Welcome to The University of the Purple Goth Chick
The University of the Purple Goth Chick was designed and created to enlighten others in many different areas.The tuition is basically free, but if you would like to give a small donation through either monetary means or just by giving us your words through the guestbook, consider yourself loved!
To return to the homepage at any time,
just click on Tobit over there. --->
Academic Departments
Art Department
Goodie pack making, and being a better martha stewart
English Department
Short stories, poetry, quotes, and even a devil's dictionary
History Department
Learn about our past...then laugh at how stupid we are!
Physical Education Department
A "Killer" game
Correspondence Courses Department
Links to other places where you can learn more stuff!
Religion Department
A cult and a revision of the Last Supper
Science Department       
Ghosts, radioactivity fun and more!
Other University Resources
University President and Mascot
Come and learn about President Ariel and Tobit
The University Library
Lots of interesting books for you to read!
Contributors to the University
People who helped in building our university
Send an email to President Ariel
University Updates
Know when your univeristy has been updated!
People have enrolled at the University of the Purple Goth Chick
Well, at least since I had to get a new counter, the last one died around 2000...or was it 1000?
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