Scorching heat attempted to set Dogolas' flesh ablaze. Balkzardan's claws tore any tentacle that was too close for comfort. No longer needing to worry about Armor Mothra, Dogolas ceased his assault on the armored-custodian and turned his attention upon his former disciple. Armor Mothra lost control of his flight capability, and crashed into the ground. The holy armor that covered his body had been burnt severely. Had Dogolas kept firing his beam, it would've likely caused critical damage.

Demonic energies spewed out of Dogolas' forehead. As it passed over the ground, its destructive power ripped it asunder and left behind a smoldering trench of decay. Balkzardan instantaneously defied gravity. The wielder of the elements flew high into the air, hoping to avoid Dogolas' deadly attack. Dogolas' demonic beam demolished a wall upon contact. But the beam started to change the course of its trajectory. It started to follow Balkzardan, wiping out anything that got in its path.

Tiga stared solemnly into Dyna's dead eyes, while gently holding one of Dyna's hands with his own. "Your sacrifice will not go in vain. I promise you, Dyna, you will be avenged and those on this world will experience peace for the first time."

Suddenly, Dyna's hand gripped Tiga's own. Tiga cast a confused glance at his fallen friend. Cascades of golden light lingered out of Dyna's corpse. The life force of the fallen Ultraman was beginning to manifest. The golden streaks of light entered the pearl attached to Tiga's chest. Tiga was absolutely baffled, having no idea of what was transpiring. Ultraman Tiga's skin started to transform into a golden glow. Dyna's body disappeared completely. Every light molecule that belonged to the young Warrior of Light had now been transferred to Ultraman Tiga. A golden aura flashed wildly around Tiga's outline. Every inch of Tiga's body glowed brighter than that of the Sun. The incredible power Tiga felt was amazing!

"I understand now," Tiga declared, realizing Dyna's intentions.

No longer was he Ultraman Tiga.

He was now Glitter Tiga!

Cascades of golden light escaped Glitter Tiga's stature. The surface of the ground was literally peeled away from its foundations. Tiga's dome-shaped eyes crackled with golden benevolence. Glitter Tiga slowly walked in Dogolas' direction, pacing himself. The Dark Echelon had not yet noticed the birth of the Fifth One predicted to rise against him. Glitter Tiga increased his speed, knowing it was now the perfect time to strike. The Golden Warrior reached Dogolas in a heartbeat. Empowering his fist with supernatural power, Glitter Tiga plunged it deep in Dogolas' belly. Glitter Tiga's holy power shredded Dogolas' putrid flesh. Chunks of Dogolas' skin rained down to the ground. The unexpected pain interrupted Dogolas' attempts at scourging Balkzardan from existence. Balkzardan watched from thousands of feet in the air, as Glitter Tiga and Dogolas faced off.

With all the strength he could muster, Glitter Tiga punched Dogolas' face, delivering electric shocks with each hit. Glitter Tiga prepared to jump back, but delivered a kick to the face for good measure. Glitter Tiga flew several hundred feet away from Dogolas. Dogolas contemplated the golden being curiously. Glitter Tiga separated his arms, allowing a surge of golden light to wrinkle in between. Glitter Tiga brought his arms together, by forming an L-shape. The arm that extended directly up unleashed a zepellion beam. Unlike previous versions, the zepellion beam Glitter Tiga fired sparkled with golden luminosity. It sliced into Dogolas' sternum, delivering the concussive force required to blast Dogolas clear across the room. Dogolas was blasted into a wall, where darkness accepted its ruler.

Glitter Tiga spotted eight green eyes looming in the darkness. The Golden Warrior wasted no time; Glitter Tiga directed his hands in Dogolas' direction. A golden beam streaked out of his hands. It was never intended to be used as an offensive weapon. The golden beam stopped just as it reached the hole in the wall; it barricaded the entrance with a barrier of light. Dogolas' tentacles rubbed against the golden barrier, probing the barrier's strength. The Dark Echelon pierced the barrier with his spine-tingling gaze. Glitter Tiga knew Dogolas possessed the power needed to shatter his barrier. The Golden Warrior sought only to buy his time wisely. With only a few minutes to spare, Glitter Tiga empowered his fallen comrades with the nourishment needed to stabilize.

Balkzardan watched the event transpire from above.

"Dyna�" Balkzardan mourned. The wielder of the elements recalled the promise he made with the young Ultraman. When this was all over, Dyna was meant to become his prot�g� and assist him in rebuilding this world. They were going to erase all the Evil Dogolas had spread through out the cosmos. But just as Balkzardan predicted, Dogolas witnessed this union and had sought to kill the bright future the two planned. That was why Dogolas didn't try to kill them from the start. He simply wanted to prolong the suffering of those who defied him.

Drakan was the first to awaken. The energy of the skeletal dragon had been fully replenished. Drakan realized that he had not healed under his own consent. A vibrant aura outlined his skeletal form, feeding the dragon the nourishment needed to heal its wounds. Drakan noticed a being surrounded by a golden glow. At first, Drakan was under the impression it was merely an illusion fabricated by Dogolas just to create false hope. But Drakan realized the being was real!

Glitter Tiga watched the other Super Monsters recuperate.

Golden light glistened off of Armor Mothra's slender wings. The custodian hovered into the air. A loud, peaceful chirp drifted out of its mandibles, thanking Glitter Tiga for his hospitality. A fluctuation of dark smoke filled the air with its hazy essence; the dark dragon, Akuma, walked out of the smoke, no longer plagued by the pain Dogolas introduced to him. Glitter Tiga's beautiful energy bathed Evajiran in its glory. Evajiran's regeneration accelerated at a faster rate. The hybrid's lost plasma was replaced. Evajiran started to weakly rise to his feet, its savage mind overruling the pain its neural sensors informed him of. The hybrid's only purpose was to obliterate the Evil trapped beyond Glitter Tiga's barrier.

Glitter Tiga prepared to rejuvenate the other monsters, but Dogolas was not going to allow him that chance.

Instead of harnessing the energy needed to annihilate Glitter Tiga's blockade, Dogolas merely breached the unguarded wall above it. Glitter Tiga summoned all of his supernatural power. Golden auras of light stretched out of the outskirts of his body, bathing the room in a florescent display of beauty and awe. Like a bat out of Hell, Dogolas escaped the confines of the wall and hurled his malicious shape directly at the golden warrior. Psionic impulses shrouded Dogolas' fatigue, concealing the Dark Echelon under an apron of darkness. Glitter Tiga's hands shot out a golden sphere. Dogolas caught the projectile with his mind and chucked it over his speeding form. The sphere struck the ground, incinerating the soil with blistering temperatures. A large ball of energy eclipsed the room with its explosive radiance. Dogolas closed in, eager to introduce Glitter Tiga to a painful demise. The golden warrior channeled his supernatural power into his right hand.

One of Dogolas' tentacles seized the hand, ensnaring the wrist of the arm and twisted it to the point of where it snapped in two. Glitter Tiga lost all the feeling in his right arm, but it didn't stop him from bringing up his left one to engage Dogolas in battle. But Dogolas prevented the arm from ever being used. A combination of Dogolas' tentacles and telekinesis entangled Glitter Tiga, preventing the newly born benevolent Deity from attacking. Tendrils shot out of Dogolas' chest and pierced Glitter Tiga's golden-armor. They started to siphon Glitter Tiga of his life force, further empowering Dogolas' own. Glitter Tiga tried desperately to break free, but Dogolas' relentless hunger proved insatiable.

Glitter Tiga wasn't going to allow Dyna's sacrifice to be in vain.

Try as he might, the golden warrior failed to break free. It would take only a few minutes for the golden glow to fade, and when that happens, Glitter Tiga's life force will be gone. Not willing to see another one of his allies killed, Armor Mothra swept in and sliced Dogolas' tentacles in half with his sharp wings. But just by intervening, Armor Mothra diverted Dogolas' attention from Glitter Tiga to him! Armor Mothra stopped in midair, unable to move upon his own accord. Yellow pus secreted out of Dogolas' damaged tentacles, drenching everything it touched. The organic liquid ceased just as soon as the tentacles regenerated themselves. Dogolas madly observed Armor Mothra's defenseless form. The Dark Echelon's telekinesis started to rupture Armor Mothra's holy armor. Dogolas' train of thought ended once Akuma teleported a few meters in front of him. Akuma discarded his physical appearance, replacing it with pure electricity. Electrical bolts made up Akuma's fa�ade. The energized dragon anchored his claws into Dogolas' face, electrocuting the Dark Echelon with over a million volts. Distracted, Dogolas was unable to keep Glitter Tiga constrained. The Golden Warrior flipped backwards, trying to get as far away as possible. While Glitter Tiga started to regain his composure, Akuma continued to instill Dogolas with electricity. The Dark Echelon levitated upwards, resistant to Akuma's electricity. The energy gathering inside Dogolas' forehead heralded the coming of his psionic beam.

The potency of Dogolas' weapon was strong enough to pierce Akuma's ribcage and backside in one blow. Dogolas' beam stretched out across the entire chamber, striking the wall and engraving a large crater. But the beam acted as a gravitational force; it started to suck Akuma into the hole embedded in his body. From all corners, the dark dragon's body broke down, reduced to nothing as it was thrown into the wall with the rest of the beam. It would take several minutes for Akuma to regenerate his entire body. Until then, the dragon was forced to live with a painful reminder of his defeat.

"Move aside!" Drakan alerted his comrades.

Armor Mothra and Glitter Tiga acknowledged Drakan's demands. When they were clear, Drakan ejected a particle sphere out of his mouth. The crackling sphere closed in on Dogolas' position. Dogolas caught the sphere with his mind and attempted to shred it with his mind. The projectile started to increase in size, preparing to detonate in an explosion that would try to incinerate the Dark Echelon. The sphere provided enough strength to push Dogolas over a thousand yards back. Dogolas could've easily remained where he was, but all of his attention had to be focused on stopping the sphere from imploding. The sphere started to collapse, enlarging its radius with each passing second. The sphere started to explode, preparing to release enough energy to vaporize every molecule in Dogolas' body. But Dogolas' mind dramatically reduced the size of the sphere, to the point of where it was no bigger than a coconut. It dispersed into a heap of light, unable to capture the spectacle its predecessor achieved earlier.

Dogolas mocked Drakan with an appeasing stare of confidence.

The skeletal dragon wasted no time. Drakan's jaws separated, unleashing three particle spheres in Dogolas' direction. Dogolas caught them with his mind; the Dark Echelon hampered the spheres' stature and proceeded to decrease their size. Drakan's prehistoric eyes glared in utter suspense. Not even three particle spheres could override Dogolas' mind. Drakan's jaws pulsated with an inner glow. Particles swirled around in the back of Drakan's maw. While Dogolas was still occupied with three spheres, Drakan powered up three more. Three spheres, enriched with pure energy, blazed out of Drakan's jaws and drove straight into Dogolas' telekinetic web. The cloister of Dogolas' eyes sparkled with an eerie glow. Drakan read the expression in Dogolas' eyes, knowing the Dark Echelon did not approve. The strain on Dogolas' mind was approaching its limits.

Drakan watched happily as a few of the particle spheres started to break apart.

Dogolas released a soundless cry, one that penetrated the barrier of Drakan's mind. The skeletal dragon heard the Dark Echelon beckon a cry of remorse, one that reeked of pestilence and despair. It was a threat, one that promised a painful demise. If Drakan's face possessed the means of showing emotion, it would consider Dogolas a grim smile. But even then, Dogolas would fail to see it; the six particle spheres detonated in a brilliant explosion, blinding all present inside the chamber. Dogolas was engulfed completely, unable to escape the ravaging pillars of fire. Dogolas felt the extreme temperatures fry every molecule in his body. Outside the living inferno, the explosion escalated, its radius expanded to the heavens and to those on the outskirts of the chamber. A golden shield expanded out of the recesses of Glitter Tiga's form, not only guarding his own body, but also reaching out to defend those who were unable to defend themselves. A manipulation of the particles formed around Drakan, becoming the dragon's only defense against the aftermath of his attack. Armor Mothra's holy armor proved strong enough to withstand the full fury of the explosion. Akuma disappeared in a cloud of smoke and teleported to safety. Evajiran was still too weak to try and get away. The hybrid expanded its AT-Field, praying it would be enough.

Scorching heat incinerated the ground; no longer was it a flat terrain, but a murky lake of molten slag.

Steaming bubbles corroded Evajiran's ankles. After dispersing its AT-Field, the hybrid reduced the amount of damage it sustained. Fried flesh dangled down the slopes of Evajiran's damaged frame. The amalgam started to regenerate its loss tissue damage. While under construction, Evajiran's face started to mutate further, giving into its Godzilla DNA. The Eva face transformed into a duplicate of Godzilla's own, only the Evangelion helmet remained on top of its head. Reptilian orbs stared coldly out of Evajiran's eye sockets. Evajiran's spines irradiated an azure glow. Energy pulsated inside Evajiran's hands, melting the organic plating with its extreme temperatures. Steam rolled out of the entryway of Evajiran's jaws. A thick haze concealed a malevolent being; the hybrid gestured a challenge to the entity.

Dogolas levitated off the burnt ground, torn and mutilated beyond belief. Yellow-greenish blood sprayed out of the Dark Echelon's wounds. Dogolas' reddish, soulless eyes analyzed the invaders in the vicinity. They slowly revealed themselves, unharmed by Drakan's particle spheres. Dogolas read the look of shock in their eyes. The Dark Echelon couldn't blame them, never before had any being seen Dogolas in such critical condition. Dogolas' purple covered scalp leaked with yellow pus, souls that screamed for freedom seeped out of the openings entrenched within the lavender makeup. Parts of Dogolas' mandibles oozed with vomit. Dogolas' tentacles had been completely vaporized, not a trace of them remained. The tendrils wiggling within Dogolas' chest were no more. A huge, gaping hole occupied the central area of Dogolas' chest. But strangely, none could see through the hole; darkness resided inside the hole, blocking any eyes from penetrating it. The damage was far worse on a molecular level. Dogolas' atoms were undergoing the process of regenerating their genetic makeup.

The Dark Echelon's atoms were literally creating life out of thin air.

Drakan barked an angered cry, not pleased with his failure. Had it been any other life form, Drakan's particle spheres would've erased it from existence. But Dogolas was not like any other life form. Dogolas was beyond the limitations of any life form. No one entity could ever overcome the Dark Echelon, this Evil Monarch who had tainted all sentiment beings with his Evil. Drakan did not care about Dogolas' philosophies concerning good and evil, the dragon's only intent was to eradicate Dogolas from this plain of existence.

The time to strike was now.

The skeletal dragon exerted a loud, thundering roar. Drakan jumped down on all fours and like a jaguar on the prowl, the skeletal dragon sprinted across the scorched ground, resistant to the intense heat boiling out of the soil. Drakan lunged at Dogolas, eager to maim the Dark Echelon with his claws and fangs. From above, Balkzardan observed the skeletal dragon's physical attempt. Balkzardan wasn't surprised to see Dogolas' telekinesis ensnare the aloft dragon. Drakan struggled to move, but even in a weakened state, Dogolas managed to overcome all obstacles and achieve his goal. The skeletal dragon felt Dogolas enter his mind and body, and started to break it apart, piece by piece. In the distance, Glitter Tiga examined the horrific situation; Dogolas' dead eyes sparkled with an eerie amber glow, while Drakan's body cracked in directions that would've been impossible for Drakan to achieve alone. Drakan literally felt his arm snap away from its joint, no longer connected to the bone and muscle. If Drakan wasn't experiencing such tormenting pain, he could've scratched every inch of his back without a problem. Drakan's eyes literally bulged out of their sockets once the dragon touched his own spine, which had broken out of his back only a few seconds ago. The skeletal dragon lost all sensation in his legs. The hard, skeletal carapace covering Drakan's form started to shatter.

Glitter Tiga had seen enough.

A golden bolt of energy blazed out of Glitter Tiga's cuffed hands. Dogolas caught the beam with his mind and diverted its trajectory. Glitter Tiga's energy bolt struck the side of a wall, demolishing the surface with an energetic explosion. Dogolas prepared a counterattack, until the temperatures started to decline dramatically. It was the work of Balkzardan's control over the elements. Freezing temperatures encased Dogolas in a web of ice. The crest on Dogolas' forehead emitted an energy blast that was hot enough to melt the ice off his body. It blazed into Balkzardan, piercing the elemental wielder's abdomen and reducing the beast to electric particles. Glitter Tiga sprinted across the charred surface, leaving a trail of golden light in his wake. Several newly grown tentacles sprouted out of Dogolas' damaged appendages, every single one of them dripped with primordial fluid. The tentacles started to wiggle uncontrollably, as if they had a mind of their own. One of them pointed its trickling tip directly at the golden warrior. A telekinetic shockwave rippled out of the tentacle, finding refuge in Glitter Tiga's mobile form. The golden warrior was knocked off his feet. Glitter Tiga's vigorous frame slid across the boiling soil, unaffected by its scalding heat.

An azure-hued beam of holy origins blazed into Dogolas' face. Cries of telepathy escaped Dogolas' mind; Armor Mothra's attack succeeded in catching the Dark Echelon's attention. Amber light seeped out of Dogolas' forehead, pulsating with psionic contention. Armor Mothra's indigo eyes glazed with mystical beauty. Dogolas unleashed an illuminating streak of blasphemy, hoping to strike and annihilate Armor Mothra in midair. Armor Mothra's shiny carapace sparkled with an aura of supernatural radiance. The body of the benign custodian blurred as it past through another dimension. Dogolas' projectile harmlessly flew into the disorientated Armor Mothra. When the beam faded, Armor Mothra returned to this dimension, no longer a blurred motion. Dogolas attacked Armor Mothra with hordes of tentacles. Even the boiling soil started to rupture, obeying its Master's commands. The soil spawned tentacles of its own and attempted to grab a hold of Armor Mothra's pallid form. Divine energy blasts lanced out of gems attached to Armor Mothra's forehead, mutilating the tentacles that attempted to ensnare him. While deluding Armor Mothra from inflicting any harm to Dogolas' already injured and battered frame, Dogolas regenerated the serious wounds he had sustained. Armor Mothra was proving to be an annoyance, one that had to be exterminated immediately.

Dogolas considered the skeletal dragon, who was still suffering Dogolas' psychic wrath. The Dark Echelon reached a verdict, deeming Drakan unworthy to live any longer. Dogolas continued to send hordes of tentacles in Armor Mothra's direction, distracting the benevolent guardian from seeing Dogolas' true motives. Dogolas brought the dragon closer. The tendrils inside Dogolas' chest wiggled with excitement. The Dark Echelon had a hunger that required immediate attention. Drakan's eyes closed shut, unable to stay open any longer. The only thought lingering in the dragon's mind was the sensation of defeat. How many times had the dragon felt such a bitter feeling? In the past, the dragon had prepared for his inevitable demise. But when the dragon's demise loomed nearer, he had always been saved in one form or another.

'You shall be saved,' Dogolas informed Drakan telepathically. The dragon groaned in disapproval, unhappy with Dogolas reading his mind. 'Fear not, Drakan, for your life force shall join my own. I offered you salvation and you refused. But am I not a charitable being?' Dogolas' tendrils lashed out, piercing Drakan's thick carapace. They squirmed beneath the surface of Drakan's armor, feeding off Drakan's plasma. 'Am I as evil as you claimed me to be?' Drakan howled a painful scream, begging the pain to stop. Drakan frantically twisted and turned, trying to fight off Dogolas' telekinesis and tendrils at the same time.

Glitter Tiga rushed to aid the screaming dragon. The soil literally devoured the golden warrior entirely.

'Would one as evil as I offer you sanctuary?' Dogolas asked, honestly not knowing the answer. The Dark Echelon was growing tired of this fa�ade the sentient organisms of the cosmos labeled him. Dogolas sought nothing more but achieving perfection. The only way to achieve such perfection was to join eternity. Upon joining eternity, Dogolas would enslave it and at last be perfect. But what was that perfection? What was it like? Dogolas didn't know the answer. Unable to decipher the truth was the one thing that irritated Dogolas the most. Truthfully, not being able to discover the truth aroused Dogolas' thoughts.

Drakan's mouth swirled with particle acceleration. In the final hours of his demise, Drakan would not give up. The dragon would rather die with dignity.

'Then die you shall.' Dogolas proclaimed, willing to grant Drakan's wish. The hungry tendrils started to deplete more of Drakan's life force. Drakan no longer possessed the vocals to wretch in agony. Being stuck in midair, unable to move while your life force was being sapped proved to be quite discomforting. Drakan felt his body collapse beneath its bony carapace. The dragon was becoming skinnier with each passing moment. Dogolas' tendrils first started the absorption of Drakan's blood, and then proceeded to assimilate the bodily organs. It wouldn't be long until Dogolas started to consume Drakan's flesh from the inside. Within a length of only several minutes, Drakan would be reduced to a skeleton, its bony carapace a reminder of the creature it once was.

Golden bolts baked the surface of the soil. Chunks of organic loam were tossed into the air. A fissure ripped the soil wide open, expelling streaks of golden luminosity. An organic dome uncontrollably rose out of the fissure. Fabrics of light poured out of certain areas of the dome. Blood oozed out of the confines of the dome. At last, a humanoid arm burst out of the dome, no longer imprisoned beneath its epidermis. The arm crackled with holy light, incinerating the layers of flesh around it. Glitter Tiga broke out of the dome; the divinity of the warrior had not been stained by the blood spraying in all directions. The golden warrior meditated, gathering all the holy energy circulating in his veins.

Evajiran analyzed the situation at hand. The time to act was now. Evajiran opened his carnivorous jaws, allowing fabrics of light to seep out of his maw, which glinted off the artificial armor covering his face. Evajiran's genetic structure was composed of a creature whose wrath was infamously known to all on Earth; but little did anyone know, he also carried a holy ingredient that allowed the creature to transcend the limitations of a mortal and become a deity. A golden-hued glow escaped the boundaries of Evajiran's spines. Evajiran emitted a blast that was lightning fast, faster than the eye could see. Just as the blast escaped Evajiran's maw, Dogolas was engulfed in an energetic explosion that formed the symbol of the cross. Its reflection appeared on the irises of the hybrid that initiated the detonation.

In the wake of the explosion, Dogolas' tendrils were simultaneously vaporized. Dogolas' psychic hold on Drakan did not falter, however. The dragon still levitated in the air, but the nerve-racking pain the tendrils wrought were gone. Drakan barely opened his eyes, temporarily blinded by the holy symbol flaring before him. Within the apron of light, Dogolas carefully processed the best course of action. It took only a few seconds for Dogolas to reach a verdict. When the radiance of the holy insignia faded, Dogolas launched his attack; the amber flash emitting from Dogolas' forehead heralded the birth of a psionic beam. The psionic beam sliced the air and soared into Evajiran's direction. Evajiran's hind legs pushed off the ground, hurling the hybrid high into the air. Two spikes protruded out of Evajiran's wrists. With the swipe of his wrists, Evajiran discharged the twirling blades in Dogolas' direction. While in midair, Evajiran did not expect Dogolas' beam to curve upwards and head straight towards him! As the beam raced to meet Evajiran in an explosive collision, Evajiran expanded his AT-Field. The barrier of Evajiran's tarnished mind deflected Dogolas' psionic beam upon contact. Dogolas' projectile sliced deeper into the barrier, slowly breaching the barrier of Evajiran's mind and soul. The Dark Echelon telekinetically captured Evajiran's twirling blades and imploded them in-flight. Evajiran started to fall towards the ground, unable to defy gravity. While in the process of falling, Dogolas' beam pushed the exterior of Evajiran's AT-Field, applying enough concussive force to drive Evajiran further back. The psionic beam infiltrated Evajiran's AT-Field and consumed the hybrid completely. No matter the thickness of Evajiran's armor, Dogolas' beam bled through its exterior and introduced the hybrid to a world of pain.

The time to act was now.

Glitter Tiga's arms formed an L-shape and from the erect right arm, a golden zepellion beam was unleashed. Dogolas failed to stop the divine energy blast from ever reaching him. Glitter Tiga's holy weapon lanced into Dogolas' sternum, splintering the ancient carapace to pieces and fissuring Dogolas' backside seconds later. At the same time, the pearls attached to Armor Mothra's forehead energized and blossomed with a divinity of its own. The azure-hued ray detonated against Dogolas' face, incinerating the skin and kinetically reshaping the face as a whole. A portion of Dogolas' face was no longer the way it was. The Dark Echelon angrily sneered in contempt, appalled by this use of force against him. These mere Gods among mortals no longer deserved the privilege of being around Dogolas. It was an honor to engage Dogolas in combat, yet these inferior pests defiled such a great gift and had finally crossed the line.

The psionic beam discontinued its attempts in ravaging Evajiran's form.

Dogolas' face regenerated the tissue damage. Bones snapped into placed; muscles squished in the areas they needed to be. Chasms of pallid light gleamed out of Dogolas' newly restored eyes, bathing every inch of the chamber with its luminescence. To those exposed to the light, an eerie and unsettling feeling shrouded their very souls. Dogolas was barely visible amidst the blinding glow. In an instant, the light reverted to a crimson glow. It was only a testament of the anger manifesting within. But the light illuminating out of Dogolas' eyes wasn't just light. The denizens of Earth learned that the hard way. Those that were bathed by the scarlet light's glory were soon severely burned. The light was extinguishing heat that was hot enough to melt even Armor Mothra's armor. The aerial custodian was unable to retain his flight and plummeted into the boiling ground. Glitter Tiga fought the extreme temperatures, trying desperately to summon the power needed to launch a counterstrike. But Glitter Tiga discovered the other side effects of the scarlet light. It started to rob Glitter Tiga of his mystical power. Golden energies lingered out of Glitter Tiga's body and disappeared into thin air.

Glitter Tiga acknowledged Dogolas with a disgruntled look.

Dogolas returned the gesture.

A telekinetic wave escaped Dogolas and pulled the soil out of its foundations. In all directions, Dogolas watched the ground rise into the air, unable to withstand his ominous might. It came upon Earth's warriors without remorse. Every molecule in their body froze in time. The life that circulated inside their brains ceased to operate for only a split second. At that very second, Dogolas was the only being alive inside that chamber. Just as the brains managed to operate once more, its controller was lifted off the floor and thrown into the wall. Every single one of the warriors from Earth was nailed deep inside the wall, unable to move. The scarlet aura still fluctuated without mercy. Should Dogolas approve, the scarlet aura alone could kill everyone. Instead, Dogolas had a different approach.

The top shafts of Dogolas' cranium sparkled with an eerie glow. An ashen sphere rose out of the top of Dogolas' head. To those conscious, the sphere provided their minds with a dab of mystery. Things took a turn for the worst. Spheres of light seared out of the glowing ball, staking the warriors of Earth with its energetic scythes. It punctured Armor Mothra's wings and abdomen, surprising the custodian in the process. Armor Mothra had to accept the truth: his thick armor was no longer invincible. The fight with Dogolas proved that. Even Glitter Tiga was pinned to the wall, not only by the energetic sphere, but also by the telekinesis that was still keeping them all at bay.

'Earth's mightiest warriors,' Dogolas declared without a shred of emotion. 'How the mighty have fallen and yet, the mightiest is still standing. All of your efforts have been for naught. I offered you all sanctuary, but you denied my proposal. Behold the advent of my perfection. With your demise, I shall finally succeed in achieving everything I've ever dreamt of having.'

Glitter Tiga struggled to fight Dogolas' telekinesis. But the energy blade sizzling inside his chest, which barely missed the pearl attached to his sternum, prevented him from gathering the strength. "You are a fool, Dogolas. You think killing us will achieve the perfection you crave? Do you even know what perfection is?"

'It is impossible for any to know what perfection is,' Dogolas stated. The Dark Echelon had already read Glitter Tiga's mind and knew exactly what to say to his comments. 'No longer will I yearn to join with eternity. When this is over, I will be eternity.'

"You're insane," Glitter Tiga weakly exclaimed.

'And your time is up.' Dogolas replied coldly.

Glitter Tiga felt his life force slowly seep away. The scarlet aura was robbing him of his life. Glitter Tiga wasn't alone. Everyone was sharing the same fate.

Everyone except the King�


Darkness concealed the prehistoric creature. Its crimson orbs illuminated the empty blackness that shrouded its figure. A rumbling sound escaped the creature's carnivorous jaws. It was a sound that beckoned vengeance. The creature demanded retribution and sought nothing more but revenge. All of his efforts thus far in thwarting Dogolas' reign of terror had been for naught. Now the powerful beast would reconcile his affairs with the Dark Echelon. Vengeance would at last be achieved.

And then finally, Godzilla's primordial mind contemplated, I will at last feel peace.

The urge to feel peace was dwarfed by the pain echoing inside Godzilla's nuclear heart. Extreme temperatures flooded Godzilla's veins, burning the atomic dragon's muscle tissue. Godzilla's large, muscular biceps were growing larger, approaching its critical limits. The beast moaned in agony as smoke seeped out of his charcoal coated hide. The heat Godzilla's body was emitting would soon make his muscles implode. Such devastation would hamper Godzilla's goal in slaying the Dark Echelon of this forsaken world. A strange tingling tickled Godzilla's flesh, removing the pain that ravaged Godzilla's conscience. The tickle wasn't permanent. A cry of agony escaped the bowels of Godzilla's reptilian jaws. Crimson rivers of heat bled out of Godzilla's hide, constantly burning the layers of flesh that did not suffer such a blistering fate. Godzilla's bony spines turned blood red, constantly discharging flakes of nuclear power. The smoke that scurried out of Godzilla's sizzling skin formed a cloud of smoke. Godzilla's nostrils inhaled the hissing stench of his own flesh burning. The King of the Monsters instinctively was attracted to the smell of a dying animal. In fact, Godzilla never cared about those who suffered the wrath of his atomic breath. Yet the atomic saurian was sick to his stomach. The horrible odor of his flesh burning was too hard to bear.

Godzilla's powerful hands closed tightly. Godzilla squeezed his hand so tight, his own claws dug into the palm of his hand. The atomic dragon no longer moaned in agony. Godzilla ignored the pain his body was undergoing. The reptile started to trudge to wherever he sensed Dogolas. No matter the transformation, no matter what form Godzilla took, the King of the Monsters would at last achieve vengeance.


Dogolas shifted his gaze to a hole in the wall. Crimson eyes stared back at him. The Dark Echelon sensed the creature's intentions. Dogolas commanded the scarlet aura to reshape its structure. A path was cleared near the outskirts of the hole. The atomic dragon walked out of the darkness, noticing the scarlet aura was not upon him. A path was made for Godzilla to walk down upon. Dogolas admired Godzilla's horrifying beauty. The Dark Echelon had seen abnormal anomalies in all corners of the cosmos. But the Earth contained a creature whose origins were as dark as its mind. Godzilla was the most infamous name the Earth had ever known. There was no other name capable of creating a sense of fear and urgency inside a human. Godzilla had killed more people than any other single life form on the planet. Dogolas couldn't help but have some envy for the abomination.

All the more reason of why Dogolas had to make Godzilla's life a living Hell.

Dogolas noticed Godzilla's foreseen mutation. The Dark Echelon predicted Godzilla's nuclear meltdown. The stench of Godzilla's fried flesh had filled up the entire chamber. Godzilla's skin was crawling with molten burns. Smoke poured out of the atomic dragon's blazing hide. Portions of Godzilla's body suggested that his skin had transformed into lava. The crimson orbs glaring out of Godzilla's eye sockets considered Dogolas. Godzilla separated his jaws and emitted a ground shaking roar.

'If you truly desire death,' Dogolas telepathically informed Godzilla. 'Then try and introduce me to it.'

Godzilla retorted with a growl. The 66,000 ton behemoth sprinted across the boiling soil, immune to its bubbling slag. Pillars of crimson radiance flashed out of Godzilla's bony spines. It fueled Godzilla with the energy needed to sprint even faster. One of Dogolas' tentacles sliced the air with its velocity, entangling one of Godzilla's ankles. Godzilla groaned in disapproval, as the tentacle yanked him off his feet. The muscular fortitude of the tentacle alone was enough to hoist Godzilla off the ground. Dogolas' tentacle ascended higher into the air and then came back down, swiftly slamming Godzilla into the ground. The air was knocked out of Godzilla's burning lungs. Godzilla struggled to breathe, but Dogolas relentlessly pounded Godzilla's figure. When the tentacle brought Godzilla back into the air, Godzilla's mouth fired a scarlet ray that blasted the tentacle in half. The King of the Monsters fell to the ground and quickly rose to his bipedal stance. Crimson particles glimmered in the back of Godzilla's gaping maw. A scarlet beam spewed out of Godzilla's ravenous jaws. As the beam escaped Godzilla's mouth, it unleashed enough force that nearly toppled Godzilla off his feet. Godzilla struggled to remain standing, as his awesome power scorched in Dogolas' direction. The Dark Echelon hovered out of the beam's way and flew to meet Godzilla in a physical confrontation. Godzilla's crimson beam seared towards a wall, evaporating the boiling soil beneath its fiery essence. The wall exploded into chunks of debris that smashed into the ground all around.

Dogolas collided with Godzilla's tinier form. Godzilla's claws dug into Dogolas' head, failing to sink deep enough to inflict serious damage. Godzilla opened his mouth and closed it shut on Dogolas' skull, applying enough pressure to make Dogolas bleed. Dogolas responded with a barrage of tentacles. Godzilla was unable to prevent dozens of tentacles from smacking the side of his skull. The King of the Monsters growled in displeasure, frustratingly trying to find a way to take the Dark Echelon down. Godzilla lost his grip on Dogolas' skull and as a result, Godzilla was thrown thousands of feet into the air. The atomic dragon weakly opened his eyes and saw the dark abyss above. His spines pointed to the land below, constantly pulsating with atomic dread. Dogolas raised all of his tentacles directly at Godzilla's aloft form. In unison, each of them released telekinetic ripples that slammed into Godzilla's back. They delivered enough kinetic force to drive a few of Godzilla's spines deeper into his back and out of his stomach. Godzilla snarled in agony as he made his descent. Godzilla struck the ground, creating an impact crater around his broken body. Dogolas marbled at the expressions all of the trapped Earth warriors signaled. The Dark Echelon savored their weary looks, sensing defeat in all of them.

Some premonition, Dogolas reflected. The Dark Echelon had a hunch that the sixth and final 'One' was to be Godzilla. Yet now, the King of the Monsters was on the verge of a nuclear meltdown.

Godzilla weakly started to rise to his feet. The bones in his ankles snapped and the monster wailed in anguish. Godzilla fell to his knees, unable to regenerate the damage done. The King of the Monsters felt his veins burn hotter than lava. The smoke circulating out of his roasted flesh was becoming more frequent. Godzilla felt his spines melt into puddles of radioactive residue. An explosion of heat and blood blew out of Godzilla's chest. Godzilla tried to roar in pain, but his vocals melted before he could. Godzilla's eyes started to liquefy, unable to withstand his body's meltdown. Godzilla recalled how this had happened to him before on a cloister of asteroids. That was on the second March Monster Madness, an MWF annual event that will never happen again.

Dogolas hovered closer to the dying saurian. The Dark Echelon met Godzilla's painful gaze. Godzilla showed no fear, even in the hour of his reckoning. Dogolas read what was on Godzilla's mind, why the atomic dragon sought Dogolas' demise. It was simply to avenge his son and appease his thirst for vengeance. Dogolas' admiration for Godzilla started to decline. The rage that fueled Godzilla was only vengeance?

'Such a shame,' Dogolas mockingly told the King of the Monsters. 'If it would make you feel any better, I'll spare Evajiran and extract the essence of your little boy, and mold him into a son of my own. I already have a kin of my own, but I am open for adoption.' Godzilla tried to lift up his claw and rip Dogolas' throat out. But as Godzilla's arm started to ascend, the flesh melted off the arm's surface. It wouldn't be long until Godzilla's entire body was reduced to a puddle of radioactive death. Dogolas turned towards the audience of monsters and custodians. 'Behold, Earth's mightiest weapon at his knees. I have faced everything your planet had to offer. Accept oblivion, because it will surely accept you.'

Godzilla's mind was beginning to join darkness. The nuclear leviathan fought to retain awareness of his surroundings. Godzilla would not accept death so willingly. Even if his body gives in, Godzilla's prehistoric mind will never succumb to death. With that last thought, Godzilla's flesh peeled off the slopes of his body and emptied into the radioactive puddle below. A stream of molten flesh constantly sprayed out of every pore of Godzilla's body. Godzilla started to sink lower to the ground.

'And so the King of the Monsters passes away into the eve of Armageddon,' Dogolas declared happily. 'Long live the King.'

The radioactive plasma of the dying atomic dragon continued to seep out of the monster. A look of concern radiated off of Dogolas' eyes. The Dark Echelon sensed a new surge of life within the dying King of the Monsters. Godzilla's shoulders, beneath gallons of molten blood, bulged outwards. These shoulders were covered with black, leathery skin. A single blade stretched out of each shoulder. More of Godzilla's muscles bulged out of the rivers of blood flowing around the atomic dragon's figure. Rows of neon glowing spines burst out of Godzilla's back. Rivers of molten blood emptied into the ground, leaving behind wet residue that resided on the dark surface of Godzilla's newly restored skin. A glimmering horn punctured Godzilla's forehead, extending its sharp figure high into the air. Emerald panels of muscle glowed within Godzilla's sternum and belly. A round-shaped visage enmeshed itself inside Godzilla's abdomen. A spiky club jolted out of the tip of Godzilla's tail.

A pair of bat-like wings tore out of Godzilla's sides and stretched in opposite directions.

Dogolas contemplated the King of the Monsters with a serious expression. Never before had Dogolas seen such a powerful mortal. The Dark Echelon had observed this godlike form of the King of the Monsters before, but he had never possessed such power like this. Dogolas prepared for the battle of his life. The sixth and final 'One' prophesized to defy Dogolas' dominion had made his presence known. Should the others be released, Dogolas' dreams of perfection will never be realized. Dogolas knew this, because now he was seeing a future that involved his demise. The Dark Echelon had never yearned to disobey his futuristic visions. But Dogolas was willing to tamper with space and time to achieve perfection. Dogolas will decide his own destiny. Only there was an obstacle standing in Dogolas path.

Super Godzilla�

The King of the Monsters released a roar that made the Heavens tremble. Super Godzilla squeezed his right fist, allowing it to pulsate with nuclear energy. It was a grimace that informed Dogolas of one thing: Super Godzilla will never rest until his vengeance is at last achieved. No matter his fate, Super Godzilla will fight to the end. Eternity observed the approaching struggle between two godlike beings who will never grant one another leniency.

Neither would want it any other way.

The cries of war sounded off into the distance, as Super Godzilla and Dogolas waged a war unlike any other.


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