A section of GordeonBleu

How Do You Write Poetry?
By Gordon Mei
March 13, 2004, age 18

How do you write poetry? What defines poetry? I used to think that poetry didn't have to rhyme; in time, would you like a lime? Perhaps it didn't have to have any structure. Or maybe it did have to have structure, but different from that of prose. Are paragraphs forbidden in poetry?

I normally
see poems in
multiple lines
like this,
up at the
most unpredict-
able places.

I believe they call these stanzas,
but wait...

Aren't I Supposed To Capitalize The First Something of Every Something Else?
Poetry is supposed to be
Drenched in imagery
That makes it vague and profound.

The dying butterfly on the frosted window
Fluttered its broken wings one last time
To create the image of a heart on the cold glass.


Now to write a poem. Let's see...

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