GordeonBleu Typography

If you're here solely to make sure you have the fonts needed to view GordeonBleu, click here.

Hi. I'm Gordon, and I have a fascination for the beautiful art behind font designs. While the importance of fonts to the asthetics and appeal of a product, logo, or webpage may be often overlooked, well-designed fonts can enhance the desired theme of a presentation.

I don't remember when my fascination for fonts began. Perhaps there wasn't really any starting point. Instead, it was probably a gradual development of interest for this area. One thing is for sure though - the formation of an official general fonts fan site was long overdue. So here I go. Inspired by the wonderful variety of beautiful professionally designed fonts, I bring you GordeonBleu Fonts.

-Gordon Mei, November 16, 2004

Intro: The Fonts of GordeonBleu
Over the years, the standard font style I used across GordeonBleu pages changed. Examples include Verdana 10pt, Tahoma 10pt, Tahoma 8pt, Verdana 8pt, and Lucida Grande 8pt. Remnants of earlier font styles, like Jester and Mead Bold, linger around in various GordeonBleu sections that I have not updated lately. Also, with my somewhat recent acceptance of anti-aliasing, (after three years of shying away from it), I find myself designing webpages with anti-aliasing in mind, especially for Mac OS X (whose anti-aliasing is far superior to Windows XP's ClearType).

Of course, I've always had to keep alternative fonts in mind for webpages, just in case a user does not have the first font in the list. I usually try to choose a standard font as at least the second, so my lines usually look something like: font-family: lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif. (when I'm displaying sans serif fonts anyway).

I keep telling myself that I'll try to learn how to create a font set. There might be freeware or shareware out there, but I haven't looked hard. But until I do, I'll continue to collect and admire...fonts.

Downloads: Fonts Used In GordeonBleu
GordeonBleu's pages don't use most of these fonts anymore. The pages now primarily use only more standard fonts like Verdana and Courier New, and more common fonts like Tahoma and Mac OS X's Lucida Grande. However, I keep these fonts available in case you ever come across old GordeonBleu pages. If you lack these fonts, download them here. If the preview shows up as Times New Roman (or whatever default font you have), you probably don't have the font.

Font Name File Names Zip Size Font Preview
Lucida Grande lucida grande.ttf 154 KB Lucida Grande
Tahoma tahoma.ttf 152 KB Tahoma
Jester jester.ttf 37 KB Jester
Snap ITC snap____.ttf 40 KB Snap ITC
Tempus Sans ITC tempsitc.ttf 49 KB Tempus Sans ITC
Kristen ITC itckrist.ttf 43 KB Kristen ITC
Mead Bold meadbold.ttf 42 KB Mead Bold
Libra BT tt0690m_.ttf 26 KB Libra BT
Hobo BT tt0057m_.ttf 35 KB Hobo BT
Verdana (mac) verdana.ttf
336 KB Verdana
Comic Sans MS (mac) comic.ttf
164 KB Comic Sans MS
Courier New (mac) cour.ttf
640 KB Courier New
Georgia (mac) georgia.ttf
376 KB Georgia
Trebuchet MS (mac) trebuc.ttf
172 KB Trebuchet MS
Arial (mac) arial.ttf
568 KB Arial
Arial Black (mac) ariblk.ttf 72 KB Arial Black
Impact (mac) impact.ttf 80 KB Impact
Times New Roman (mac) times.ttf
672 KB Times New Roman
Apple Garamond applegaramond.ttf
28 KB Apple Garamond
Lucida Sans Unicode l_10646.ttf 180 KB Lucida Sans Unicode
Chicago chicago.ttf 33 KB Chicago

These fonts are compressed inside .zip files. To read these files, use apps like: WinZip, WinRAR, or StuffIt Expander. The font files inside the .zip files go into the \Windows\Fonts directory. This, of course, is assuming that you have Windows. I apologize that I don't have all these fonts in the Mac or the Linux flavors. And your computer should already have standard browser fonts like Times New Roman, Courier/Courier New, Arial/Helvetica, Verdana, and (usually) Tahoma.

Handwriting Fonts: Fonts From The Hand of Gordon
For years, on and off, I'd wanted to create my own font, and in June 2005, I finally had the chance. Using a tablet computer and a font program called the My Font Tool powertoy for Windows XP Tablet Edition, I was able to create my first font. However, the font became jagged once I compiled it. I'm still working on somehow smoothing it out, if the program lets me. I also haven't yet figured out how to create fonts for Mac OS X. Anyway, I'm not going to release the compiled font file until I've fixed it up first.

- June 20, 2005

No, you hang up.

2001 - 2006. GordeonBleu Fonts. Gordon Mei. GordeonBleu. xhtml1.0.
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