The Many Einsteins

These pictures are screenshots of the Office 97 Einstein office assistant animations.
I had fun adding captions after I captured every one of these animations...that was back in 1999.


"Oh! I remember my name now!"

It's a book. Lord help us all.

On vacation

Looking cool

Now if only I could remember where I parked my car...

Einstein's first commerical

Amazing discovery! Fire and gasoline don't mix!


Feeling perky

Using amazing brain power for levitation.

Dreaming...I want a monster truck...

I would like to introduce my imaginary friend here...

Hoo Hoo Hoo Hee Hee Ha Ha...

I wonder what would happen if I touched this hot lightbulb.

New invention!!


Let's see...subtract the 3, carry the 1, add the 2...

Testing nuclear fission

What did I just get up to do?


La di dah...


Gasp! It''s...MY HAND!


Eww...look at the size of that ball of snot...

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1999. Einsteinium - The Many Einsteins. GordeonBleu. Gordon Mei. (who has too much time on his hands).

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