Internet Alias: Tomzilla

Real Name: Thomas Singleton

Top 3 Kaiju Movies: The Return of Godzilla (1984), Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris, and Godzilla vs. Biollante.

Your 5 Favorite Kaiju: Godzilla, SpaceGodzilla, Gamera, Destroyah and King Ghidorah.

Why did you join this site's staff?

Well, I never did join it. I created the site since it was first made. But I'll change the question to: "What do you think about this site's staff?" - In that case, I'll consider it one of the best. After all, I hired (asked) them for a reason, since I think they have the talent in the field they work on, and are quite good at it. I'm proud of my Staff, especially those who have come and gone, and those who've yet joined.

Are you an MWF writer?

Certainly; the first and will likely be the last. To manipulate my own questioning system, I'll just change it into it asking about what I think about my fellow MWF writers. I think they are all talented writers, and have helped create the best Monster Wrestling Organization ever made. I couldn't have done it alone, and if I did, it wouldn't have been close to where it is now. I have nothing but the utmost respect for them. I'm glad they have put forth all those countless hours of writing for me, when they could've been doing other things. Big shout out to those who have come and gone, and those who are still with me today.

What are your talents?

My talents are mostly writing. Currently, I still work on the MWF and other stories. I find that the more I write; my writing talent evolves. This is why you'll find me constantly writing. I am getting into writing screenplays, which I hope to make a career out of. But one of my other talents is filmmaking. I enjoy watching, editing, writing and making movies, whether with my friends or alone. My talent in filmmaking will hopefully correspond with my screenwriting career.

Comments: In the beginning, I was horrible at making websites. Truth be told, I am not perfect and if I was an expert at creating websites like other Webmasters across the net, the site would look a lot better. But I'm fine with the way things are. When this all began, I didn't know how to make a simple web-page, nor did I know how to upload a picture. In time, I figured everything out, and look where we are now. The site won't be updated much once the MWF is over, since I'll be too busy with college and trying to survive in the real world. My staff and I, until then, will see to it there is enough on this site to re-read over and over again. It has been a privilege, and something I will remember for the rest of my life.

Oh, I thought I'd take this time and respond to those in my own staff who insult me one way or another on this very page (you'll find out). Without me, you all would be doing nothing with your pathetic lives, and you are all bored enough to do what I demand! Thank you.

E-mail: [email protected]

Real Name: Jim W

Top 3 Kaiju Movies:
1. Gamera vs. Legion
2. Godzilla vs. Destroyer
3. Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla

Favorite Monster movie: Valley of Gwangi, ..Ray Harryhausen rules!

Your 5 Favorite Kaiju:

1. Gorosaurus
2. Anguirus
3. Godzilla Heisei
4. Barugon
5. Titanosaurus

Why did you join this site's staff?

For me the best parts of a monster movie are the battle sequences so when I searched monster/Kaiju sites I was always drawn to the links that had monster fights whether they were discussions or written by site members. Because of that I became a fan of Kaiju wrestling sites.

I always felt I could write such fights so I began talking to people about working on various sites. I forget the name of the guy I first talked to about contributing to the site he worked on. I forget the site too and it’s apparently been deleted. But he put me in touch with Tomzilla. I wrote an introductory set of Kaiju battles for him. He liked them and the rest is history as DDB, the likeable if not slightly goofy announcer began working at MWF.

Are you an MWF writer?

Yes and am very happy to be a part of the best Kaiju Wrestling site on the net.

What are your talents?

I'm a pretty good baseball player ( I wish I could hit better), I'm good at History and English writing, I'm a pretty good shot even though I don't really like to hunt, My girlfriend might tell you something else too but maybe we shouldn't go there!

Comments Regarding the Site:

I have read many different Kaiju wrestling/fight sites. Time in and time out MWF is consistently the best of them all. I take nothing away from GMW (MM does a great job) but MWF has the most intriguing story arches. The Evangelion addition was perhaps the best thing TZ ever did to make things interesting. In all MWF is the best and I hope everyone that visits will agree or at least enjoy what they see and read.

My e-mail: [email protected] Please write to me if you want to chat about anything

Internet Alias:

Real Name:
James Webster

Top 3 Kaiju Movies:
Giant Claw, Godzilla 1954, Tremors

Your 5 Favorite Kaiju:

Graboid, Dagarla, Godzilla, King Ghidrah, Gamera

Why did you join this site's staff?

Because I know of more monsters than most people can dream :P

Are you an MWF writer?

What are your talents?
Does being able to sit on ones ass for long periods of time watching tv count as one?

Comments Regarding the Site:

Expand expand expand the monster bios!!

[email protected]

Internet Alias: Decimator/Desumaytah

Real Name: Case Middleton

Top 3 Kaiju Movies: Godzilla vs. Biollante, G 54, G3

Your 5 Favorite Kaiju: Godzilla, Showa King Ghidorah, Biollante, GFW Gigan, Showa Mechagodzilla.

Why did you join this site's staff?: Tom kept begging me, and I finally had a nervous breakdown. I picked up the pieces of my ruined life, and rebuilt myself as an MWF contributor.

Are you an MWF writer?: ...Yes?

What are your talents?: I can think up creative sequences of brutal violence. Also, I'm superman, and by "superman" I mean "I can contort my body into freakish, unappealing positions".

Comments Regarding the Site:
It's Geocities, and it has a black background.

E-mail: [email protected] (hotmail)

Internet Alias:

Real Name:
Christian Salabert

Top 3 Kaiju Movies:
Godzilla vs Gigan
Gamera 3
Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S.

Your 5 Favorite Kaiju:

Jet Jaguar

Why did you join this site's staff?

I used to be on it, and I felt like returning (plus TZ asked).

Are you an MWF writer?
I am now. :-P

What are your talents?
Writing, drawing, uh, "Photoshopping"... various other stuff.

TZ sucks. ;-)

[email protected]
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