
Brianna Lee friend, a great writer, a great thinker... What she does and can do in her writing is very inspirational, to the point where I have imitated her quite a bit. If it wasn't for her, you probably wouldn't be looking at this homepage right now. It was she who told me that you could create your own websites with the help of services like GeoCities and Tripod. It was she who guided me through the rough beginnings, and introduced the power and fun of HTML and homepage building.

Sophia Teper

Amazing techie girl who can really style her webpages. I owe some of my own style from my inspiration from her pages. She has also been tremendously helpful in helping me find great resources on the Internet. But most of all, Sophia proves that webpage building can be an artform.

Tommy Triebwasser

Whether he knew it or not, Tommy was a great influence upon my writing and thinking, as well as a good friend over the years.

And last but not least...

Gordon Mei (Me!)

Well, I created it. Shouldn't I get credit too?

Also...I'd like to thank these sites:
HTML Goodies, Webmonkey, & Dynamic Drive

For being such excellent resources in my exploration of webpage programming

And the Microsoft and Apple websites...

For always having absolutely stylish designs for me to imitate.

And Notepad!

For all my webpages have been written entirely on this simple text editor and saved as HTML. It's the driving tool behind GordeonBleu.

* This section is dedicated to all those who helped in the making and modifying of this divine shrine of mine, even if it was just a little. *

©1998 - . GordeonBleu. Gordon Mei. All Rights Self-Reserved.

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