This site hasn't gone through much effort as far as the content because I'm really not willing to waste hours of my time maintaining a fully functional, active fan site like I did for SimCity 3000. This is just a simple set of simple webpages with available downloads from my other host servers. Enjoy. Try the game if you ever get the chance.

 Click on the icons to begin.

Red Alert 2 is a sequel of its predecessor, Red Alert. In Red Alert, Einstein supposedly used his chronosphere technology at Trinity, New Mexico to erase Hitler from time, thus preventing World War II. Resulting in an inbalance in power, the Soviets invaded Europe, but the Allies finally fought back and won. In Red Alert 2, avenging the Allies, the Soviets launched a full-scale invasion of the United States, using strange high-tech weapons.

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©2001-2002. Red Alert 2 Realm For the Unhealthily Addicted. GordeonBleu. Those who dare copy me shall see the wrath of my mighty Kirov Airships! Mwa ha ha!
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