
Good Shepherd Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Prayer Request

This page is for prayer requests only! If you would like

 to send us e-mail or otherwise contact us, please use 

the options available at the end of this page or on

 our home page.


Although all of the requested information is optional,

 we would like to at least have your e-mail address for

 reference.  The best way to describe your prayer request is 

to keep it short and to the point. The following are a few

 examples of short prayer requests that may help you.

Please pray for me. I have been out of work for

 such a long time and have a family to support.


Please pray for my Uncle Bob who has cancer and 

not doing very well. He is in treatment and very worried.


Pray for me as I seek Christ. I don't attend church very

often and don't know how to begin. Please e-mail me 

with any information you can provide to help.



Address (only if needed)




Country (other than USA)

Telephone (starting with Area Code, please)


Prayer Request

Please press the Send Form button only once per request.

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