Panoramic Eye
Way Too Wide
The panorama was much too wide to fit onto the screen of the main panorama page. Horizontal scrollbars are almost certain, unless you have a ridiculously nice widescreen monitor. (Or a dual monitor setup.)
North View From Sather Tower, By Gordon Mei, April 22, 2004
Above: North View From Sather Tower
Who: By Gordon Mei
When: April 22, 2004
Tools: Nikon Coolpix 4300, ArcSoft PanoramaMaker
Original Dimensions: 19181 x 1238 pixels
Web Copy Dimensions: 2398 x 155 pixels
No. of Photos Used To Compose: 14 photos
Comments: I took these photos on the same day as the west and south views above. Same conditions, same problems with the narrow window openings. As you might have noticed, I composed this panoramic image from 14 images. The second most number of images was only 8. So you can see why this image would be too long to fit on this page, unless you happen to like having to scroll horizontally. This image includes locations like downtown Oakland on the far left, the Port of Oakland near the center, San Francisco, The Bay Bridge, Emeryville, The Golden Gate Bridge, downtown Berkeley (the Shattuck area), Marin County, the horse racing arena, Albany, and the northern Berkeley Hills. I had to take these shots from multiple window openings at the top of the tower because the openings weren't very wide.
Hint: Scroll far, far right.

B A C K | E X I T

2005. Panorama Diorama. Formerly Panoramic Eye. GordeonBleu. Gordon Mei. xhtml1.0.

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