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One Namer Chronicles
by Brianna Lee (June 20, 1998)

Once there lived a squirrel. His name was Walrus.

Walrus never liked his name. He would hear the other squirrels whispering to their buddies about his weird name. Walrus.

One day, Walrus decided to visit the One Namer, who was currently going through some psychiatric sessions to help his "personal problems".

Walrus went to the One Namer's house and knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" came a voice.

"One Namer," said Walrus, "I want a Name Change Potion. I hate my name."

So the One Namer opened the door and let Walrus in.

"So you want a name potion?" he asked. Walrus nodded. Then the One Namer reached into a high shelf and pulled out a Name Change potion. "Here," he said.

"Thank you, One Namer!" said Walrus. He took the potion and went home. He swallowed it immediately.

BUT what Walrus DIDN'T know was that the One Namer, in the midst of his problems, didn't give him a Name Change Potion, but absent-mindedly handed Walrus an UNNAME potion.

But by the time Walrus swallowed it, it was too late. He was UnNamed. Walrus was now ______.

_______ was very panicked. He was UnNamed! How horrifying! He would have to stay _____ forever!

But all was not lost. _____ knew a fairy named Leia who lived in a submarine. So he went into the ocean to find her.

When ______ got to Leia's door he knocked, and Leia let him in.

"Leia!" he cried. "You have to help me!" "Who are you?" asked Leia.

"I am _____," he sighed.

"What's a ______?" asked Leia.

"My name," said ______.

"_____ isn't a name," said Leia.

"I know," said _______.

"I have been UnNamed."

"UnNamed? That must suck," said Leia.

"It does," replied ______ sadly. "Can you help?

So Leia dug through her magic book. "Hmmm...Name Potions...Name Potions...Name Po---- here we go!" she exclaimed. "You are in need of a....

"A what?" ____ couldn't wait to hear. Would it require strength, wit or tact to obtain? Would it be an impossible task that he must find a way to accomplish? Would it be utterly improbable to find? Would he remain UnNamed forever?!?

"A marshmallow."


So Leia gave ______ a marshmallow and said, "Once you swallow this marshmallow, say the name you wish to be Named. You cannot change it, or UnName yourself anymore once you Name yourself again, so choose wisely."

"Okay! Thanks, Leia! Thank you soo much!" _____ yelled. He ran back to his home, in a tree in the forest.

Hmm, what should my name be? ______ wondered. Bob? No, Bill? No...Brian? No....

"Ouch!" he cried. He'd been thinking so hard he accidentally smashed into his tree.

"Man!" he yelled. He'd blown his naming chance! But it was too late. His new name was Ouch Man.

Ouch Man figured any name was better than being UnNamed. And hey, it was even better than Walrus. So Ouch Man was happy and lived with his name forever, until he died and the rats came up to eat up his rotting corpse.

The End

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