Good Shepherd

Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

12323 S. Pennsylvania

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170

(405) 691-5366

Not the only Christians, but Christians only

Reaching, Teaching, and Serving our community



The Rev. Kathryn Hayes Sparks, Pastor

Pastor Jeff Nevel, Minister of Education and Music


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Shepherd's Voice May 11

Shepherd's Voice May 25

Shepherd's Voice Jun 8

Shepherd's Voice June 22

Shepherd's Voice July 13




We Believe:

As a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) we have always stressed the centrality of the Bible, in faith, and the call for unity among all believers in Christ. We stress unity not uniformity, therefore there is great diversity of thought among our members. Belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is the common denominator that ties all members together. We feel that God desires for all who follow God to read and study their Bible and be in prayer with God on a regular basis. From this, God will direct you on what you should believe or do. We offer bible study groups to help you on this daily walk with Jesus Christ and God. It is expected that those who call this church their church home will find ways to witness and serve among the whole family in the interest of love, peace, justice, mercy, and kindness. You can learn more about this through our membership classes. For more information, please come forward at the close of the service, as directed and talk with one of our Lay Ministers. Please note that the Pastor's E-Mail is private and strictly confidential to be seen only by the Pastor.

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The song playing is "El Shaddai"  (Almighty God)


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