Avro Arrow RL203
24" X 38"
Acrylic painting
Limited Edition Prints on acid-free paper are available for $200. ea.  
  The Avro Arrow is a Canadian aviation legend. This image consists of three important elements. Seen are the Arrow, both chase planes, the CF-100 and F-86 Sabre, which always flew with the Arrow and the entire Avro complex on the ground below, where the planes were built. I chose to portray arrow RL203 because it was the only Arrow to carry two people in flight. It was also the only one with the red ensign on the tail. Arrow 201 and 203 were the only two to have the extra stripes on thier wings. It was also the middle arrow of the five which flew.
   When I began this project, I knew certain details were critical to make this piece historicly accurate. I began by reading six books on the Arrow and researching others to get all my facts correct. Even the five digit serial numbers on the chase planes are correct. I also consulted extensively with my uncle Rod Drysdale who was an engineer at Avro and was also the company's economic anylist.
   I found it important to identify the Arrow's roots in Canada by showing the plant location, below, at Malton, Ontario. I wanted to show the parking lot full of cars to illustrate the magnitude of the work force which was let go when the Arrow was cancelled on February 20th 1959.
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Acrylic painting
The Legend Lives On
32" X 32"
Limited Edition Prints on acid-free paper are available for $50. ea.  
  This second Arrow painting was inspired by the first. I could not show Arrow RL203 with the extra red on the nose and tail in the first painting because the extra paint didn't go on until winter of 1958. To paint it over a summer landscape would have been incorrect because the Arrow was terminated in February of 1959 and didn't fly again. This view shows the same Arrow at high altitude approaching mach 2 with after burners kicked in. The first five Arrows flew with Prat and Whitney J-75 engines. The Iroquois engines, ready to go into the next Arrows, would have easily seen world air speed records exceeding mach 2, substantially.
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Acrylic painting
at Ten Mile Point

14" X 32"
  One of my favourite places to go and find peace and tranquility, is Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron. This Island is the largest in fresh water, in the world. The atmosphere is totally laid back and the rural scenery is backdropped by the most beautiful lakeshores on earth. There seems to be a docile character in the landscape which is a perfect environment for the many cattle which populate the centuries old farms across the island.
  When ever I see a cow, I get a good feeling about  motherhood and wholesomeness. The lone and contented cow portrayed in this painting was in a field at Ten Mile Point on Manitoulin. Beyond the field in the background is one of the most spectacular views you will ever see. Island civilizations have for at least fifteen thousand years stood at the edge of this field, a 500 foot high presipice, and gazed across the north channel to the mainland, ten miles away, and viewed ten million acres of God's creation in a glance.
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