A section of GordeonBleu

By Gordon Mei
August 25, 2005 12am (age 20)

The mind-cluttering noises
Of eighty seven voices,
In the subway car they blare
But here I'm sitting unaware,
To daydream in high concentration
Playing made-up conversations
Between myself and fellow friend
Dramatic discourse, tragic ends.
Or sometimes when disasters come
That cause the crowds to scream and run,
Like tumbling trucks, fast down the hill
About to slam and crush and kill
A helpless victim in its way,
And who will come to save the day,
Unlikely heroes, ones like me,
Summon force fields, control trees,
Then awesome sparks and flames fall wide
They follow when the truck collides,
Or other times I'm in a jet
To race the sun before it sets,
Lifting over canyon walls
Jet screaming under waterfalls,
By tidal waves that reach up high
Then up and up into the sky...

But then doors open at my stop,
To signal for me to get off,
But don't expect to find me there
I'm lost in thought, I'll be elsewhere.

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