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The Dinosaur Story
by Gordon Mei (March 2000 ?)
Chapter I

Once upon a time, there were many dinosaurs and all of them were gentle, peaceful creatures. However, something in Earth�s history happened that disturbed the peace - something in which one individual dinosaur sparked unrest in the entire Animal Kingdom. It was...

BARNEY!!! Yes, Barney the dinosaur without the "sore," unlike Dinosore. (But that�s beside the point.) But why would a sweet, gentle, fun-loving purple dinosaur who admires little kids be a detested creature? Well, most older people find him annoying and cannot stand him. But what made him so annoying and hated in the eyes of everybody? Was it the influence from bad reviews? Or maybe this Barney creature is just the most irritating creature ever known to Mother Nature. Whatever the reason, the only way to judge this is by looking back...back...back...


Eons and eons ago, there were enormous reptiles. These enormous reptiles would consume enormous amounts of food, digest enormous amounts of nutrients, and release enormous chunks of defecation. But that�s besides the point. In this group of reptiles, also known as dinosaurs, there were dinosaurs, well-known today, that existed then and still exist. For example, Dinosore has been around for a long time. How? Well first of all, some dinosaurs have survived and haven�t gone into extinction. And second of all, they�re all still alive because something to do with the theory of no linear time and some advanced physics and maybe some quantum mechanics but it would most definitely make your head ache. So don�t even think about the topic. Trust me, kids. Don�t try it.

Well, not only did dinosore live around for a long time but so did all the other dinosaurs. Just as long as they didn�t get eaten by some fearsome predator. And if all the dinosaurs were around eons and eons ago that still live today, do you know what that means? Yes...



Well, enough of that. Now, Barney back then actually wasn�t an annoying pest. No, he was just an ordinary dinosaur like any other. But one day eons and eons ago, this changed.

"Hey Barn!" greeted Godzilla. "What�s up?"

"Everything�s okay," Barney answered.

"Look, I want you to do something for me, okay? Just one, eety, beety, little, tiny favor."


"Well, you know how there�s going to be the DinOlympics tomorrow?"


"I want you to do something very simple."

Barney moved closer to him.

"I want you would I put this?"

"You mean CHEAT?!?"

"SHHHHHH!!!!! Not so loud!" Godzilla looked to see if anyone was around. "It�s not cheating. It�s just a bending of the rules. That�s all."

"No. No way."

"Come on. You�re my friend, right?"


"So you�ll be my friend and do this right?"

"Well, there�s a difference between being friends and being honest-"

"Look, are you going to help me or not?"

"Oh...oh fine..." Barney didn�t know what to do. "Who are you competing against?"


Chapter II

"Dinosore?" Barney thought as he sat alone on a mountain peak. "But he�s my best friend! I couldn�t do that to HIM. But without Godzilla, I�d have trouble at work and maybe even LOSE my job. My boss believes HIM over me. I couldn�t imagine how much damage to me he could do." Just then, a trumpet sounded.

It was time to for the DinOlymics.

"What to do...what to do..." Barney thought to himself. "Well, I guess I�ll have to tell Dinosore." So Barney walked over to the DinOlympics waiting area for the DinOlympians.

"Oh hi, Barney," Dinosore greeted.


"Seems like some thoughts are battling in your head. What�s wrong?"

"Well...I don�t know how to say this...or whether I should even say this. But..."

"But what?"

"Oh, nothing."

"You sure?"

"Very sure. Good luck during the DinOlympics."


As Dinosore left, Barney felt his blood suddenly get all warm. (And that�s unusual for a cold-blooded reptile.) It was the guilt. Barney didn�t know whether or not he should tell his friend Dinosore that he had booby trapped the part of the track where he was going to sprint. If he told Dinosore, he would lose his job and a friend. But on the other hand, Dinosore had been his friend for a long, long, long time. They had been since they were just eggs. Either way, he was going to have to suffer some losses.

The trumpets sounded as the last and most popular sport of that age was about to begin - the 100 kilometer dash. The DinOlympians lined up at the starting point including Dinosore and Godzilla. Barney sat in the audience, still with his little angel dino and little devil dino fighting inside his head.

"Should I? Should I not? Should I? Should I not? Should I? Should I not? Should I?..."

BANG!! The races began.

Beating and beating and beating across the plain the dinosaurs went. The ground violently rumbled!!! (Of course, none of the dinosaurs felt anything. They were too big...according to humans of course.)

What was Barney to do? He could disable and remove the trap because he was sitting near the finish line. Or he could just watch him trip.

Dinosore and Godzilla led the race side by side. Both beat like majestic horses in the sun. (Of course, there weren�t any horses around. If there were, they would have been on the dinner plates of the dinosaurs. I�m merely creating an image, okay?!?)

"What to do? What to do? Should I? Should I not? Should I? Should I not? Should I? Should I-"

BAMM!!! Dinosore tripped over the well-hidden trap and Godzilla finished in first.

Chapter III - An Epilogue

After the race, Godzilla won first and Dinosore ended in the humiliating position of last. From then on, Dinosore hated running and tried to avoid any sport possible. Godzilla grew into a macho dinosaur with an enormous ego and became quite haughty. He ended up taking out his anger on major cities like Tokyo and New York.

As for Barney, he was rueful and couldn�t get over his remorse. He ended up in a mental institution which eventually kicked him out because he scared everybody. Now, he is annoying and overly emotional. Dinosore felt grief over the insanity of his friend and hardly spoke to anybody after that.

As for the rest of the dinosaur world, there was a conflict due to the unusual victory of Godzilla instead of Dinosore. The dinosaurs waged a war against each other and developed all sorts of high-tech military technology. The did this until some dinosaur used a super magnet weapon which lured a big chunk or rock in space towards Earth and it smashed into what is now Mexico. Most of the dinosaurs died. The rest are in hiding.

And that is how the dinosaurs came to be.

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