Riddles and Brain Teasers The Answers Revealed

Welcome to the riddles and brain teasers page! I've been wanting to put this page up for the longest time, but I never had. But now, you get to test your lateral thinking, flexibility in reasoning skills, and your creativeness. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the frustration. (So much orange.) Uh, oh...look at who's peeking at the answers...

  • To individually see the answers, hold the mouse cursor over the blank area below the question. To see all the answers, click the buttons below.
    1. The Impossible Math Problem
    Three men are travelling and get tired, so they decide to spend the night at a nearby inn. When they go to the front desk, the innkeeper charges them $30, ($10 each), and the three men go into their rooms and go to sleep. Then the innkeeper realizes that he was only supposed to charge the men $25 total, so he gives $5 to the bellboy to give to the men. But on the way to the men's rooms, the bellboy thinks to himself, "Hey, I've been so good, I deserve some money." So he keeps $2 and gives the remaining $3 to the men. Because they each get $1 back, they paid $9 instead of $10 each. But 3 x 9 = 27. But $30 - the taken $2 = $28. Where is the missing dollar?

  • I don't have the official answer, but here's what I believe it's supposed to be. They were supposed to owe $25 total, so that's $8.3333 each. They only got back $3 total, which is $1 each. That's equivalent to them having paid $8.3333+1 = $9.3333 each. $9.3333 x 3 = $(9x3) + $(.33+.33+.33) = $27+$1 = $28. And that makes sense because $30-$28=$2 (which the bellboy took).
    2. It Doesn't Make Any Cents
    You have two U.S. coins that add up to 35 cents, and one of them is not a quarter. What two types of coins do you have?

  • You have a quarter and a dime. One of them may not be a quarter. But the other is.
    3. A Good Deal?
    Lyanne bought a bicycle for $20. But then she figured that she didn't want the bike, so she sold it for $30. And then she suddenly decided that she indeed wanted that bike in the first place, so she bought it back for $40. But after some long consideration, she sold the bike again for $50. Still not able to make up her mind, she bought it back for $60, only to later sell it again for $70. Did she gain or lose money?

  • No answer revealed yet.
    4. To Cross the Bridge
    A man wants to cross a bridge to get to the other side of the crevice, but there's a problem. The bridge, which takes an hour to walk across, is guarded in the middle by a guard who wakes up every half hour and carries back anybody crossing the bridge back to where he or she came from. How do you get to the other side?

  • You walk across the bridge as you normally would, and after half an hour, you've reached the middle of the bridge, and the guard wakes up. Right before he wakes up, turn around and face the other direction so that the guard will think that you were heading the opposite direction. The guard will automatically carry you back to the side where he thought you came from, which is the side you wanted to go to.
    5. The Man at St. Ives
    This is one of the oldest riddles in history. The Guiness Book of Records says so.

    As I was going to St. Ives
    I met a man with seven wives.
    Each wife had seven sacks,
    Each sack had seven cats,
    Each cat had seven kits;
    Kits, cats, sacks and wives,
    How many were going to St. Ives?

  • Only the person reciting has explicitly said that he was going to St. Ives. The riddle says nothing about everyone he met along the way.
  • Come back for more! I'm still adding more brain teasers and riddles! (No I'm not.)

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    Yes, I'm actually having fun with these links. So bite me.


    ©2000. Riddles and Brain Teasers. Gordon Mei. Courtesy of the maker of GordeonBleu.

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