
" Where AM I?"
Oh my! What a big thought for such a tiny soul!
.......And this was only the beginning! His second thought was huge. He asked himself the question: "
WHAT am I!"
"Let's see." (He tried to calm himself......)"I'm breathing, so I must be alive. Ah Yes! Breathing!" (He breathed in and out to reassure himself.) "Yes, I'm alive....I'm sure of that. So if I'm alive, 
WHY am I here ?" He chuckled. "It's silly to think about this!" He relaxed for a moment....then he remembered his first question...
AM I?"....This time the question felt more urgent. "This has to stop!" he thought. "I'm scaring myself ! My mind's going in circles! Aha! CIRCLES! That's where I am!" He couldn't see it, because his eyes weren't open yet, but he sensed that he was in a circular room.
"Well!" he mused, "Hmmmm....Is it a ball? No....it's not quite like a round ball...It does seem to be a bit narrower at one end. Hmmmm...I wonder what the wall feels like."
He leaned over to touch it..... It was smooth. "It's quite hard!". He felt all the way around. "Hmmmm.....There doesn't seem to be an opening!.... I wonder if there's a way out?"
Suddenly he had a STRONG urge to HIT the wall. It wasn't enough just to touch it. Not at all! He wanted to HIT it!. So he did!....BANG!....BANG-BANG-BANG!
"Wow!" he gasped."I sure can make a lot of noise! But what's the point? .....Whew!....I'm tired!I think I'll rest."
....And as he rested, he came up with an idea. "Maybe I should get
OUT of here! And another idea came to him. "Maybe while I was making all that noise INSIDE, there was someone OUTSIDE who could hear me?" Now THAT was exciting!
"Oh my!" he said."I bet there's someone out there who can tell me
WHERE I am!... WHAT I am! ....And WHY I'm here!"
So...PECK-PECK-PECK..... He discovered a new tool right on the end of his nose. PECK-PECK-PECK....."It's working! Wow!" PECK-PECK-PECK..... PECK-PECK-PECK.....
.....And he forgot all about being tired. PECK-PECK-PECK...."Is anyone out there?" (Maybe?)

What do YOU think? That's right!.....There WAS someone out there! Someone who knew exactly
WHERE he was.....exactly WHAT he was....and exactly WHY he was in there!
She was his mother, and she was waiting for him to get out.She wanted to help, but she knew she couldn't! Do you know WHY? (....I bet you do!) She couldn't help him because he had to WORK to get out....he had to WANT to get out!....He had to exercise to become STRONG!....
From inside, the little soul was pecking! "I want OUT-OUT" (His Mom understood.) What a thrill when he sensed a tiny bit of LIGHT. "I'm going to MAKE IT!" He doubled his effort, feeling immensely strong!....And then....with one last PUSH he was out. He felt the touch of a beak. What a JOY! No one had to tell him
WHERE, or WHAT, He just knew. I KNOW where I was! I was in an egg! I KNOW what I am! I'm a chicken!
From a distance came a "Cock-a-doodle-do!" "What's that?" said the baby. Is that a chicken?"That's your Dad!" said his Mom." The baby fluffed up his feathers, and said, "My Dad? What's a Dad?" Chuckling, his Mom said, "There's still a lot you
don't know, but that is exactly WHY you are here! You're here to LEARN!
...And as the baby chick was guided gently under the soft wing of his mother, he drifted contentedly into happy little chicken dreams. Tomorrow I'll wake up and start learning about EVERYTHING! (And that's what he did!)

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