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The World in Her Hands
by Gordon Mei (December 10, 2000)

Rocky, sandless coastlines lay the coasts of the lands. Green jungles were a memory, with concrete jungles in their place. Curulean seas were but a memory. And yellow vapors enshrouded all of the earth.

But one place, one little hidden forest shielded from the filth of the outside by lofty, surrounding mountains, still remained, unknown to all of mankind, except one.

It was a girl. Gia. No surname or middle name. Just Gia.

The world around her as a child still held the beauty that nature identified with. The vast variety of creatures big and small were still an entity in the world she had come to know as a child. That is, until the destruction.

Gia had little memory of what had happened during this time. All that was known was that she lost her home soon after her parents disappeared. The forest she had grown up with had perished in the fires.

The only thing that remained in this girl's possession was a perfectly round, blue stone.

The blue stone.

What the name of this stone was, or even what purpose it served, Gia did not know. But what she did know was that this blue stone had been pure bright blue. Blue like the water. Water. Life. Only recently had Gia noticed that dark swirls had begun to appear mysteriously on the surface of the stone. Gia did not know what this meant.

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