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Twice Upon a Time
by Brianna Lee and Gordon Mei (first part half sent to me by Brianna in 1999)

   Once upon a time---okay, scratch that. Twice upon a time, there lived a guy named Moe.

   You may be wondering how Moe could have lived twice upon one time, so shut up and I'll tell you:

   Moe has suffered more pain than all of us have put together. If you have ever been hit or punched or kicked or stabbed, that is nothing compared to what Moe felt.

   To you, a week is just a normal week. Right? Monday comes, then Tuesday, Wednesday, and the rest of the semana. (That means "week" in Spanish). You get a normal, 7-day week and then another week comes by.

   Not for Moe. Sure, Monday would come, but the day after Monday would be Monday still. Then, after that second Monday, then Tuesday would roll by, and so on. Moe lived a 14-day week. Not too horrible, you say? Well it gets worse, so shut your trap and listen.

   The first Monday would come by. Completely unexpected events would occur, and it would be just your typical Monday. But the second Monday would come by, and it would be exactly the same. Exactly the same. See, you figure that if you made a mistake one Thursday evening, you could undo the mistake the Thursday after, because it would be the exact same day with the same events. You would get a second chance. Well, it doesn't quite work that way. See, each first weekday would be a typical weekday. But the second weekday was pure torture. The second Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday would replay the exact same events as the day before it. It was terror beyond terror.

   For example: Moe had a particular best friend named Joe. Moe also had a particular girlfriend named Lindy. But what Moe didn't know was that Joe was secretly dating Lindy behind his back. He found out about it on a certain Friday, and that day he beat the crap out of Joe. Boy, did it hurt. But then Lindy found out what Moe did to Joe, and she beat the crap out of Moe. It hurt a lot worse.

   But, if that was real life, the wounds would heal by the time Monday rolled around again, and Moe would be clean and free. But poor, suffering Moe had to relive all the events again when Friday came the second time. He couldn't change what had happened. And what's worse, he could still feel every ounce of pain. His brain was functioning like normal, but his body wasn't listening to what the brain had to say. His mind was completely useless. His arms could move, but Moe wasn't moving them. His body was working against his own will.

   How, you say, did Moe come across this awful fate? Well, everything revolves around an awful time warp that Moe was caught in. Moe was trapped in a space-time continuum, and if you even tried to think about the complexities of space-time continuums, your head would explode. Trust me. So don't try it, kids. As it turned out, Moe was a very unhappy guy. Instead of enjoying the freedom of each unexpected first weekday, he spent his days in fear of making a mistake that he would horribly have to do again tomorrow. It was a very sad life. Even if he had a happy day and got to relive it again the next day, it wouldn't be so great because he would move against his own will, and eventually things would get boring once you knew what was going to happen. It was even useless to commit suicide, because he would have to do it again the next day. And Moe didn't really feel like dying twice.

   Well here is where the real story comes in - what happened to get Moe so cursed with this fate? How did he get rid of it? Did he get rid of it?

   One day, Moe was strolling in the park when a fairy came out and stopped him.

   "I don't have any money!" Moe cried.

   "I'm a fairy, for the love of Tink," said the fairy. "People these days...they don't know a fairy when they see one."

   "I don't believe in fairies. Go away." The fairy winced for a moment. Then she continued.

   "Look, Moe, I can tell you how to fix your problem, but it's no easy task." Moe blankly stared at the fairy. She continued. "In fact, it's THEY'RE no easy task. There are three tasks that must be completed." Moe held the same stupid stare.

   So the fairy explained. The first task was to trick everybody in the world right before midnight that it was actually yesterday. So if that night was the night of the 16th, everybody in the world would ideally be fooled into thinking that it was actually the night of the 15th. That way, when the clocks of that time zone reached midnight, it would be the start of the 16th again, not the 17th. *blink* *blink* Good, I'm glad you're following me on that.

   The second task involved at least a year of absolute solitude, perhaps in an uninhabited area in the world.

   "So what's the third task?" asked Moe.

   "Your final task is that you perform good deeds." And immediately after saying that, the fairy vanished in a spectacular lavender tornado with sparks. Moe sat on a log, bewildered.

   Suddenly, a spectacular lavender sled appeared. Moe looked up anxiously.

   "Forgot my wand," said the fairy hurriedly. And she vanished once more.

   So Moe spent the entire night trying to figure out how he was going to trick so many people in the world right before midnight. Then it dawned on him. Time zones, silly! What about transportation? He glanced at the sleigh that the fairy had left behind. Reindeer were attached to the front. Hmm...I must live in about the South Pole? Nah. Scientists live there. North Pole! Yes! Good deeds...well, I'll just give presents to little kids all over the world! Yay!

   So Moe flew on the sleigh towards the North Pole, where he made his last human contact with a man who kept pointing north when Moe asked for directions. "San Ta!" he cried, pointing north. So Moe adopted the name Santa and lived in hiding in the North Pole, soon to be known in generations for his charity, but never to be actually seen by a person ever again.

The End

*The maroon text is written by Brianna. The navy text is written by Gordon. (Note: This story may not have ended up as Brianna intended. I completed the story and gave a title on my own. If you don't like the ending, blame me.)

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