Formed 6-29-00

Becca's Soapbox


Have a cookie, because a cookie is a hug for your tummy!

This part of B&M RB is for Bec's random stuff. Not that the rest of the site isn't random, but I'll have my writings here (not poetry, like...reports I've done for school and whatnot....they're actually interesting though), vents, quotes, happenings in my life....schtuff like that.

Last Updated 9-25-00

Out of the Mind of Me

Realizations about myself, thoughts, venting, etc...


Ethical Revolution

This is a report I had to do for my World History class...a lot of it is last minute rambling (I had a 6 minute speech to write in an hour), but it has some good points on society's crumbling. (I'm aware a lot of it is thrown together repetitive babbling.)


My views on this drug.

Why Public Schools Help America

This is a major BS report I had to write for Honors English 9. I honestly don't think they help at all, but unfortunately, like many things in society, they'll never change. (I can't believe I got an A on this...probably because it sounds like I'm totally sucking up...which I was. ;)



This is a story I'm writing. If you're interested, you can find more information on the Streetwise Scrapbook Fiction Writers' Circle by going to it's mailing list and/or homepage.

Welcome to Burton aka Hell

Here's another story I'm writing (well, was writing...). It's based off a RPG I started that fell inactive.

Newsies Fiction

Never Too Late

This is a Newsies fan fiction I wrote.  I've won a bunch of awards off of it, and I've gotten a lot of positive feedback. (The link takes you to another site where it's posted.)


Another Newsies fic-Rated R for violent content.

Porno Newsies

A Newsies slash fiction half done and co-written by  my best net chica, Shady.


Quotes and Whatnot

This is what I use to apend my e-mail messages. There are a bunch of quotes and random things...

Featured Sites

If I happen to stumble across a site I find mad crazy cool, I'll put it up w/ a quick summary and critiquing.

Fave Monologues

I did a few of these for forensics. The link to the site should be uner my links page (off of the main page, not "featured sites").

Gotta luv RHPS

rhps lips
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