Photo Gallery 4
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Would you believe this is Gord at 15. Student photo from Lockerby Composite
Gord, 17 working the summer of 1966 as a junior forest ranger at Crocker Lake near White River Ontario.
I would like to hear from any of my buddies who shared that summer.
Gord at 17 in grade 11
in 1967
Gord on his 69 Honda 750 about
1980 in Medicine Hat Alberta.
This is Gord on the right with older sister Heather
Gord growing up - The early years
Gord is on the right in the snow with  Heather and Harvey; 1952 on Mcfarland Lake Road, now Martindale Road in Lockerby.
That's Gord second from left in center row. This was grade 2 at Macleod public school. A few classmates who's names I remember. Janice Klemp,Wendy Chapman, Doreen Wright, Doreen Wilkes, Patty Bull, Candice Holland, Rona Cornthwaite, Judy Junor,  Lola Junor, Bill Klemp, Bobby Shaw, Billy Koski, Neil May, Mark Sompi, David Bigalow, Gary Hughes, Harold Larson, Harvey Larson, the rest of you need to let me know. My memory fails me. Where are you now?
Bernadette Walker was our teacher.
That's Gord left center row with his shop class buddies from Aurthur Robinson Public school 1963 grade 8. Friends John Ruby, Bryan Bass, Jim Quigley, Kari Jakola, Roy Jakola, Ralph Jakola, John Maclwain, Richard Wilson, Brian Hughes, John MaCleod, Randy Graham, John Baxter, Wayne Jarhus, Tom? Holub, Brian Hunt?, Randy Piirinen, somebody help me.
Staff photo from Manitoulin Secondary School around 1971
Taking a trip in the family's 1946 Nash. Look mom, no seatbelts. That's brother Harvey hanging out the window.
   My uncle Everet's 53 Chev in our driveway on Marcel street. That's my dad's 49 Kaiser in the breezeway. Dad made one good car from a Kaiser and a canibalized Frazer. We had Kaiser parts in the garage for years.
That's Gord on the right looking curious, Heather wiping an eye and Harvey in dad's clutch. Must be summer of 1951.
This photo was taken in Winnipeg in 1957. We were just about to head back to Sudbury in my dad's first new car; a 1956 Dodge Regent. I wouldn't trade a dozen 57 chevys for it today. With mom and dad is Heather, me, Patrick, Cathy, and Harvey. Marylynn wasn't born yet and brothers Dick and Larry weren't with us.
My dad's 56 Dodge was pink and black and a gorgeous car it was. This was the last photo taken by grandma before we head for home.
Gord selling for Gardner Motors in Medicine Hat in 1986. This was a great Chrysler Dealership and a great place to work.
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