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The Accident
by Gordon Mei (January 12, 2001)

Slivers of light stretched, reaching, reaching, creating silouettes of the houses and trees. As the blanket of night enshrouded the darkening sky, the winds began to rustle the prickly needles of the lofty pines. As the night prevailed, the distant echoes of owls and songs of the crickets filled the silence.

Kate watched her every footstep as she tread through the damp slush of mud and grass. By her side, smaller footsteps walked across the grass. It was dark out, for the clouds had hidden the stars from view. An icy chill blew down her jacket. Kate stopped by a fallen tree and rubbed her hands together. She suddenly heard a small voice beside her.

"Are we home yet?" The voice was weak with trepidation. Kate looked down at her side. Christy's lips were shivering violently even though it was obvious that she was trying to hide it. Kate held out her hand, and Christy grasped it tightly.

"We're almost there," said Kate. But they were not almost there. It would be at least three miles until they reached the house, and Kate was going to receive a severe beating, not before an extreme scolding of screaming at the top of the lungs and massive amounts of spit. Midnight had been hours ago, and Kate had just violated her strict routine curfew. But Kate knew a shortcut. She was hesitant to say this. "Just after we pass through this forest here."

The reason why people just didn't walk right through this forest was because of all the deaths that had happened there. This natural enigma was not to be disturbed. Most people did not believe this, what they called, "mythical nonsense", but even so, nobody dared to trespass this area.

Kate walked past a sign saying, "No trespassing", holding her sister with her. This sign indeed was very mysterious because nobody had an inkling of where this sign came from. From an analysis of the sign, people discovered that the words were written in blood. But this sign was finally explained to be a practical joke.

Slowly, they walked down the dirt path that meandered through the woods. There was complete silence. No longer was there the hooting of owls or the songs of crickets. Kate thought of what might happen once she returned home. The beating was unevitable, but they might actually lock her in the closet this time. What was worse was that they might even throw her on the streets. Something sounded from above!

Kate immediately looked up. There was nothing. All she saw was a tree and its branches in silouette from the darkness. Suddenly there was another sound. Kate looked up once again. Nothing. A dark cloud slowly drifted across the sky, covering the full moon. Kate looked down. A chill ran down her neck and back. Kate began to take another step when yet another sound came from above.

Looking up, she said, irritated, "Okay, who is-". A black shadow dived straight towards her. She screamed and tried to fight off this creature with her hands. The black thing gave an awful squeak and shriek beating at Kate's defensive arms. Kate continued backing away from this thing and tripped over a log, crashing down on a mess of twigs and hitting her head on a rock.

She stared up at a tree as two, wide yellow eyes stared straight back down at her. Faint screams could be heard. What screams were those? Kate couldn't think. Christy! Where was she? Kate got up and looked around for her. She was nowhere to be seen. After all, it was pitch dark. She felt the trees and the ground to find her away around. She suddenly felt something wet on the ground. It was sticky. The clouds that had covered the moon drifted the full moon, revealing what Kate was touching.

Kate's right hand was deep within the innards of Christy. Her hand had gone through an large opening in her chest. Kate's blood turned cold. She slowly slid her hand out of Christy's torso. Tears filled her eyes. She took her little sister's already cold hand and held it. Christy's face was a worse sight.

The crimson blood DRIPPED drop by drop from her cracked, torn lips. Her face, rough with bits of black grease under flaps of ripped skin. Skin. Skin, that already beginning to form yellow substances. They were hardening, but the worst of it had yet to be seen. Her jaw was dislocated, with the lower jaw frozen in a mass of scars. Scars with burns and bits of ashes in between wrinkles of burnt skin. Strands of her blonde hair had already hardened, sticking together in a dry and rough lock.

Her little sister...was dead.

Kate knew what was going to happen. Two girls didn't just go into a forest and come out as only one girl and a mutilated girl. People were naturally suspicious. What would her foster parents think? Kate broke into a run. She ran and ran, and cried and cried.

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