Here are our fluffs! We've taken them off of various pages around the net. We know it's not allowed, but they're so darn cute, and we couldn't resist! 'Sides, the place they were made at closed down. :( Anyway, take a look! :)


This is Popsicle. When you were little, didn't you love cheery popsicles? Well, he just reminds us of a popsicle....

Say hi to Mikey. Hehe, he reminds us of one of Becca's older brothers, Mike, who even at 19 has the ability to look like a 10 year old when he wears his hat like that.


This little fellow is Boarder. That's right! He spends his time on the slopes....


Peace, man! This is Tye-Dye, our hippy Fluff.  She's also  one of only three  female Fluffs.

And this guy reminds us of Becca;s other brother, Marky, which-ta-da! Makes his name...Marky! He's little, but actually is pretty tough. So no messin' with Marky!


Here's  our second little lady, Toots! She's one of those moll types. Real bubbly. Ooh, and is anyone else thinking of grape soda?


This is Mocha, our last female Fluff.


Here's Watermelon. Just look at him, and I think you'll understand his name! :)


This is Sammie, our bright little Fluff.

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