Charlotte's Story
Charlotte Lunn, Age 7,
From, Derbyshire,England

Charlotte was born with only one ear and a smaller face on one side, all she had in place of her ear was a little bobble of skin, which over a period of time we all grew quite fond of.
Charlotte is one of three children, her being the youngest. She was first diagnosed as having Goldenhar Syndrome from birth, although she hasn't had the spinal x-rays to confirm this,so we will be chasing this up with the doctors and updating this page as soon as we get the results.
Despite having no hearing on her right side she copes really well and performs every day tasks as good as any other child.
Charlotte had her first opperation in October 2000
when they removed the bobble of skin and placed the screws into the skull, this was then covered over again until she had her second operation in April 2001were they fitted the abutments and healing caps and then left it  to heal for a further three months. After this time she had the bar fitted to which they clip the ear to.
She got her first ear in June 2001.
After Charlotte was fitted with her new ear, she had a new ear party, to which all her many friends and family were invited, everybody turned up and there were over 100 people there,she had a wonderful time and had lots of earings bought her, we thought that she deserved it after what she had been through.
Charlotte also recieved a derbyshire young achievers award in December 2000, her head teacher put her forward for it, because she was so brave and has never bothered about her problem.
Charlotte now has to were glasses, so it's a good job she's got her ear. She is having a new ear made on the 26th  january 2002, so then she will have a spare one, just in case she losers it.
(plus she as piddled a bit off of her old one)
Charlotte with her new ear
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